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Captain's Log - A Special Assignment

Posted on Sun May 28th, 2023 @ 7:40am by Captain Maho Takahashi

164 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet

Captain's log, Starship Myogi.

Following the deadliest attack on Starfleet Headquarters since the Dominion War, the Myogi has received a surprise assignment once repairs from our altercation with the USS Nikko are complete: Ferry two important guests to Beta Antares Fleet Yards. However, Starfleet has been... Withholding the identities of the two guests out of fear of having me back out of the assignment.

Given the security risks of traveling such a distance with presumably such a high profile target on board, I have decided to recruit the assistance of our sister ships, the USS Akina and the USS Haruna, to assist us with our assignment. Recruiting the Akina was straightforward enough, as her new captain, Commander Wilcke, seems eager to prove that she's a worthy successor to Captain Felnoir.

The Haruna, however, is turning out to be a different story. Captain Zh'gero has arranged for an in-person meeting with me to "negotiate the terms" of her cooperation, whatever that might be.

End Log


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