
  • 15 Mission Posts

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Mon Oct 16th, 2023 @ 3:34am

Lieutenant Wyndon Rapisarta

Name Wyndon Rapisarta

Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Half Bajoran
Age 39
Date of Birth May 3
Place of Birth USS Archimedes
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 195
Hair Color Dark blonde
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Wyndon has few of the external characteristics of a Bajoran and strongly favors his human father. His nose ridges are diminished, and his only claim to the culture is the earring he wears.

Tall, strong and muscular, he takes great pride in his fitness, spending at least 3 hours a week in the gym or swimming pool.


Spouse None
Status single
Children None
Father Birthfather: Unknown Stepfather: Markus Rapisarta
Mother Rei Lohan
Brother(s) Rei Jarek
Etienne Rapisarta
Sister(s) May Rapisarta.

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses +Night owl.
+Eidetic memory for books

-Cant remember conversations unless he takes notes.

Personal History

Personal History Sometimes his mother tells him how much he resembles a human socialite she had some relations with while on leave.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer