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I Wanna Be The Very Best...

Posted on Tue Aug 27th, 2024 @ 1:23am by Yaeka Sakuragi

1,384 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Captains and Contraband
Location: Holodeck

The agreement that little Yaeka Sakuragi had with Kurumi and Captain Takahashi was that she was allowed two hours per day in the holodeck as a reward for completing her lessons. As the ship didn't have a schoolroom, she was taught by various officers in different subjects. One of counsellors Scott's suggestions was that she used the holodeck to 'play' and help her with her recent trauma.

So there she stood in front of the holodeck doors. It had a permament reservation for her at this time. She had never used a holodeck before, however Kurumi had told her how it worked. You played through a simulation like a story and there were plenty of 'programs' made for children.

"The Adventures of Flotter..." She said to herself as she looked at the list. It had a brief description, but it didn't capture her interest. Finally there was a subfolder at the bottom with a list of programs all starting with the same name, but followed by different colours. "These look interesting." she muttered as she selected the first one and stepped into the holodeck.

The room was first filled with bright light surrounding her as a interface popped up infront of her. It looked like an options screen. She reached out and realised she could tap at the interface. It was asking if she was a boy or a girl and if the program should run in 'Traditional 2D' or 'Holodeck Mode'. She selected that she was a girl, and then wasn't sure what 'Traditional 2D' was, so she selected the Holodeck Mode.

Her clothes changed, she now wore a light t-shirt, shorts and a blue open jacket. A red backpack was now on her back hung from her shoulders and the holodeck had made a baseball cap for her. She took the hat and tied up her hair into a ponytail before putting the hat on. The interface popped up again. She tapped on it, selecting the 'Keep Clothes'. No doubt that the holodeck would replicate these clothes for her permamently, so she could wear them next time.

Suddenly music began to play. It sounded old, and like something from a long time ago. Then a man started to fade in. He had grey hair and wore a long lab coat. In his hand was a white and red coloured ball with a black circle through the middle. "Welcome!" he greeted her. "My name is Oak. What is your name?"

"Yaeka," she replied.

"Welcome Yaeka to your new adventure." The ball opened and a strange looking yellow mouse creature with red cheeks and brown striped popped out."

"Whats that?" Yaeka asked curiously.

"This is a Pokémon. This world is full with them. You are starting an adventure to become a Pokémon trainer." Oak said to her. Then a strange looking boy appeared next to him. "And this is my grandson... He's been your rival since you were a baby... What was his name again?"

A list of names appeared on the interface. Yaeka shrugged and picked the first one. 'Gary'.

Suddenly it all changed and Yaeka found hsrself in a strange room. It wasn't full of much. A single bed, a window and what looked like an old style computer of some sorts. She spotted some stairs and went down them. A few moments later she found herself in what seemed to be a collection of buildings, no more than three of four.

"This is strange..." She said. She started to wander around looking for what to do next. She then noticed a path covered in grass, so she headed towards that.

"WAIT!" Oak's voice shouted. His hand reached out and took her shoulder. "Its dangerous to go into the grass alone without a Pokémon. Wild Pokémon could jump out and attack you!" he said. Suddenly the strange mouse jumped out at them. Oak threw the strange red and white ball at the mouse. It wiggled a few times before becoming still.

'Pikachu was Caught!' a small pop up said. Then Oak took Yaeka by the hand and led her into one of the nearby buildings. It looked like some sort of laboratory. It had computers and machines. Oak placed the ball on the table, right before Gary showed up.

"Yaeka. You can have this Pokémon." Oak said simply as he passed her the ball. "This is called a Pokéball. Its what you use to catch pokemon."

"Hey no fair!" Gary whined. "I want one too!"

Oak sighed as he reached into his pocket and pulled out another ball. "Fine, you can have this one." Oak said. Yaeka thought that Gary was spoilt. She didn't like him.

"Hey you." Gary said. "I demand a Pokémon battle!"

The background music changed and Yaeka found herself face to face with Gary. Out of his Pokéball popped out a cute looking brown fluffy animal. A status bar semed to hover above it, along with its level and a name.

"Eevee...." Yaeka said as she read the name. "Level 5..."

She then threw her own ball and the Pikachu from earlier came out. It also had a floating status bar over it and it was also at level five. However a new menu had also appeared. There were four options. 'Fight' 'Bag' 'Pkmn' and 'Run'. However 'Run' was greyed out.

She narrowed her eyes looking at Gary. "I'm going to teach you a lesson for being spoilt!" she said as she tapped on the 'fight' option. There was only one attack on there. 'Thundershock'. She touched it, but it didn't do anything. "What... How do I?..."

"Use verbal commands" The computer said in its monotone voice. "Ah ok." Yaeka responded.

"Pikachu... Use Thundershock..."

The Pikachu looked back with a sort of cheeky smile. Then electricity erupted from its cheeks and a bright yellow streak of lightning darted across the room striking the Eevee. The Eevee ran at the Pikachu, slamming into him.

'Eeevee used Tackle'.

"Oh, so he can attack too..." Yaeka said. "Pikachu. Do it again." she ordered. She pointed at the Eevee. The bolt of electricity darted across the room once again hitting the Eevee. The Eevee stopped before its eyes closed and it collapsed tot he ground.

'Eevee has fainted...' the interface read. 'Pikachu has gained EXP Points'. Under Pikachu's status bar another blue bar began to expand. It filled right to the end before touched the very end with a ping. Happy music began to play as the interace generated a new message. 'Pikachu has levelled up to Level 6!'.

Gary held out his Pokéball and the Eevee seemed to be pulled back in by a strange blue light. "I'll get you next time!" he said before scurrying off. Yaeka smiled as Oak approached her and handed her a small red device.

She flipped it open. It had a screen and buttons on the inside. "This is a Pokédex. It is a catalogue of every Pokémon you will see and encounter. It also logs all the Pokémon you have caught. I need you to complete it and catch them all. It is essential for my research!" Oak said. Yaeka nodded.

'So the aim of this program is to capture these strange creatures. And I need to fight them too...' she thought to herself. 'So its an adventure program...'

"Good luck!" Oak said as he turned and began to do something over on a nearby bench. Yaeka shrugged as she turned and left the building. She looked around and could only see one path leaving the small town.


"What the..." Yaeka exclaimed as suddenly Pikachu seemed to let itself out of the Pokéball and stand next to her. She smiled as she reached out. The Pikachu allowed her to pet him. "So you want to walk with me..." she said. "Thats fair enough. I could use the company..."

She set off towards the grassy path. "Ok Pikachu. Lets start this little adventure." Yaeka said as she clenched her fists in excitement. If only she knew now that she had so far to go, so much to do and the road was full of challenges and puzzles. "Lets go!"

Posting by

Yaeka Sakuragi


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