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Happy Thanksgiving

Posted on Thu Nov 23rd, 2023 @ 5:44pm by Captain Maho Takahashi

Pilgrim Maho.pngTo all crew,

Today is the fourth Thursday in November, and here in the United States, that means it's Thanksgiving Day. A day traditionally about giving thanks for all that we are grateful for in our lives over a Thanksgiving Day dinner that dates back to the earliest days of European settlement in the New World. While the holiday has expanded over the centuries to include other traditions such as the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and NFL football games, the Thanksgiving dinner remains a core part of the holiday celebrations.

Today here on the Myogi, we write in the universe of Star Trek: A Utopia with plenty of things to be grateful for, and when I sit down for Thanksgiving dinner later this evening, I will be sure to mention that I am grateful for each and every one of you for participating and helping to write a better future, even if it's only fiction.

So, from myself and Commander Misono down in Florida to wherever in the world you might be, even if you don't celebrate it in your country of residence; Happy Thanksgiving!

-Captain Maho Takahashi


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