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Mon Feb 10th, 2025 @ 11:34pm

Lieutenant Commander Chrirhc Chihc

Name Chrirhc Antotna Chihc

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Hebitian
Age 49
Date of Birth 2347
Place of Birth Krimena, Hebitian System
Sexuality heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 165 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Chrirhc is a Hebitian, considered biological cousins of the Cardassians. As such, Chrirhc shares much of his physical appearance with that of a Cardassian. While some Hebitians of both sexes have blue coloring to their ridges similar to those found in Cardassian females, Chrirhc unfortunately lacks such distinctive coloration, making him outwardly indistinguishable from a Cardassian.


Status married

Personality & Traits

General Overview Due to the Cardassians' invasion and illegal annexation of his homeworld in 2391, Chrirhc is wary of Cardassians. However, he does a great job at not letting his political views influence his interactions with Cardassians, keeping things professional, and choosing to not get drawn into political debates.

Overall, Chrirhc keeps up this businesslike demeanor while on duty to avoid being accused by any Cardassian colleagues of showing favoritism to other species. Though if he's off duty, Chrirhc does loosen up some of his facial muscles and assumes a more friendly demeanor unless he's pulled into a political discussion.

Personal History

Personal History Chrirhc Chihc was born on Krimena, a planet at the edge of the Hebitian system in 2347, not too long after the start of the Cardassian Border Wars. The Hebitians, a biological offshoot of the Cardassians, had been a neutral system since the founding of the Cardassian Union in the 19th century. However, with the outbreak of the border war, the Hebitian government decided that now was the time to pursue membership of the United Federation of Planets, and announced that they had applied in 2348, when Chrirhc was a year old. By 2350, when Chrirhc was 3, the Hebitian system had become a full-fledged Federation member.

Chrirhc had a relatively normal upbringing on Krimena, despite the ongoing war. He attended school and even got a higher education after completing his mandatory education. He married his university sweetheart at age 21 and got a steady-paying job at a construction firm. When Chrirhc was 25, he and his wife welcomed their first child into the universe.

However, when his boy was just a year old, the Dominion War broke out. One of the Dominion's earliest targets was the Hebitian system, which was swiftly occupied by the Dominion and Cardassians. During the year the Hebitian system was under Dominion occupation, Chrirhc witnessed the Cardassians establish a military installation in orbit of Krimena. When the Dominion retreated back to Cardassian space following Operation Return in 2374, the Hebitian System, including Krimena and the Cardassian space station, came under Federation control once again.

When the war ended in 2375, the Hebitians, in a gesture of good faith to the Cardassians, signed a deal with the Cardassian Union to lease the space station to the Cardassians, with an agreed upon regular renewal period. Following the war, despite construction contracts booming as the galaxy rebuilt, Chrirhc decided to change his career path, and applied for Starfleet Academy with aspirations to become an engineer. His application was accepted, and he bade farewell to his family on Krimena to travel to Earth and begin this new chapter of his life.

During his tenure at the Academy, Chrirhc was often mistaken for a Cardassian, and he found himself often explaining "the truth the Cardassians chose to omit." To be fair, he did make quite a few friends this way.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer