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Posted on Mon Mar 28th, 2022 @ 5:45am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.'

1,044 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: Holodeck Two
Timeline: After departure, but before arrival at Utopia Planitia

Dressed in their dress uniforms, Maho and Keisuke made their way to Holodeck Two, which was scheduled to be synchronized for Maho's court hearing. The jury which had been presiding over hearings concerning Maho's potential involvement in the trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka had finally reached a verdict: A verdict which would determine whether Maho's name would be cleared, or if she would be relieved of command once the Myogi reached Utopia Planitia.

The holodeck was already running a live image of the courtroom when Maho and Keisuke showed up. The images ran in real time, and the courtroom would appear just as real to Maho and Keisuke aboard the Myogi as Maho and Keisuke would appear to those in the actual courtroom back on earth.

The two security officers at the entrance greeted Maho and Keisuke as they entered with a nod. Maho walked down the aisle of the audience section before crossing the bar and shaking hands with her Cardassian attorney before assuming her seat at the Defendant's table. Before joining Maho, the Cardassian shook hands with Keisuke across the bar.

"Good to have you in our corner, Gavek." Keisuke said.

"It is my pleasure to serve you; Mr. Takahashi." Gavek responded.

Of course; Gavek Krendak was no ordinary attorney: He had served for years as a Cardassian defense attorney before becoming Federation licensed, and thus had a unique perspective of the Federation justice system. Miyahara had originally hired Krendak to help clear the name of Maho and Keisuke's friend, Takeshi Nakazato. However, with Nakazato's name already clear, Krendak's services were no longer required.

That was until an investigation was launched into Maho's potential involvement with the trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka. At which point, Maho and Keisuke sought out Krendak's services and hired him as their defense attorney. He had made some convincing arguments at previous hearings, and today would be the day to see whether or not it all paid off.

Having shaken hands with Keisuke, who proceeded to assume a seat in the audience section, Krendak assumed his seat alongside Maho at the defense table.

"All rise:" The Bailiff called out a few minutes later, signaling the arrival of the Judge Advocate General who had been presiding over the case. "The district court of the Starfleet Judge Advocate General is now in session: The honorable Judge Advocate General Vice Admiral Yousuf Belgaar presiding:"

The aging Bajoran vice admiral stepped up to the Judge's bench, receiving the case papers from the Bailiff before looking to the courtroom.

"You may be seated." Belgaar said before assuming his own seat. He patiently waited for everyone else to resume their seats before speaking again:

"Now, for those of you in the audience section: There will be no reaction at all, no matter how strongly you may feel:" He began. "And it's understood that many people do have strong feelings, but we can't permit any kind of a reaction to the verdict, and, as is evident, there are quite a few Starfleet security officers in attendance, and you will be promptly whisked out of here if there is any, so; something to keep in mind:"

"Do you want this in the record, your honor?" The Bailiff asked.

"No, it doesn't need to be:" Belgaar responded, turning to the gathered members of the jury. "Alright, members of the jury; have you elected a foreperson?"

A member of the jury raised their hand.

"Would you give your jury number please?" Belgaar asked.


"74, and has the jury reached a verdict as to each count of the information?" Belgaar requested.

"Yes, we have; your honor."

"One verdict and one verdict only:" Belgaar verified.


"Would you hand all of the paperwork to the Bailiff, please?" Belgaar requested.

The jury foreperson handed over the requested paperwork to the Bailiff, who handed it to Belgaar, who read over the verdicts:

"The defendant will rise and face the jury and harken to its verdicts:" Belgaar ordered.

Maho rose to her feet and turned to face the jury: Whatever happened to her next rested in their hands...

The jury foreperson, a Vulcan woman, received the verdicts back to read to the court:

"United Federation of Planets vs. Maho Takahashi: As to the first count of the information; conspiracy to suborn perjury; we, the jury, find the defendant, Maho N. Takahashi, not guilty. As to the second count of the information; contempt of court; we, the jury, find the defendant, Maho N. Takahashi, not guilty. As to the third count of the information, filed by Lena Mendor on behalf of Captain Taiga Aisaka, we, the jury, find the defendant, Maho N. Takahashi, not guilty. As to the fourth count of the information, filed by Lena Mendor on behalf of unknown female, we, the jury, find the defendant, Maho N. Takahashi not guilty."

As each count of the information was read as 'not guilty' Maho found it harder to keep it together. However, once the verdicts were finished being read, Maho's legs buckled, and she collapsed sobbing into her chair.

"Members of the jury, are these your unanimous verdicts?" Belgaar asked.

"Yes, sir:"

"Is there anyone who does not agree with the verdicts as read?" Belgaar asked.

"No, sir:"

"Would you wish the jury polled?" Belgaar asked the proescutor.


"Okay:" Belgaar said. "Alright, folks; your job is done; and we started... Just about a week ago: I said when this started that this could take anywhere from five days to a week. This is just about a week: You were a wonderful jury to work with; you were punctual, you were attentive, you all had the very difficult job of keeping from discussing the case from the time that you were sequestered and deliberating: A job that all of you performed dutifully; I couldn't have asked for a better jury to work with, and it has truly been my pleasure, and, without commenting on the verdicts themselves, just in terms of your attentiveness and the cooperation that you gave to us justifies the confidence that our founding fathers placed in you."

A mission post by

Vice Admiral Yousuf Belgaar
Starfleet Judge Advocate General

Commander Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer
USS Myogi

Gavek Krendak
Defense Attorney


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