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Who's Gonna Stop Us Now?

Posted on Thu Apr 28th, 2022 @ 6:55am by Commander Seiji Iwaki 'Hawk'

442 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: USS Nikko

The USS Nikko's executive officer strolled onto the Nebula class starship's bridge from the turbolift, descending down the port side ramp and approaching the vessel's commander in the command chair.

"Latest news from Earth, sir;" The woman said as she handed him the PADD she was carrying.

The commander took the PADD and scrolled through it for a few minutes before his eyes suddenly wided.

"Well, I'll be damned:" He exclaimed. "The little pip squeak has actually done it! The heist of the century: You know what this means, don't you?"

"I must admit; I do not see any correlation between a starship captain's acquittal and our current mission, sir:" The Vulcan woman responded.

"It means our Federation's justice system is officially broken:" Commander Iwaki explained. "Think about it: This one acquittal opens the floodgates! If she can get away with mass murder, I can do my part and protect our Federation businesses from being undercut from Klingon competition, so long as I hire someone like this Lena Mendor person; the best of the best of the best defense attorneys; who will gladly go to bat on my behalf for the correct price."

"Fascinating;" The XO said, perking a brow. "You do provide a rather valid and logical argument that a trial like this could potentially pave way for similar trials in the future."

"I know, right?" Commander Iwaki chuckled. "I mean, seriously; who's going to stop us after something like this? And for how long? Because little miss Aisaka here has proven that you can lie and cheat your way out of just about anything, provided you have the resources at your disposal."

"I wouldn't consider it lying and cheating so much as I would consider it an incredibly persuasive argument in favor of her acquittal." The XO said.

"Call it how you like, and I'll call it how I like." Commander Iwaki said. "Anyhow, at this point, a little Klingon invasion couldn't hurt to help the Federation sober up a little. Hell; it might be just what it needs to save it from itself."

"A somewhat counter-intuitive argument;" The XO muttered. "However, I can see merit in it; given the recent rather sharp rise in right-wing extremism that has occurred since this trial concluded. Perhaps an invasion could be considered necessary to unite those on both sides of the political spectrum."

"Exactly:" Commander Iwaki said. "We'll show the galaxy that they won't be safe in Taiga Aisaka's Federation, and those that try to stop us are merely defending a lost cause..."

Posting by

Commander Seiji Iwaki
Commanding Officer
USS Nikko


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