New Mission and New Season
Posted on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 6:54am by Captain Maho Takahashi
To all crew:
The conclusion of Operation Tokyo Return brings not only the mission to a close, but the season and our first mission arc to a close. Nearly 3 years of writing has lead to this moment, and I'd like to thank all players, past and present, who helped shape our sim into what it is today! I couldn't have done it without you!
Of course, as is tradition at this point, any posts that are still in progress will roll over into our next mission, and should be labeled as backposts if they are set during this one.
Our next season is going to start off on a different kind of note; one which will be dealing with themes of intense racism towards certain ethnic groups:
Jim Crow in the 24th Century? Surely an absurd thought!
Yet, for the citizens of the Gamma Zednor system, under the administration of Governor Ambrose Hartley, it is but a fact of everyday life. In recent years, Gamma Zednor's government has passed a series of xenophobic laws restricting the rights of citizens of Japanese descent, and enforcing a strict segregation system.
These "Junichi Koyama" laws as the have come to be known by, fly in the face of the Federation's values of equality, and now, following the destruction of a Federation outpost in the system, Governor Hartley is among a growing number of planetary governors seeking to leave the Federation altogether.
When the USS Myogi is dispatched to the Gamma Zednor system to assist the crew of the USS Akagi in negotiating with Governor Hartley, the crew discovers firsthand the cruelties of Junichi Koyama, with not even Captain Takahashi being safe from xenophobic ridicule.
When Governor Hartley proves he cannot be reasoned with, the two Starfleet crews are swept up into a conspiracy to assassinate Governor Hartley so that his more moderate deputy governor would be sworn in. A more moderate governor would mean potential repeal of the Junichi Koyama laws, but moreover, might guarantee Gamma Zednor's continued Federation membership. However, Starfleet personnel involved in such a plot would be seen as a violation of the Prime Directive at best, and (if the plot were to fail) treason at worst.
With Gamma Zednor's future at stake, the two Starfleet crews must make a choice: Stand by the Prime Directive and risk Gamma Zednor potentially falling to the Confederacy of Independent Planets, or intervene in the affairs of others to guarantee its continued Federation membership and the undoing of its political backsliding.
Sounds quite intense, doesn't it? This mission has been in the works for years, and I'm looking forward to where it takes us!
But first, we have the usual end of mission mumbo jumbo to go through:
Participation Points
Before we get into the awards, I'd like to take a moment to touch upon your Participation scores for Operation Tokyo Return. And I'm happy to report that you've all passed with flying colors! I asked for a simple goal of 3 participation points for each player, and everyone has exceeded it, in some cases well exceeded it. Great job, everyone!

Tanaka Miyahara Ribbon of Excellence recipients:
-Commander Ichika Misono
-Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
-Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott
-Lieutenant Ami Rori
-Lieutenant JG Max Gill
-Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
-Lieutenant JG Connor Talmage
I see quite a few first time winners on the list, as well as a few returning recipients. Well done and congratulations to our final winners of the Tanaka Miyahara Ribbon of Excellence!
...Well, as the Tanaka Miyahara Ribbon of Excellence. As hinted at before, it's quite inappropriate to have our sim's highest honor named after our sim's villain, wouldn't you agree? As such, moving forward, our award for exceeding expectations will be known as the Maho Takahashi Ribbon of Excellence!

Essential NPC Award recipients:
-Captain Taiga Aisaka
-Captain Mikoto Misaka
-Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke
-Commander Keisuke Takahashi
-Commander Chiyomi Anzai
-Lieutenant Terrence Johnston
-Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
-Ensign Miyoko Misaka
-Crewman Recruit Hanamaru Kunikida
Bit of a drop off from the last two missions, but the creative use of NPCs still deserves to be applauded! Fortunately, the Essential NPC Award will not be changing names and will still be the award you know and love.

Tokyo Return Award recipients:
-Commander Ichika Misono
-Commander Victor Delling
-Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
-Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott
-Lieutenant Ami Rori
-Lieutenant JG Max Gill
-Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
-Lieutenant JG Connor Talmage
Each and every one of you participated in our mission, so well done and congratulations!
And lastly, over the course of this mission, our second Theta-Versary came and went, and while I was a bit late on the draw, I did eventually credit our remaining crew who have stuck with us from our old fleet for two incredible years in Theta Fleet!

The Voyage Home Medal of Appreciation recipients:
-Commander Ichika Misono
-Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott
-Lieutenant Ami Rori
-Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
-Lieutenant JG Connor Talmage
Thank you to our recipients for two years of service.
And a hearty congratulations to all of our award recipients!

Once again, thank you to everyone, past and present, who helped make the Myogi's first season such a success story. Here's to another three years of strong writing!
-Captain Maho Takahashi
Category: General News