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Mon Feb 10th, 2025 @ 11:34pm

Lieutenant Commander Tristana

Name Tristana

Position Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28
Date of Birth June 15, 2368
Place of Birth Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, Earth
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4
Weight 125 lbs
Hair Color red
Eye Color hazel green
Physical Description Tristana is of average height and build, however she is stronger than she looks, being one of the few humans capable of holding her own against a Vulcan. She wears her hair at shoulder length.


Status single

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tristana is known for her cheerful personality, known to hide her real potential behind a charade of kindness. She is also known for her rebelliousness, often pushing the limits of what's deemed acceptable. A common example is her uniform tunic, which she often leaves undone at chest level to seemingly test how long it takes before she gets yelled at to button up.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Cheerful
+Martial Arts

+/-Master of seduction (see Medical History for further details)

-Overly dedicated to her work
-Trigger happy
Ambitions To outsmart a Starfleet Intelligence operative
Hobbies & Interests -Phasers
-Martial Arts
-Antique projectile weapons

Personal History

Personal History Tristana was born on June 15, 2368 in Guadalajara, Mexico. She underwent the typical Mexican Education, going so far as to earn a bachelor's degree from a university before she joined Starfleet, wishing to make a larger impact on the galaxy than civilian life. Somehow, she got away with only using her first name, and as such, her family information is unknown.

Tristana graduated from the Academy in 2393 with the rank of Ensign, originally assigned to the Myogi's sister ship, the USS Haruna as a security officer. However, her unique work philosophy caught the eye of then-Admiral Tanaka Miyahara, who believed that, though Tristana was rough around the edges, she could be refined into a tough Security Chief, and as such, arranged with the Haruna's captain to have her transferred to the Myogi, at first remaining a mere security officer, unaware of Miyahara's true plans for her.

When Tristana proved her usefulness, confirming Miyahara's hunch, she was promoted to Lieutenant and made the new Chief of Security, skipping the rank of Lieutenant JG altogether, and she would remain as the Myogi's Chief of Security through the trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka, controversially providing the security detail for Captain Takahashi's wedding.

After the trial, Tristana escaped criminal culpability by entering a plea deal with Starfleet; wherein she could retain her rank and position as Chief of Security until another officer could be found to replace her; at which point, she was expected to step into a lesser security role. Because of this plea deal, Tristana is one of the only remnants of Miyahara's crew alongside Captain and Commander Takahashi.

Another qualified officer was found; a Bolian Dominion War veteran named Satt. However, Satt transferred off at the last minute. With nobody else to fill the slot, Maho made the decision to reinstate Tristana as the Chief of Security

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number TR-231-9113 STN
Command authorization code Tristana-gamma-3-8-9-blue
Education & Qualifications Personal Education

2371-2373: Preschool
2374-2379: Primary School/Elementary School
2380-2382: Secondary School/Middle School/Junior High School
2383-2385: High School
2386-2389: Four Year University

Important Documents:

High School Diploma
Bachelor's degree

Starfleet Academy:

2389-2393: Security & Tactical
Medical History Due to her... Rebellious nature, Tristana has contracted several sexually transmitted infections since she lost her virginity at age 15. As appealing as she may look to the eye, she medically lives up to the old adage that a woman's body is the most dangerous place for a man to place his sensitive bits.
Service Record 2393-2394: USS Haruna (Ensign - Security Officer)
2394: USS Myogi (Ensign - Security Officer)
2394-2395: USS Myogi (Lieutenant - Chief Security Officer)
2395: USS Myogi (Lieutenant - Assistant Chief Security Officer)
2395-2396: USS Myogi (Lieutenant - Chief Security Officer)
2396-Present: USS Myogi (Lieutenant Assistant Chief Security Officer)