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A Gentle Questioning... To Start (Part 2)

Posted on Sun Mar 24th, 2024 @ 8:13pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Edited on on Sun Mar 24th, 2024 @ 8:13pm

1,222 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Gamma Zednor holding facility
Timeline: After 'A Gentle Questioning... To Start (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

“While Ah can agree that there are those individuals in Japanese culture who do fall to pedophilia as a result of over-sexualization of age-inappropriate characters, it isn’t limited to them. Ah could tell you about experiences Ah had as a young actress that would chill your blood.” And it was absolutely true, some had gotten handsy with her and she’d been lucky, she knew, “You would have my blessin’ to do with duly convicted pedophiles as you wish, but attaintin’ an entire culture over a few individuals isn’t the way. Ah have known more Caucasian sexual predators than Ah have Japanese, but Ah ain’t gonna condemn them as a whole for the actions of those few. Why, it would be like the same era’s condemnation of African descended people as criminals purely for the color of their skin! Or the mid-Twentieth Century war fought where millions were massacred for bein’ Jewish!”

"The German chancellor of that time period was certainly onto something:" Hartley responded. "The Jews were the enemies of his people, and he took steps to eradicate their threat. Likewise with the [redacted]s. The negro was a disease on the face of contemporary society, and steps were taken to prevent that disease from spreading. And look what happened when the left wing vermin prohibited those measures and allowed the disease to spread. Look how much it's rotted us! They even managed to corrupt a personal hero of mine from that time period; George Wallace, and forced him to confess that he had been wrong."

And now, the continuation:

As Hartley spoke positively about otherwise reviled historical figures, the two arrived to a nondescript door with a tall, narrow window leading into a nondescript room.

"The communicator is in here; Miss Silverstar." Hartley opened the door for Alisha, motioning to a desk with a screen at it. "If you need anything, I'll be right next door."

The Governor's motion was supported by the presence in the room of what appeared to be a one way mirror mounted on the wall that bordered the adjacent room.

Alisha nodded graciously to the Governor and set herself down in front of the screen as she pressed a button to activate it. There was no use in asking for privacy, because no doubt that this call would be being recorded, even if it were illegally, and besides... It wasn't like she was going to be giving away any information that she wasn't willing to give away. "Ah just thought of something, suh, but is there a Federation starship in orbit? Ah thought Ah saw one from the Liner when we got here, but Ah don't know if they're still here or not."

There was a click, and Hartley's voice came over a PA system.

"There is:" He said. "It's the USS Akagi, NCC-86753: I know Starfleet tends to be a bit finnicky and requires you to input the hull number of the ship you wish to contact."

"Why thank you, suh, you are indeed correct." Alisha sighed as she keyed in the proper comm code for the Akagi.

After releasing the intercom into the next room, Hartley turned to an advisor.

"We already suspected that she's a pathological liar, but now we have proof of it:" He said in a low voice.

Alisha fidgeted as she waited. Momentarily, a red-uniformed officer appeared on the screen.

"This is Akagi, Lieutenant Harmon speaking, how may I help you?" They looked bored as the woman's face appeared on his screen.

"Ah'm sorry to bother you, Lieutenant," Her voice seemed to loosen a bit, more of a lengthy drawl than it had been before, almost as if it were from a different part of the former United States than Alexis was from. She glanced back at the Governor and sighed, "My name is Lieutenant Jay Gee Willa Donahue of the USS Valiant, Ah'm currently on leave from my ship for personal reasons... Ah'm an actress filming a movie down here on Gamma Zednor and Ah've been arrested by the local authorities." She turned in the seat, "What are the official charges, Governor?"

Another click

"Conspiracy to incite insurrection, obstruction of justice, and resisting arrest." Hartley's disembodied voice read off.

"Those." She said with an active blush at the screen, "Ah'm in need of a JAG officer to act as my local counsel and attorney at my trial, if it would be possible."

"Of course, Lieutenant." The officer raised his eyes from the woman to somewhere over her shoulder, then back to her again. "We don't have one on board, but the Bonneville is in the general area and we will contact her immediately to arrange for a JAG lawyer to be detached right away. Hang tight, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, sir." Alisha watched as the line terminated and the screen went blank again, then exhaled heavily once more and stood again, giving the Governor another smile, "Thank you, suh, for allowin' me to contact the proper authorities to arrange for my legal counsel. As a servin' member of Starfleet, Ah chose to avail myself of their counsel. Now, as Ah am cooperatin' with you, where can Ah wait for them to arrive?"

As Alisha thanked the Lieutenant on the Akagi for their time, Hartley got up from his seat and made his way back to the communicator room, entering as Alisha stood up and turned to him to thank him.

"Well, Lieutenant Reno:" Hartley said, addressing her by her rank and real name. "I'm afraid when I meet with Captain Hartmann later today that I'll have to tell her to inform the JAG officer they just sent that I'm adding lying to law enforcement to the list of charges. You should know I have no patience for pathological liars; as such, we've made a decision not to release you at this time. You will be escorted back to your cell where you may wait for your legal counsel."

As Hartley informed Alisha of his decision, two police officers entered the room behind him. Both were on the overweight side, but looked as if it would be difficult to take down one of them; next to impossible to take them both out.

And something that Alisha wouldn't have tried in any case. She still smiled at the Governor, but it was a shaky one as if he'd rattled her, "Suh, Ah do mean this with respect, but if you desire to add any more charges that you cannot prove to the record, you may do so. Ah have hidden my true identity in order to give myself a measure of privacy in my personal life, but a simple genetic test compared to both my own file and the file of this 'Alisha Reno' you're talkin' about will prove that Ah am who Ah just said Ah am." She shook her head gently, then turned to the two officers, "Now, gentlemen, if you'd like to show me where to go, Ah'm not gonna resist, but if it'd make you feel safer to cuff me, Ah can appreciate that as well."

"Very well, Miss Reno:" Hatley nodded. "Right this way..."

Posting by

Governor Ambrose Hartley
Gamma Zednor

Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Myogi


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