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Mission Update

Posted on Tue Jun 28th, 2022 @ 5:54am by Captain Maho Takahashi

Maho Chibi.jpgTo all crew,

Apologies for June being a slower month. As I've stated in the season outline, I had built some downtime into this mission by design, and while I've certainly seen some good character development posts come out of this, I think it's time we get this mission moving again.

As a recap, here's what's happened so far:

1. Maho was acquitted of wrongdoing concerning the trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka, and was reinstated to her former rank of Captain.

2. The Myogi made a stopover at Utopia Planitia to rendezvous with the USS Brunel and pick up the parts we were still missing that couldn't be replicated.

3. After picking up the parts, the Myogi set off for Klingon Space. Originally towards the Y'Tem sector, but we have since diverted to Korinar, as intelligence strongly suggests this will be the next place that Iwaki will strike.

4. Our time at warp has been the downtime I've been alluding to: We've seen lots of things happen, some exciting (such as our combat drill in 'Be Prepared'), others more mundane.

And here's what needs to happen next:

1. The Myogi will arrive in the Korinar system and intercept the Nikko. Contact will be established with Iwaki, but he isn't keen on talking, as Iwaki believes it is his duty to protect free trade in the Federation by undermining Klingon-produced goods which are then sold at a cheaper price in Federation Markets than their Federation contemporaries. Commander Iwaki will then sever all communications and open fire on the Myogi.

2. The Myogi will engage the Nikko in ship-to-ship combat and eventually disable it; at which point we will beam boarding parties on board to capture Commander Iwaki. The boarding parties will face stiff resistance from the Nikko's crew, who are under orders from Commander Iwaki to utilize all necessary force to repel the boarders, up to and including lethal force. The boarding parties will face many tough decisions, as these are fellow Starfleet officers acting under orders to kill them. Ultimately, one of the boarding parties will have to storm the bridge to subdue Commander Iwaki and beam back to the Myogi with him.

3. With Commander Iwaki in the brig and all boarding parties back on board, the Myogi will begin heading back to Earth to bring Iwaki to trial, which will lead into our next mission.

At least, that's the bare minimum of what needs to happen, if we don't utilize the optional plot twist I mentioned in the outline. If we do, the roadmap I've described above will remain the same, save for the above point 3 becoming point 4, and a new point 3 happening as described below:

3. Unbeknownst to the boarding parties, Commander Iwaki has set the auto destruct sequence, and shortly after the boarding parties beam back aboard with Commander Iwaki, the Myogi detects escape pods jettisoning from the Nikko before moments later, they witness the ship exploding. The Myogi would then become the on-scene commander for coordinating the rescue of Nikko survivors, and we will take on as many Nikko survivors as we can safely carry.

I shall be starting a post shortly after this news item goes live to get things moving. Any posts that are supposed to be set during this time at warp, if they aren't posted by the time the posts of the next step start going up on the site, make sure to label them as backposts.

Let's get cracking, shall we?


Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer


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