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Captain's Log - Homeward Bound!

Posted on Thu Nov 3rd, 2022 @ 1:59pm by Captain Maho Takahashi

448 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Insurrection

Captain's log, Starship Myogi.

Following our successful apprehension of Commander Seiji Iwaki several days ago, the Myogi has begun its return trip to Sol to transfer Iwaki over to secure holding at Starfleet Security while he awaits his trial. Things have been rather slow going, as we have only been able to maintain speeds between warp 6 and warp 7 so that the Nikko can keep up with us.

Speaking of trials, given our current trajectory, we should have just passed a day's warp out from Sol, just in time for the certification of Captain Taiga Aisaka's trial victory by the Federation Council. Normally, this is not a noteworthy occasion, but everything that has to do with that damn trial has been anything but normal.

It's no coincidence that Senpai is holding his biggest protest yet today, on the same day of the certification. He's been telling his friends in the conservative media as well as his supporters that that will be the day that they will somehow be able to overturn the trial, and apparently, his charm has gotten to even some of the politicians on the Federation council, several of whom plan to object to the certification.

One way or another, I can't shake a gut feeling I have that something's going to go down today...

Maho was working in her office, watching Miyahara's speech as she worked. However, as the speech was coming to a close, Maho received an emergency communique from Starfleet. Maho turned off the speech to accept the communique.

"This is Lieutenant Commander Ferrill Okami of Starfleet Security speaking on behalf of the Admiralty: Starfleet is hereby invoking General Order 18 for Sector 001. All Starfleet ships within one day's warp travel of Sector 001 are ordered to make immediate headway for Sol at maximum warp. Upon arrival, ships are to mobilize their security and marine compliments as well as any able-bodied officer with combat or crowd control experience and beam them down to Starfleet Headquarters immediately in full riot gear. Starfleet headquarters has been breached by protestors. I repeat; Starfleet headquarters has been breached by protestors."

The communique ended, and the Lieutenant Commander's face was replaced by that of the Federation emblem. When Maho turned FNN back on, their coverage had shifted away from the coverage of the Save the Federation rally, and they were now displaying a live shot at Starfleet Headquarters, showing the premises being quickly overrun by a sea of protestors.

Horrified by what she was seeing. Maho knew what she needed to do next; and that was take charge. Maho got up from the desk and made her way towards the ready room door.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer


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