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Trouble Afoot

Posted on Mon Oct 30th, 2023 @ 3:54am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Ensign Ruby Kurosawa

1,165 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: Transporter Room 1, Deck 6

Maho made her way down to transporter room 1 on deck 6 where the Myogi was to receive Starfleet's "important guests." The Myogi's captain looked rather pale as she arrived in the transporter room, as Maho had recently gone through a bout of morning sickness before arriving.

Captain Takahashi's pale complexion was not lost on the Myogi's XO, whom had arrived beforehand to oversee the final preparations.

"Are you alright, Captain?" Ichika inquired. "Perhaps you should sit this one out and let me handle this."

"No, I'm quite alright, Commander." Maho responded. "If Starfleet wants to keep secrets from me, that's fine, but if it involves my ship, I must know."

Maho turned to the transporter operator.

"Are our guests ready to beam aboard?" Maho asked.

Ruby who had been set on transporter duty that morning nodded. "Yes Captain. I have two incoming requests from Starfleet Command to beam aboard. They're ready when we are," she reported as her fingers danced over the transporter console.

Just at that moment Kurumi entered the transporter room. She had a phaser attached to her belt, standard protocol when an important guest was beaming aboard. She had already been briefed about their guests, but only told that they were to be given high security. She made her way over to the captains side and stood there awaiting Ruby to transport them on Maho's order.

Maho nodded.

"Power up the transporter:" She ordered. "Let's see who it is we're transporting:"

Ruby nodded and activated the transporter. A few seconds later a shower of dancing blue lights and dots began to form two shapes, one resembled s shorter person, the other much taller and broader.

After only a few seconds, there stood a short Japanese woman. Long flowing light brown hair ran down her back, her Hazel eyes locked with Maho instantly as she crossed her arms. She was wearing a Starfleet uniform, four rank pips shone in the light of the transporter pad. The man next to her was tall, with dark hair and narrow eyes. He towered over the Captain next to him and didn't at all seemed impressed. Unlike her however he wore the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

For several seconds, nobody said a word. The tension in the air of the transporter room was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

All the secrecy suddenly makes sense... Maho thought.

"Captain Aisaka." Maho said coldly. "I should have known it was you that we've been tasked with transporting. I recognized your foul stench the moment the transporter powered up."

"Captain!" Ichika scolded. "That's no way to be greeting our guests!"

"Starting strong on the insults I see," Taiga replied as she stepped down off the transporter pad. She looked over at Kurumi. "No phasers set to kill this time?" She asked.

Kurumi shook her head, seemingly shocked at such an occurrence on a Starfleet ship.

"Well that's good. The last time I was here, Admiral Miyahara had it seems I was some sort of mass murderer and needed to be shot dead if I so much as breathed in the wrong direction," Taiga told the crew
"But, of course we all know now that that is not true," Taiga looked over at Commander Misono. "We don't intend to be a problem. We didn't ask for you to be taking us back."

"Make no mistake, Captain;" Maho said. "The Myogi may not be what she was under Miyahara, but I intend to maintain some semblance of the order that existed back then, and if that means depriving your access to your proxies so that you cannot conduct your smear campaign against me while on my ship, then so be it."

"Smear campaign?" Taiga asked tilting her head to one side. "What are you referring to?"

"United Federation of Planets v. Maho Takahashi:" Maho responded. "One of the charges filed against me was suspiciously done so by Lena Mendor on your behalf. I have a recorded call with a Minori Kushieda, a known accomplice of yours, threatening further retaliatory action against me after your little lie to remove me from Starfleet fell apart in the face of overwhelming evidence proving my innocence. Don't stand there like a clueless little ditz and pretend you don't hold anything short of pure contempt for this ship and her crew!"

Taiga flicked her hair behind her as she proceeded to walk towards the door. "I have all the contempt for this ship and crew. Just not her captain who was ready to shoot me dead on order." She stopped as she locked eyes with Maho. "I can never respect someone who just 'follows orders' without thinking about them first. You're no better than a Borg drone..."

She broke eye contact. "Anyways. You have been tasked with taking me back to the Tokyo. I hope you have accomodations ready? I could use a rest."

Maho received a PADD from Ruby and proceeded to consult it.

"I see you've put in a request for the Third Officer's quarters on deck 2. A request that I cannot grant." Maho said. "What I can offer you is some vacant crew quarters on deck 6 right next to the main computer core. I shall have Commander Ebisuzawa escort you there."

Taiga smiled at Maho. "Why thankyou captain. And I presume you wish us to stay in there for the six day trip? Or can we visit your public areas?" she asked.

"As long as you don't find your way to restricted areas, I see no harm in allowing you to visit public areas." Maho said. "And if you think you're going to be all cutesy and sneak into restricted areas, know that I have my methods of discovering unauthorized access to those areas, and I will report your incursions to Starfleet Command."

Taiga let out a small snicker. "Restricted areas. I hold the same rank as you Captain. I have no intention of 'snooping' around your ship." She stated simply as she made her way to the door. "However..." she glanced over at the first officer for a moment. "Maybe a tour would be nice? I've not actually seen a New Orleans starship before. Maybe you can show me what makes you so attached to this ship? Afterall, every commander should be proud of the ship they command. I know I am."

"Perhaps, once we're underway, if you're genuinely interested in learning the 50+ years of history behind this old girl that you so quickly discount as trash, we can discuss the possibility of a tour." Maho said. "But I think we can agree on one thing; in that we're running behind schedule."

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Chief of Security
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Tokyo

Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Myogi


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