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A Long Day

Posted on Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 7:29pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.'

902 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Timeline: End of Mission Day 1

When Keisuke finally finished with his duties, he returned to the captain's quarters, which he shared with his wife. Captain Takahashi had gone off duty early because she hadn't been feeling well, and while Keisuke wanted to drop everything to be there for his wife, there was still work that needed to be done.

When Keisuke arrived back in the quarters, the sound of snoring met his ears, and it didn't take him long to find Maho passed out on the couch, snoring loudly. Deciding it was best not to wake her, Keisuke instead settled down nearby and began poring over the technical manual for the FD3S RX-7. It was something he liked to do in his free time and make notes on what he would need to work on during his next shore leave.

As he was reading, there came a snort from Maho as she abruptly began to stir:

"Huh? What?" She muttered in a disoriented manner before she noticed her husband. "Oh, hey, Keisuke. How was work today?"

"Oh, nothing major:" Keisuke muttered. "Just helping out around the shuttlebay... I take it the same can't be said for you?"

"What do you mean?" Maho asked as she sat up.

"You were out cold when I came in about a half hour ago." Keisuke explained. "I've not seen you worn out to the point of snoring since-!"

"Alvatar." Maho completed. "Babe, I'm starting to think Starfleet hates us... They gave us that fucking bitch again..."

"Aisaka?" Keisuke asked. "You're kidding..."

"I wish I wasn't." Maho sighed. "Alas, she's the goddamned special guest we've been tasked with transporting to Beta Antares..."

About 30 minutes of tense silence passed before Keisuke finally spoke:

"It took every fiber of my being pulling me in the opposite direction to not punch that asshole after all the things you told me she said to you." He said.

"And now you see my predicament." Maho said. "Babe, it can't be a coincidence that this is the second time Aisaka has been placed aboard our ship; and now it's after the largest attack on Starfleet Headquarters since the Breen. Really, both times Aisaka has been aboard the Myogi has been right after flashpoints in galactic politics."

"I can't ever forget what Aisaka said to you, nor what she did to Zack." Keisuke said. "But, we can learn to forgive..."

"Oh, for fuck's sake, Keisuke!" Maho snapped. "You too? Do I have no allies on board my own ship??"

"Babe, you do have an ally..." Keisuke said, moving closer. "Do you remember why I fell in love with you?"

Before Maho could speak, Keisuke ran a finger over her lips.

"Luscious lips..." Keisuke said. "And big tits..."

Keisuke gave Maho's breast a squeeze, and Maho gasped in surprise.

"I'm so, sorry, did I-?" Keisuke began.

"No, please: Do it again." Maho begged. "That felt rather good..."

Keisuke wasn't about to argue; if Maho wanted a breast massage, then who was he to say no? When he squeezed Maho's breasts again, he did it with one in each hand.

"Ugh... Oh, yes..." Maho groaned. "Ah, that hits the spot..."

"Now, as I was saying..." Keisuke said rather awkwardly. "The woman I fell in love with didn't let her hatred get in the way of her duty. We can be angry at assholes like Aisaka, but we shouldn't allow it to consume us. We can forgive, but we can also never forget."

"But how, babe?" Maho asked. "How can we forgive her? After everything she's put this vessel and her crew through? Well, now her crews in plural, because it's fucking happening again!"

"The same way you forgave your sister for both losing your school's winning streak and betraying the Nishizumi style." Keisuke said. "The same way you helped me to set aside my differences with Zack and call him a damned good friend."

"But those were different circumstances:" Maho said. "We're talking about a megabitch who called me worse than a fucking Borg drone because I followed orders like a Starfleet officer fucking should!"

"We both know people have called you similar things:" Keisuke said. "But, this is different, because..."

Keisuke placed a hand on Maho's belly.

"Because of this." He said. "It messed with your head: Allowed an insult that normally wouldn't get under your skin to do just that. Well, if you're looking for an ally, let me just say it right now: If that fucking bitch comes for our child, I'll pull her still-beating heart out and force her to spend her last conscious moments watching me slowly disembowel her."

A thin smile slowly spread on Maho's face. Keisuke's inner bosozoku thug coming out was just what she needed at this point in time.

"You know, you should be careful how you word things..." She teased, the smile turning to a mischievous smirk. "Because saying sexy things like that is just going to turn me on..."

"But babe, you're pregnant:" Keisuke pointed out. "Surely, that's a bad idea..."

"Meh, Doctor Delling has told me that intercourse during pregnancy is alright so long as there are no complications.' Maho shrugged. "And unluckily for you, I've not had any serious complications... Now, what was it the Borg always said? Oh, that's right: Resistance is Futile..."

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer


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