
  • 14 Mission Posts

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Sat Jun 10th, 2023 @ 4:38am

Commander Queed

Name Queed

Position Chief Diplomatic Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species El-Aurian
Date of Birth 2181
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 1.8m
Weight 78kg
Hair Color black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Queed is tall and has a physique that suggests speed and stamina more than brute strength. He has chocolate colored skin and a pleasant baritone voice.


Status single
Father Quentin
Mother Starsha
Other Family Foster parents Sandor and Teres Jaxom and their extended family
Queed also considers all other El-Aurians family as well.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Queed has a generally positive outlook. He knows he has a long life ahead barring any tragedy and lives life to it's fullest. He will try the foods, drinks, games, hobbies, and whatever else he comes across to say he at least tried it. He is still young (for an El-Aurian) and sometimes still acts impulsively.
Strengths & Weaknesses He will not talk about the short time he experienced the Nexus while on board the Lakul
Ambitions Queed would really like to find out what happened to his parents.

Personal History

Personal History Queed spent his earliest years traveling with his parents exploring and listening as their species do. In 2293 he was on the SS Lakul with other El-Aurian refugees when that vessel came across the Nexus. He was rescued by the Enterprise-B and taken back to Earth with the other forty-seven survivors. His parents were not recovered and are believed to be still in the Nexus. Queed was taken in by a family on Trill who own a vineyard. There he learned about Trillian rapegs and the various alcoholic beverages that can be made from them. Being young for an El-Aurian and not among his own people, he became prone to rash decisions. One of those decisions was heading off to Starfleet Academy.

Due to his empathy, his Academy guidance officer suggested he take up a career as a counselor as it would go well with El-Aurians preferring to listen and help other people with their problems. Queed excelled at this and eventually became an intervention specialist, one who was good at de-escalating possibly violent situations. He worked his way through the lower ranks to Lieutenant and chief counselor on Starbase 12. This notoriety brought him the attention of the Diplomatic Corps.

After training in the art of being an ambassador, he was charged with not only de-escalating pairs and small groups of people, but also entire societies, and planetary populations. Queed finds this work rewarding and has had a hand in authoring several major treaties among Federation worlds, and various agreements between Federation and independant planets.

Queed has served Starfleet in the Diplomatic Corps with postings on several starships and embassies. He is known for finding the common ground and working with that to broker agreements. The strategy has served him well and aided him in working his way to a lieutenant commander’s rank.

Another benefit of having an extraordinarily long career in his field, Queed has become familiar with most of the Federation member worlds and several from without. He has collected a large network of contacts and associates throughout Federation territory and beyond. In the classified section of his Starfleet dossier, one will find he’s also cooperated with Starfleet Intelligence on occasion.

During his continuing career in Starfleet, he matured somewhat and is not as prone to the rash decisions of his past but of course… no one is perfect.
One thing he’d really like to find out is what happened to his parents. Are they still trapped in the Nexus? Do they even want to come out? Have they escaped somehow? If so, where did they go? Or is the worst case scenario true, are they dead? Because of this Queed keeps a close eye on scientific newsfeeds about spatial phenomena. He still hopes to get an answer in his lifetime.

He has not married but has had several lovers over the years. When pressed on the issue he simply says he has not found ‘the one’ yet. Queed is proficient in judo, aikido, and boxing. He can speak Trill and Klingon fluently and is familiar with a few other languages. His helmsmanship rating allows him to pilot craft up to 200 metric tons (runabout). His minor at Starfleet Academy is operations. He is a fair marksman with a hand phaser.

After nearly twenty years of planetside duty, 2395 sees Queed assigned to the USS Myogi. He’s not sure how he feels about that yet. He is, however, glad to be ‘on the road’ again.

For more on El Arians visit:

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Education & Qualifications 2295-2299 : Starfleet Academy : Medical Track
2335 : Bridge Officer Certification
2331-2334 : Diplomatic Corps Schooling
Service Record Starfleet Postings:
2295-2299 : Starfleet Academy : Cadet
2299-2304 : USS Alhambra : Counselor: Ensign
2304-2311 : Utopia Planitia : Counselor : Ensign
2311-2316 : USS Dragonov : Counselor : Lieutenant Junior Grade
2316-2321 : Starbase 56 : Counselor : Lieutenant Junior Grade
2321-2326 : USS Panther : Chief Counselor : Lieutenant
2326-2331 : Starbase 12 : Chief Counselor : Lieutenant
2331-2334 : Starbase One : Diplomatic Corps Training : Lieutenant
2334-2341 : USS Miranda : Diplomatic Detachment Attache : Lieutenant Commander
2341-2354 : Starbase 76 : Diplomatic Detachment Aide : Lieutenant Commander
2354-2365 : USS Pathfiner : Diplomatic Detachment Aide : Lieutenant Commander
2365-2376 : Andor : Federation Embassy : Lieutenant Commander
2376-2385 : Tellar : Federation Embassy : Lieutenant Commander
2385-2394 : Bolarus IX : Federation Embassy : Lieutenant Commander
2395- : Assigned to USS Myogi : Diplomatic Officer