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Plan of Action

Posted on Thu May 19th, 2022 @ 10:55pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Sterling Archer
Edited on on Thu May 19th, 2022 @ 10:56pm

1,057 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1
Timeline: Part 2 of "Locating the Nikko"

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

"Then Korinar might be our safest bet." Keisuke said. "I've been monitoring Klingon merchant traffic, and a Klingon freighter is set to pass through the system in about the correct timetable Reno has presented us."

"If we were to divert from our current heading to Korinar; how long would it take us to get there at our current speed?" Maho asked.

The Intelligence Officer glanced at the upper corner of the last PADD of her stack, “Sixteen hours, forty-two minutes and ten seconds if we stay at our current speed. Dayos would be just over thirty-eight hours.” She included the other option due to the fact that it would be more time critical we’re they to go that direction instead, “Korinar is a system that does have a fair amount of asteroid activity, a planet succumbed to gravitational stresses approximately a quarter-million years ago and the asteroid belt is still expanding, but maintaining orbital distance with a width of ten thousand kilometers, but outside the Goldilocks belt.”

And now, the continuation:

"Hypothetically, what percentage of the Nikko's crew would Commander Iwaki need to effectively operate the ship?" Ichika asked.

"Effectively? Roughly fifty percent, give or take five percent." Alisha used her hand in a wavering motion, "Thirty percent for minimal overall proficiency, but with the right thirty percent the ship could be combat effective until or unless they receive significant damage and require additional repair capability. I wouldn't predict less than fifty percent, but unless the enlisted ranks are being repressed or even junior enlisted loyal to Commander Iwaki, I wouldn't estimate more than seventy percent of maximum assigned crew being aboard. That's more along the lines of a guess, Captain, but I believe it to be relatively accurate."

"If that estimate holds any weight," Ichika surmised, turning her attention to Maho, "Then there's a very real possibility that we're outnumbered 2-to-1."

"That may be so," Maho said. "But we do hold one ace up our sleeve; and that's our intimidation factor: Back when Miyahara was in command, when a corrupt captain was ordered to rendezvous with us and surrender themselves to our custody, they usually did so without a fight. I believe Starfleet has dispatched us on the principle that the Myogi's strong association with Miyahara might get Iwaki to change his tune."

"That's a potentially dangerous assumption, Captain," Ichika was quick to point out. "Mind you, Commander Iwaki has already ignored several verbal warnings from his commanding officers that he would be facing prosecution for his acts of aggression."

"Have you considered filing a complaint up the proper chain of command, Commander?" Maho asked, perking a brow. "I'm sure Starfleet Command would love to hear any counter-proposal you might have to offer."

"Is it possible for us to procure some additional resources before we reach Korinar?" Ichika suggested. "For example, are there any allied vessels passing through the region who might be able to offer assistance?"

"While I like your thinking, Commander;" Maho responded. "Starfleet has already stated that they don't have any ships available to assist us. Though I've told them it's suicide to send us in alone, Starfleet doesn't seem very relenting on this position. Now, assuming that additional ships are out of the question, is there any way that we can utilize what we have? To make 10 men seem like 100, so to speak?"

"Take the head off the snake and the snake dies, ma'am." Alisha shook her head, "We can't really fake our numbers being larger than they are, but if we can put our people on board in the right location, we won't have to fight through all of theirs." She tabbed through a PADD to get to a schematic of the Nikko, "How we're going to get on board may be tricky, but if i can get to the Intelligence annex, I do have override codes that can give me access to their computer and put it into a shutdown mode. It's a failsafe in case of ship takeover by hostile forces to deny them use of the ship until they can bypass the overrides physically. Utilizing Jeffries Tubes and turbolift shafts, our insertion team can get to the bridge and hopefully capture Iwaki in the confusion. It's not something we advertise and I could get in some trouble for even mentioning it."

"It's risky," Ichika surmised. "But right now it's our best shot at apprehending Commander Iwaki with minimal casualties."

"I would agree." Maho added. "Unless anyone else has anything else to add, I believe we can end the meeting here. I'll speak with Fujiwara about altering course to our new destination, and Reno can work with security to draw up a battle plan for once we get the opportunity to beam away teams on board. Dismissed."

"With respect, ma'am, I believe that Lieutenant Tristana would be better off drawing up the battle plan herself, without my presence." Alisha looked slightly uncomfortable at the words, "I'm not a combat officer, Captain, I wouldn't know where to start to invade the ship with an armed group."

"Very well, Lieutenant:" Maho said. "I was only suggesting you be involved in the planning process, but if you're more comfortable fitting yourself into a pre-existing plan, I'll inform Tristana so she can begin preparing for the coming battle."

Archer stated at the end of the meeting. "My apologies for not offering much Captain, Commander. You must understand I am aware of the situation. Starfleet has offered me to help, persuade Commander Takahashi to conclude his... Ventures." Archer nodded with a smile.

Maho's eyes narrowed.

"I hope for your sake you mean Commander Iwaki and not my husband, Lieutenant:" She warned. "If Starfleet wants K.T off my ship, they've got another think coming."

"My apologies for the confusion, Capt. I did not mean you're husband. And if I did, I am certain it would be of the honorable things he accomplished." Archer felt he had assured the Captain.

"Now that's what I like to hear from an officer under my command." Maho responded. "That will be all, Lieutenant."

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer

Lieutenant JG Sterling Archer
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
Mission Advisor

Lieutenant JG Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer


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