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Cracks In the Foundation (backpost)

Posted on Mon Nov 13th, 2023 @ 4:57am by Commander Ichika Misono & Captain Maho Takahashi
Edited on on Sat Nov 18th, 2023 @ 3:56am

896 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: USS Myogi (NCC-65918); Turbolift, between decks
Timeline: Between "Trouble Afoot" and "You've Got The Power"

"Well, now that that matter is settled, I'd say it's time we blow this popsicle stand." Maho said as she and Ichika entered the turbolift to go to the bridge.

"Bridge" Maho called out.

The turbolift dinged in acknowledgement and began its ascent. However, it had been ascending for less than 30 seconds when Ichika suddenly barked out "Turbolift, halt!"

The Turbolift shuddered to a stop, and as Ichika turned to face her commanding officer, the look of disappointment on her face made clear that she wasn't one too pleased.

"What the hell was that all about?" she demanded, folding her arms. "I understand that there may be some bad blood between you and Captain Aisaka, but that's no excuse for how you treated her back there!"

"Bad blood?" Maho asked. "Commander, that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of horrible things that sack of shit has said and done to try and sully my reputation as a Starfleet officer!"

"Regardless as to my thoughts on how far you may be blowing those claims out of proportion, that still doesn't justify your insulting her the moment she beams aboard!" Ichika countered. "I will politely remind you that your duty to Starfleet comes well before your feelings about another officer and how they treated you in the past!"

"Commander, would you like to learn the details behind the death of Captain Arles Felnoir?" Maho countered. "Because if you do, then you'll find, according to your own morals that you laid out just now, that Felnoir forsook his duty to Starfleet by disobeying a direct order to stand down and avoid escalating an already tense situation."

A malicious smirk spread on Maho's face.

"I bet he doesn't sound as much like a hero to your entire race when I frame it like that..." She taunted.

Ichika reeled back in disgust. She hadn't been anticipating such a low jab- especially coming from Maho, whom she considered to be a paragon of leadership.

"I'm not going to go there," she stated, fighting back an intense swell of anger that was threatening to spill over. "But I'm only going to tell you this once: if you ever think of taking a swing at Inuto customs again, I will see to it that are you written up for discrimination. Do I make myself crystal clear, Captain?"

"But you see my point, Commander?" Maho asked, seemingly unconcerned about Ichika's threat. "If you think what Felnoir did was heroic, that's fine: Just don't have such a disgusting double standard that my well-warranted hostility towards Taiga Aisaka is somehow a bad thing."

"So, what do you fancy that makes you, then?" Ichika was quick to counter. "Do you feel particularly "heroic" by resorting to childish insults? Do you feel you're owed some big badge of honor just because you feel that putting down Taiga Aisaka makes you a "hero?" I beg to differ about your definition of a "double standard," Captain."

"She knocked me down, and that smug bitch looked like she just saved the fucking quadrant!" Maho yelled. "So, don't even fucking try me, Commander!"

"But you don't let things like that get under your skin!" Ichika objected. "Sure, it may not have been the nicest thing she could have said, but you certainly don't let it control your life like this-!"

"You don't tell me what does and doesn't control my life!" Maho bellowed. "Turbolift, resume ascent and stop at the nearest deck!"

The look of hurt on Ichika's expression was evident, but whatever thoughts may have been running through her head ultimately went unspoken. Whatever the case, the eerie silence that followed drove the fact home to Maho that she had just burned a bridge with her first officer.

Even Maho's unborn child didn't seem happy about how she had just treated her first officer, for as the turbolift came to a stop, Maho felt the all too familiar sensation of vomit working its way up her throat. And as the doors opened, it was Maho kicking herself out of the turbolift rather than her first officer.

"Ulp... I'll... Take the starboard turbolift..." She muttered before breaking into a mad dash to find the nearest restroom.

Ichika could only look on with concern as the Turbolift doors slid closed.

Maho barely found the restroom in time, and didn't even have time to lock the door before she was over the toilet puking up what little was left in her system. Even after she did, she spent another few minutes dry heaving as her stomach was attempting to suck itself up her throat and exit her body through her mouth.

When the dry heaving finally subsided enough for Maho to be able to lock the door, she sat on the floor in front of the toilet and broke down in tears. Maho just hoped this restroom had good sound dampening. Because in this moment, Captain Maho Takahashi was in a state of vulnerability, just how Maho Nishizumi was after being insulted by Taiga Aisaka for following orders...

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer


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