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It's A Numbers Game (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Nov 6th, 2023 @ 7:36pm by Lieutenant Ami Rori & Captain Maho Takahashi

911 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: Ready Room, Deck 1
Timeline: After 'It's A Numbers Game (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

Maho sighed.

"Well, I hate to do it this way, but since you've left me no other choice, I shall be submitting every engineer on this vessel to a JAG officer for willingly withholding information from a superior officer." Maho explained. "It's nothing personal, Lieutenant; just official proceedings. The JAG officer I will be submitting everyone's names to is one Commodore Honda trusts, and I'm sure he will consider you and your department fairly. If this matter is as trivial as you say, then he will dismiss all your cases."

And now, the continuation:

Maho handed the PADD back to Ami.

"But, Lieutenant: Let this be your first and final warning:" She said. "The next time you willingly withhold information about the true condition of my ship to myself or any other command level officer on this ship, I will make sure it will be the last time you do so on my ship. Furthermore, I will also inform the next captain you go on to serve under about your propensity to lie to superior officers so they will shorten the leash they give you. Do I make myself clear?"

Ami accepted the PADD but placed it back on the desk.

Ami knew that the only thing keeping her head on her shoulders now was Rori's inability to overcome intense emotions to express herself. "Captain Takahashi," She bit out, pausing to take a couple of breathes to attempt to calm down just a little bit, WANTING desperately to come out of the chair and just scream at her. "On the bridge, you informed me that you had talked to our own engineers who stated we were fully repaired and not the starbase engineers. I was not aware that you had done so until you stated such. As such, I cannot inform you of who you talked to that said we were in perfect condition. If not being psychic is now being called a liar, then I'd best be removed from this ship because I have no telepathic abilities. EVERY report I have given you, verbal or in writing has been one hundred percent accurate. EVERY report I have given Commander Misono, verbal or in writing has been one hundred percent accurate. EVERY report I have given Starfleet in ANY capacity has been, to the best of MY knowledge, one hundred percent accurate."

Now she did stand, her face composed, "If you are truly calling me a liar, be damned to you. My record speaks for itself, I don't hold back information from those who need to know it. Ever. I was requested, specifically, after my cadet cruise to Musashi, mentored by Hiroshi Yamamoto himself after graduating the Tokyo Academy number two in my class." Hiroshi Yamamoto was now a Captain at the Tokyo Academy and at least half a legend, "My team brought the Akebono back home after getting half blown to hell against the Tzenkethi, even when we lost half of engineering and engineers when they hit the ship there. Ensign Asuna Yamamoto, yes, Hiroshi's daughter, was placed on Kuroshio with me for her own cadet cruise by his request. With all respect to you, Captain Takahashi, I'm not the type to lie. I refuse to lie to protect people. I'm willing to take responsibility where it is due, but I draw the line at anyone maligning my integrity, whether it's a raw crewman or even an Admiral. Especially when it's unfounded."

"Your opinion is noted, Lieutenant:" Maho said. "Dismissed."

It was as curt a dismissal as Ami Saito had ever heard, but the blood rushing through her head made her not really care about it. Words from Commander Hiroshi Yamamoto flew through her head, 'Never leave an argument without soft words to ease the blow.' She blinked her eyes three times as she stood there, trying to clear the rage she felt at the moment, then reverted to her native Japanese.

"Watashi no kotoba ni tsuite wa shazai shimasuga, kanjō ni tsuite wa shazai shimasen. Anata ga kono fune ni watashi no ibasho wa nai to handan suru made, watashi wa saizen o tsukushimasu. Anata to anata no kodomo ga sakura no naka de nagaiki dekimasu yō ni." (I apologize for my words but not the emotions. I will continue to do my best until you decide my place is not on board this ship. May you and your child live a long life among the cherry blossoms.)

That said, Ami sharply, but slowly gave a deep bow of respect. Genuine respect, it had to be precise, because no matter what she thought at this moment, Maho Takahashi WAS the Captain of the ship. She held it for three seconds, then as she came back up, turned on her heel and left in silence. After she was past the doors and they'd slid shut behind her, she whispered one more word, "Baka." But whether it was for herself or Maho, not even she knew.

Maho sighed heavily once Ami had left. It was bad enough that Starfleet had given her this of all assignments, and now her crew was making her look like a fool. She wondered if this all could possibly get any worse...

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Mission Post by:

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi


Lieutenant Ami Rori
Chief Engineer
USS Myogi

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