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Theta-versary and Christmas mission

Posted on Sat Dec 10th, 2022 @ 3:37pm by Captain Maho Takahashi

To All Crew,

December 10, 2021 was the date that the USS Myogi officially relaunched as a Theta Fleet sim, which means today marks one year since we left Pegasus Fleet for pastures new.

When a sim changes fleets, especially as suddenly as we did last December, as a Commanding Officer, I was fully expecting to lose players along the way. And while we certainly did lose players, quite a few defied my expectations and showed that their loyalties lay with sim and not fleet. And I'm happy to report that these players are still with the sim today. To show my appreciation, I am rolling out a brand new crew award for these players: The Voyage Home Medal of Appreciation!


In order to qualify for this award, players must have joined the sim back in Pegasus Fleet and remained with us through our transition to Theta Fleet. Those lucky players who qualify are:

-Commander Ichika Misono
-Lieutenant Brandon Pratt
-Lieutenant Brennyn Scott
-Lieutenant JG Alisha Reno
-Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
-Ensign Connor Talmage

Congratulations to our recipients, and thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for choosing to stick with the Myogi through our change of fleets.

MahoXMas18 Transparent.pngIn other news, I have decided to follow the lead of our sister sim, and I have reactivated our Christmas mission; Christmas Vacation:


Please note that all posts in Christmas Vacation take place outside of the normal Myogi timeline, and are non-canonical, so feel free to write some character development in a festive setting. While you can certainly write on board the ship, the galaxy is your oyster! You can return home to celebrate with your family and friends, do a Christmas Holonovel, or maybe pop over to Risa for a tropical Christmas? The decision is up to you!

I know it's a bit of a late start, but once again, I will allow the mission to run until the end of January, permitting runoff into February if need be, but no later than Valentine's Day. This will allow us all to get into the festive mood. Participation is encouraged, but is not mandatory.

Happy writing, everyone!


Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer.


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