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Reunited at Last

Posted on Mon Nov 7th, 2022 @ 7:19am by Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Vivienne Erebos & Lieutenant Wyndon Rapisarta

817 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: Backpost: Prior to battle.

The trio had been inseparable during medical school, and had all had difficulties when they were separated. The team worked so well together with all of their different specialties combining that they were considered to be a functional unit in their graduating class. It was not until they had all come up in the top 10 of the class and had been sent to different cadet Cruise that they realized just how dependent they were on each other. While keeping in touch, the three all promised to them selves and each other that if any of them were ever to come across a cheap position that they would in turn request the others.

Even if Victor hadn't intended to do that, he desperately needed them. He was briefly put off by the fact that Vivian had gone into private practice such as it was in those days, but he was pleased and grateful that she would drop her practice on a moment notice to come back to serve with him. Deserve under him. That was even more of an honor, and one that Victor was not always sure he was deserving of. The man's introspection lasted until the bay door opened and out walked a tall shapely white-haired woman with a tattoo between her eyes.

"Ah Cherie" he vowed elegantly to her then wrapped her in a hug that she eagerly returned.

"Old friend it's so nice to see you. I'm so glad you got off of that dump of a science ship you were on onto something a little more fitting for your talents. " Vivienne was never one to mince words, and that sincere compliment sent Victor blushing to a Scarlet hue he'd not found in a long time.

"I trust you'll keep me in line?"

"When have I ever let you down?"

" Oh never, just thought I would verify. If we wait a few minutes Wyndon should be on the next shuttle in. He doesn't know that you'll be here." Victor explained with a smirk and he watched the amusement and joy of the incoming surprise flit over Vivi's face. Her laughter was delighted and she said her bag down on the floor to wait for the vascular specialist.

Wyndon Rapisarta was extremely capable both in and out of the OR, and had gotten some battlefield commendations that neither of them could ever really talk to him about. In the backs of their minds they were both concerned about their friend, when he's been sent into his own with forward combat troops. They figured that they would need such a surgeon in the field. Not discounting the fact that they were right, and it had an effect on their friend, one that they both noticed. He could and would operate it all hours of the day, but wind and prefer the night shift, and if he was assigned to a night shift that was where he was happiest. The man happened also to be a brilliant researcher, and Victor had set aside a full biomedical research lab for him to conduct his experimentation. The only requisite was that he followed the rules, and used nothing sentient for his work. At least without Victor being aware of and having approved of it, there was a time and a place for such work in the field, but they needed to go through the proper channels this time. They had nearly all gotten busted as cadets for his penchant for experimentation. The fact that he'd stolen a creature from the biology laboratory and the other two had helped him cover it up had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Wyndon came out of the shuttle with his bag slung behind his back. He saw Victor first and waved his arm at him "Victor!" he crowed as he came over to hug his friend. THey slapped each other's backs for a minute before Wyndon saw Vivienne, her eyes wet as she watched the men reunite.

"Vivienne!" Wyndon wasted no time and swept up Vivienne in a hug that lifted her off the floor and spun her around in a circle before placing her back upon her feet.

Laughter bubbled up from Vivi as she smacked his shoulder gently once she was steady upon her feet again. She had not been expecting that joyous of a response from Wyndon.

"It's so good to see you both. Vivienne, you are the picture of beauty, what youth serum do you use to never age?" Wyndon complimented her with a kiss to her cheek.

Victor picked up one of the bags and slung his arms around his friends shoulders. He led them off while they were all animatedly talking, and suddenly it was like everything in his world had fallen neatly into place. He fulfilled his promise that he'd made many decades ago, and now...all they could do was move forward.


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