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Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave

Posted on Sat Nov 5th, 2022 @ 12:47pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Taiga Aisaka

618 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco, Earth

A major protest at Starfleet Headquarters was not something Lieutenants Haruhi Suzumiya and Kyon were expecting to happen when they showed up for work. However, that was now fast becoming their reality, and what was worse was that Starfleet was struggling to hold the line against the mob. The two Lieutenants were originally to assist in the evacuation of the Federation Council, however they had been diverted to Admiral Benson's office to evacuate him and the person whom was arguably the main target of the protestors' anger; Captain Taiga Aisaka.

As the Lieutenants made their way towards the office, the calls on the coms became increasingly desperate, and the two exchanged worried glances more than once before they finally arrived at the office. The sounds of a normal conversation taking place could be heard from within, so they knew the sight of them barging in and saying that they were here to evacuate them would be off-putting, but they knew they had a job to do.

"Admiral Benson, Captain Aisaka;" Haruhi addressed the room's occupants as she and Kyon entered. "Sorry to interrupt, but we're here to evacuate you to Earth Spacedock."

Taiga was leant against the desk, her arms crossed. "You know Lieutenant. I don't intend to leave. I came here to pick up some orders for my ship before heading back to Beta Antares. Technically I should still be on shoreleave..." she said clearly not amused.

The hot headed captain turned back to the Admiral. "Admiral, give me a phaser rifle and I'll go and sort some of these rwody Miyhara-Fools myself. Quite frankly, I'm amazed that we even let it get this far!"

"With all due respect, Captain;" Kyon spoke up. "If you choose to remain here, Starfleet cannot guarantee your safety."

As Kyon was speaking, a rather alarming call came over his combadge:

"Cruiser 50, we've lost the line! We've lost the line! All Starfleet units, pull back! I repeat, all Starfleet units, pull back and regroup at the upper terrace! Upper terrace, stat!"

"The Lieutenant does have a point, Captain." Admiral Benson agreed. "However, if it is your will to remain behind, Lieutenant Suzumiya will accompany you back to the armory to don riot gear."

"But, sir-!" Haruhi attempted to object.

"Lieutenant, there are certain risks that come with wearing the badge." Benson cut Haruhi off. "Some expected, others unexpected. If Captain Aisaka thinks staying and fighting is the right thing to do, then I expect you to lead her to the armory. Is that understood?"

"Understood, sir." Haruhi muttered.

Benson then turned to Taiga.

"Well, Captain?" He asked.

Taiga simply sighed. "Exactly how did all these people get into Starfleet Headquarters?" she asked. "Isn't this supposed to be one of the most secure complex's in the Federation?".

"That will certainly be a question for the public inquiry." Benson sighed. "Provided we can survive the coming ordeal..."

"Whatever" Taiga replied, still clearly frustrated. "Well, we're no use here. We might as well get upto the spacedock. Unless there's civilians causing problems up there too?"

"Spacedock is secure, Captain." Haruhi reported. "Stand by for transport."

Haruhi tapped her combadge.

"Once we're up there. Get me that asshole Miyahara. He's just causing more problems, I think its about time I had a little chat with him" Taiga said as she stood with the others to beam up.

"Suzumiya to Spacedock Transporter control;" She said. "Four to beam up."

Within moments, Admiral Benon's office was vacated as the four of them disappeared in a transporter beam.

Posting by

Admiral Benson

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Kyon
Starfleet Security

Lieutenant Haruhi Suzumiya
Starfleet Security


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