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Tue Jun 18th, 2024 @ 4:34am

Chief Petty Officer Kozakura Kikuchi

Name Kozakura Natalie Kikuchi

Position Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 24
Date of Birth 9/01/2371
Place of Birth Juneau, Alaska
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 4'8"
Weight 92 lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Kiki is a very lithe woman who has long red hair and is really, really short. She looks like a stiff wind would blow her over, but makes up for that willowy build with a fair amount of speed. She's a Caucasian with a Japanese name. She's got no true distinguishing marks, but while she doesn't carry her sword with her (regulations and all), she does carry her Tanto on her belt horizontally at the small of her back.


Spouse None
Status single
Father Brandon Corson(Deceased)
Mother Julia Crowder
Brother(s) Adopted Brother: Haru Kikuchi (24)
Sister(s) Adopted Sister: Commander Lina Kikuchi (29), CO USS Shuriken, Defiant-class
Other Family Adopted Father: Akio Kikuchi
Adopted Mother: Asuna Fujika

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kiki has short-girl attitude, but always strives to do things as perfectly as possible. Possibly her most annoying but harmless habit is to take her shoes off, believing them to be torture devices that are a necessary evil. She's got a firm grip on honor
Hobbies & Interests Sword skills
Very good at hand to hand combat

Personal History

Personal History Kozakura, known to her family and friends as Kiki, was born in Juneau, Alaska to a pair of loving parents and given the name of Natalie. When she was a year old, her parents and herself were on a visit to Japan when a horrible event occurred and both of Natalie's parents died. Without any family left in the world, Natalie's future appeared to be bleak, but Akio Kikuchi, who had pulled Natalie out of a fiery accident, chose to adopt her into his own family and re-christened her with a new name: Kozakura, meaning 'Little Cherry Tree'. He and his wife Sakura raised Kozakura as their own, steeping the little gaijin girl in the Japanese culture that they both loved.

Kiki, given that nickname by her adopted older sister Lina, proved to be much shorter than the rest of her family, but without losing any of the determination to bring honor to their family name. From a young age she learned the art of sword and hand to hand combat, though constantly lost to the older sister. When Kiki was thirteen, she took several pictures of her sister, home from Starfleet Academy for a school break, in the shower and sold them to some of the classmates. After the beating that Lina delivered to Kiki in response, the younger woman lived in mortal terror of the older one.

Instead of going through the Academy, Kiki enlisted in the Fleet in order to get away from home, into the place where she coudl truly honor her family name, hoping to never be on the same ship as her overachieving sister.

Starfleet Record

Commission enlisted
Starfleet Serial Number KK-334-5834-NS
Command authorization code Kiki Daito Satome Bravo