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Follow Up To The... (Backpost)

Posted on Thu Nov 16th, 2023 @ 2:32am by Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D.

1,295 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: Brennyn Scott's Office
Timeline: Shortly after Triaging Necessary

This time there was no going back and forth in front of the door for Alisha as she made her way to the counselors office. She'd arrived back on board and before the speech by Captain Takahashi, had sent a message to Brennyn to make an appointment, then crashed for an hour or so before the address by the Skipper. She was one of those who'd absolutely decided to remain aboard, knowing that the only thing that would ever get her to leave the ship was the reassignment of Jane. Even then, she'd let Jane know about this appointment, but had declined the idea of being accompanied.

She approached the door and only hesitated for the span of three heartbeats before entering the range of the sensor. Alisha had consciously left her hair down this time and was not in uniform, no makeup, just a woman in short sleeved white blouse, commbadge in the right place, pleated black skirt and flat shoes. There were circles under her eyes, indicative of being tired and not getting enough sleep. The door slid open in front of her and she walked in, giving a smile to the counselor, "Good afternoon, doctor, thank you for seeing me on such short notice."

"Of course," Scott replied politely, passively scanning Alisha's appearance, noting the signs of sleep deprivation in particular. "I'm pleased you're still willing to reach out for support. I know this process hasn't been easy for you and you've had to compromise when it comes to your duty status. I appreciate your willingness to collaborate as well."

“When one’s choice is compromise and collaborate or be removed from duty altogether? Not really much of a choice.” Alisha shrugged slightly as she slumped heavily into one of the chairs, “I know we were supposed to meet in a few days, but the events on Earth were… Poignant.” She gave a slight smile, “I’m not sure if you were aware, but I did go down in an intelligence gathering role and it turned sort of sideways.”

"I was in fact aware," Bree replied, "I assume you're here to beg me not to take you off duty for violating our agreement? I have to say, under the circumstances I'm surprised you would speak of not having a choice coming to see me. It seems in this case, you very much felt like you could ignore what we agreed upon." Scott's frustration wasn't that she had defied her personally, but that she had put herself at risk and suffered consequences once again. Bree had offered opening reassurances and pleasantries in the hope that the intelligence officer would come clean, and she was at least partially relieved that it come true.

"As a matter of fact, no." Alisha stated, "And not just because I didn't technically violate our agreement. I had stood firm that in case of a crisis that I'd still be able to help in my own way and I'd say what just happened qualified as a crisis." She stopped talking for a moment, but held up a hand to forestall any sort of response, "We can talk about that inparticular if you really, really want to, but I'm here to ask to be placed on restricted duties. I screwed up, Doctor Scott, not because I think I did wrong, but because I wasn't ready for what happened. I didn't intend to put myself in danger, but it was where I found myself in any case."

That Alisha now recognized what Bree already knew only partially mollified Bree. Scott exhaled, giving herself time to center herself and consider her words. "I'm glad you realize I wasn't trying to punish you earlier and we now seem to be in agreement regarding your mental state, but the fact remains you defied me and could've gotten yourself or others killed in the process, simply because you thought you knew better or could get away with 'technicalities.' I was willing to work with you because I thought I could trust you and I thought you respected where I was coming from. Put yourself in my shoes for a moment, if someone disregarded your authority and put themselves and others at risk, what would you do?"

"I would outright remove them from duty on a psychological hold until I was certain they were in their proper mental capacity." Alisha admitted slowly, then added quickly, "But I would still submit to you that I didn't put anyone other than myself in danger. No other civilians nor Fleet personnel were placed in any additional danger than they were already in by my actions. And yes, I DO respect where you were coming from and I respect you as an individual as well. That's what brought me here today rather than making you drag me in kicking and screaming." She was getting a bit exasperated, trying to make sure that she was heard, but also the point that she wasn't trying to be, well... An ass about it. "If you decide to take me off duty completely, that's your call and your right. I won't pretend that I'd like it or agree with it, but you can certainly do it and I'd abide by it."

Bree fought the urge to outwardly roll her eyes. Alisha either couldn't see or chose not to see her own conflicting statements. On the one hand, she admitted she defied orders and would punish someone for doing the same, but on the other, she continued to split hairs and argue the point.

Taking a breath inwardly to calm herself, she offered, "You do not act within a vacuum. You're part of this crew, and it troubles me that you don't seem to understand that as a member of this crew, your decisions, your compromised judgement and mental state, will never just affect you. If your decisions had gotten you hurt or killed, do you really think no one else would be affected? No one else would put themselves on the line to save you if you were in trouble?"

Scott shrugged. "I'm removing you from duty."

Alisha inhaled sharply. While she'd expected that she'd be placed on a limited set of duties, she wasn't ACTUALLY prepared to be relieved of them. She wanted to argue, but she'd told the truth. She exhaled slowly, calmly, then she nodded. "Of course." She said softly, "Should I tell the Captain, or would you like to? I'll inform Chief Alistair that he's assuming my duties until I've been cleared back to any duties."

"I'll take care of it," Bree replied, referring to keeping people informed. It was Scott's call, so it fell to her to share it. Bree stood by it, but she didn't want to leave things between them like this. "We need you, Alisha. We care about you. It's because we need and care about you this step has been taken."

“I know.” Alisha kept the disappointment out of her voice, but still felt it, “I just.. I’ve made duty such a big part of my life, the lack of it is just going to be a void. But, I will figure my way around it. Heck, who knows? Something to do may just fall in my lap.” She paused for a moment, "Is there... Anything else?"

"I'm sure this goes without saying, but I'd like us to keep talking… Not just because I want to clear you for duty again, but because I don't think you should have to carry all of this alone."

"And I already have Jane Sinclair, but I'm all for anything that will get me back to normal just as fast as possible." Alisha smiled slightly, "I'm just sorry I was a pain in the rear about this."


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