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Sat May 27th, 2023 @ 10:20am

Ensign Dillard Klee

Name Dillard Klee Dr.

Position Science Officer

Second Position Biologist

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 23
Date of Birth October 05, 2372
Place of Birth StarBase 375, Kressari Sector
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 172 Lbs.
Hair Color Dark
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Standing 6’1” tall, Dillard’s height is proportional to his body weight and muscle composition. However, Dillard is no athlete. He rarely even exercises. Dillard hates to exercise with a passion! He sleeps in and exercises just twice on weekend mornings.

He keeps a lean body and is relatively fit. Clean shaved, with trimmed, parted dark hair.

Dillard swears by eyeglasses. The pair he wears is advanced crystalline lenses. Dillard’s main benefit is that he doesn’t have to have some “scientist messing around with a chip in his Nero-cortex. No Way, Jose!”


Spouse None
Status single
Children None
Father Michael Klee
Mother Keri Klee
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family The Klee Family has lots of extended Family, Friends, Colleagues across Federation Space.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dillard usually presents as quiet and unassuming. You could be excused for not noticing him if he were in a room with other officers. Inside is the developing young officer. Despite his modest and humble exterior, he is confident with the smarts, abilities, and productivity that Starfleet demands from its officers.

Dillard smiles a lot when he is formulating theoretical computer models of analysis, studying new and existing exobiology and chemical mechanics discovered. He has snorted occasionally, as he has a deviated septum in his nose, which sometimes obstructs his left nostril airway. He refuses to seek a surgeon for a simple fix.

Dillard will not be sidetracked. He locks on his computer terminals and science work, literally tractor beam attention-like. He will follow orders to the tee, as expected of him. Dillard upholds the Federation Ideals of Common Respect, Dignity, and Rights for all Federation Worlds and Peace for its Citizens and Allies.

Dillard is not dull. He enjoys drinking at Old English Style Earth Pubs, Rickards Red. He Goes Cart Racing and plays a solid game of Baseball. Dillard obsesses over Roller Coasters of old Earth. He craves Italian food. Travel, Either on Earth or across Federation Space, is a luxury on board a Federation vessel.

He will furrow his brow at anything that is either confusing to him (rarely), annoys him (moderate usage), or lastly surprises him (rarely). Mr. Klee has dated before and finds it hard to remain in a relationship as his studies, laboratory time, and research all consume him.

A trait of Dillard is that he is kind; he is sincere. He is smart, but not a smart aleck. He is humble, but he can get annoyed inside when people talk science and get “it all wrong!”

He is a reliable, good guy who places the Federation and Sciences Department on the USS Myogi his top priority and attention. He seeks to be an ethical scientist and fears where science is heading into the new millennium. Dillard has collaborated with multiple Federation and Inter-Species Governmental Scientific Studies through Federation Grants and Channels. His ongoing research will be well suited on board the Myogi, as will his duty to Commander Maho Takahashi (CO) and Commander Ichika Misono (XO), respectively.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths & Weaknesses

+Scientific Publications

-Shielded Federation Life
-Tunnel Visioned
-Overly Bureaucratic
-Can Second Guess Himself
-Can be Clueless Socially
Ambitions Dillard sees his best contribution to his position, to Starfleet, in General, is to be a well-rounded, scientific specialist. This young in life, Dillard is already meeting his wildest ambitions. Growing up in a lab with his parents, Michael and Keri Klee sparked an intense curiosity, an obsession to learn and be part of a larger team such as the USS Myogi.

Lastly, his only ambition is to see his parents proud of him. This is not hard, as the Klee Family, Dillard’s parents, are generally very; “generous and intense!” As Dillard would describe both scientists together. He hopes that he can be seen as a mature scientist, a colleague to his parent’s careers, rather than their son one day.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies – The Trumpet, Marching Bands
Earth Cinema, Sci-Fi Based
Earth History, Novels, Books, Journaling
Inter-Holodeck-Sector-Wide, Electronic Holo-Dance Raves
Skate Boarding, Longboarding, Skate, and Pump Tracks
Beer League Baseball Games, Teams, Tournaments
Ongoing Science Lectures and Seminars
Ongoing Laboratory Research

Dillard adopted a baby Beaver, the size of a small cat. The beaver named "Titor" Speaks through grumbles and chirps, waddling around Ensign. Klee's quarters building forts out of books and blankets. Dillard often does research while Titor will sit and chew on birch twiggs beside him.

Personal History

Personal History Mr. Klee was born on October 05, 2372. His father, Michael Klee, and Mother Janice Klee had given birth to Dillard’s young, healthy baby boy.

Life onboard Star Base 375 was all Dillard had come to know and grow up in a sterile, federation-centered operational environment. His parents, both federation officers, lived productive and happy lives as scientists working the endless sterile laboratories. At StarBase 375, while under the direction of the Departmental Science and Logistical Methods Chief, the husband-and-wife team of scientists analyzed, reported, and documented various trade and customs with colonial and federation transit laws of business, etc. Routine station laboratory work and medical and exobiological analysis were required for their position at the Federation Station.

As a baby boy, from the age of 3 onward, Dillard had shown a keen interest in his parent’s laboratory research. The laboratory environment was very stimulating, allowing from the early age of 3 for Dillan to become wholly immersed in a science environment.

Dillard attended the station preschool with other species of children. He watched Starship’s dock along the various pylons outside the 5000 plus populated civilian and 3500 Federation officer crewed station.

Dillard’s parents had intensive education early on. Having planned for Dillard’s birth, Janice and Michael decided to genetically alter with scientifically proof and industrial-led DNA patents for advanced cognitive functioning, learning, and biologic prefoliation of grey cellular and fetal advanced cortical synapse development.

A confident young teen, Dillard left his parents at the age of 15 for the Academy. Having completed formal adolescent education at advanced levels onboard Star Base 375 with his parents, Dillard was accepted to the Starfleet Academy Preparatory Program, advancing his education and preparation efforts.

At 15, Dillard formally completed the Starfleet Academy Application for Admission process. Mr. Klee’s further excelled in advanced standings in the Academy entrance competition. This process further determined admittance scores among a group of candidates competing to enter the Academy.

Having been formally accepted into the Academy for ongoing semester learning, Dillard had transited from StarBase 375 on the U.S.S. Appalachia – NCC 52136, Steamrunner Class to Starfleet Academy Direct in San Francisco, California, Earth.

The Cybernetics Institute and Hyperspace Physics, Probability, and Quantum Mechanics were introductory courses Dillard attended at San Francisco Academy. Mr. Klee was afforded a student opportunity in 2387. Dillard was accepted to the Federation Academy for Sciences and Exobiology Institute (). The program was offered per limited applicants each semester. Dillard worked hard and proved to be successful at theoretical analysis. He was recognized for his efforts and politely offered well wishes from his professors when he graduated from Starfleet Academy in the year 2393 with honors.

Dillard entered his next phase in life focused on Federation Positions and Ships. Like many Cadets, he had endlessly bit his fingernails waiting for his first assignment. That same week in the Academy dorms, he wolfed down a replicated jar of peanut butter and a milk chocolate bunny-shaped easter solid rabbit.
Dillard’s parents were instrumental in developing their son’s talents as early as the womb, genetically cultivating them for success in life. Further, the tireless effort was placed at teaching, training, and crafting their son into the young man, the Ensign he is today.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number DI-034-3889-LLA
Command authorization code Dillard-1-4-3-Jacob-1-905
Education & Qualifications At 15, Dillard formally completed the Starfleet Academy Application for Admission process. Mr. Klee’s further excelled in advanced standings in the Academy entrance competition. This process further determined admittance scores among a group of candidates competing to enter the Academy.

Having been formally accepted into the Academy for ongoing semester learning, Dillard had transited from StarBase 375 on the U.S.S. Appalachia – NCC 52136, Steamrunner Class to Starfleet Academy Direct in San Francisco, California, Earth.

The Cybernetics Institute and Hyperspace Physics, Probability, and Quantum Mechanics were introductory courses Dillard attended at San Francisco Academy. Mr. Klee was afforded a student opportunity in 2387. Dillard was accepted to the Federation Academy for Sciences and Exobiology Institute (). The program was offered per limited applicants each semester. Dillard worked hard and proved to be successful at theoretical analysis. He was recognized for his efforts and politely offered well wishes from his professors when he graduated from Starfleet Academy in the year 2393 with honors.
Awards & Commendations None
Medical History Dillard has terrible eyesight. He refuses to get eye repair, as the thought of a doctor or nurse touching his eye with tools is terrifying. Comfortable with a pair of advanced crystalline lens wares, Dillard wears a standard thick-framed pair of eyeglasses.

Dillard has terrible allergies. He will sneeze from a stray piece of lint; anything that is airborne contaminants causes an allergic fit of sneezing. He usually carries around a handy nasal spray that works to stop his sneezing. He also brings hand sanitizer, and lots of Earth gum called Juicy Fruit.

Dillard wears khaki cargo shorts, a black crisp tee-shirt, and his white lab coat, while on spare laboratory time. Anywhere else this is all he ever wears off duty.
Service Record - 2378 (6Yrs.) – 2386 (14 Yrs.) Standard Federation Education (Accelerated)

- 2386 - Starfleet Academy Preparatory Program

- 2387 – 2393 - Starfleet Academy, San Francisco [Science (primary), (Secondary) Exobiology/Cryonics]
(2392) – Federation Academy Institute for Sciences and Exobiology Institute (Program)

- 2393 – 2395 – U.S.S. Zhukov NCC-26136 – Cadet SG, Science Officer

- 2395 – Current – U.S.S. Myogi NCC 65918, Ensign, Science Officer (23 Yrs.)