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Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 7:38pm

Lieutenant Terrence "Terry" Johnston

Name Terrence "Terry" Johnston

Position Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/El-Aurian
Age 465
Date of Birth April 25, 1930
Place of Birth Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA, Earth
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 150 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Lieutenant JG Johnston has been described to have an 'Italian' appearance: He keeps his greasy black hair under a hard hat that he always wears when on duty and keeps clean shaven save for a mustache


Spouse Elena Johnston (Deceased 1980); Lauren Johnston (Deceased 2067); T'Vrara (Divorced 2255); Shimakaze Zh'Kaga (Deceased 2369)
Status single
Children Fiona Johnston (Mother; Lauren Johnston) (Deceased 2157)
Felix Johnston (Mother; T'Vrara)
Delok Johnston (Mother; T'Vrara)
T'Vina (Mother; T'Vrara)
Winona Johnston (Mother; Shimakaze Zh'Kaga)
Father Benicio Johnston (El-Aurian)
Mother Felicia Johnston (Human)
Other Family Too expansive to comprehensively document

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lieutenant JG Johnston is generally considered a 'smooth talker'. He tries his best to crack jokes and keep the mood light in Engineering, even during the darkest times.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Humor

-Despises dishonest or half-assed work
-Has a 'My way or the highway' attitude
Ambitions To retire and live out the rest of his life in peace, as he is aware that his human side will catch up with him eventually.
Hobbies & Interests -Kayaking
-Rock Climbing

Personal History

Personal History Terrence Johnston, known as 'Terry' to all his friends, was born April 25, 1930 in Brooklyn, New York. His father, an "Italian" immigrant, was a well-known and well-liked railroader, and from an early age, Terry was drawn to trains.

When he turned 20 in 1950, Terry landed an apprenticeship with the railroad, and rode along on numerous runs, learning how to operate the equipment. He was set to become a certified locomotive driver by 1951. However, during his final exam, he failed to pay attention when his fireman, whose final exam this particular run also was, accidentally began building up too much steam pressure. When Terry finally noticed that something was wrong, the last thing he remembered shortly after that was a loud bang that knocked him unconscious.

Terry was surprised when he woke up not in the hospital, but in the morgue. The piles of ashes he found on either side of him were the burned beyond recognition remains of both his fireman and his instructor, who were incinerated instantly when the locomotive's boiler exploded. For whatever reason, the force of the explosion had thrown Terry clear, and he was found on a nearby embankment, presumed dead.

Unclear as to why he survived an accident that should have killed him alongside his fireman and instructor, Terry wandered in the direction of home, hitchhiking under the name 'Casey Jones' until he eventually made it back to Brooklyn, where he learned that his father was a different kind of immigrant than he had grown up knowing.

Turned out, Benicio was an extraterrestrial; a refugee who had become stranded in Earth's solar system, and had been living on Earth ever since he got marooned 50 years ago. After learning the truth, Terry was told not to speak of his father's true origins to anybody until humanity discovered extraterrestrial life.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number JN-706-5493 STN
Command authorization code Johnston 3-5-7-9 Gold
Education & Qualifications Standard American High School Diploma
Starfleet Engineering Certification
Awards & Commendations At least 1 commendation for intuition
Medical History Lieutenant JG Johnston has had his fair share of mishaps over his long life. His medical file is rather expansive, and that's not including his injuries from time periods where records are spotty at best.