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The One Where Queed Reports For Duty

Posted on Thu Nov 17th, 2022 @ 8:22am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Queed
Edited on on Thu Nov 17th, 2022 @ 8:24am

1,013 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Captain’s Ready Room
Timeline: A Few Days Ago

No one on the Myogi knew who Queed was, as if yet, however, the three pips on his collar allowed a lot of leeway. Once he dropped off his luggage and the crate of wine Captain Jaxom had bestowed on him, he made his way to the captain’s ready room and tapped the chime.

Maho was spitting into the waste basket she kept under her desk when she heard the chime go off. Grabbing a couple of tissues, Maho wiped her face on one and blew her nose into the other, depositing both into the bin now back under the desk. Whomever was calling had done so before Maho had had the opportunity to call the EMH to dispose of the vomit in the bin, and she hoped that they wouldn't notice the smell now emanating from the bin.

"Enter." Maho called once she felt like she was in a dignified enough state to speak to visitors.

Queed walked in and stood in front of Captain Takahashi's desk. There was a faint odor in the room, he thought it was his imagination and chose to ignore it. The tall, dark complexioned El-Aurian smiled hoping to make a good first impression, "Greetings Captain. I'm Lieutenant Commander Queed reporting for duty. I'm sure you received the notice from the Diplomatic Corps?"

"Indeed I have." Maho said. "Lieutenant Commander Churchill informed me when she handed in her resignation. You'll be taking over her duties once she disembarks back in Sol."

"I see, I thought she was only being reassigned, not resigning," Queed commented, "It's been awhile since I've had shipboard duty but I'm sure I'll manage."

"Churchill has stated on multiple occasions her intention to resign after this tour of duty." Maho sighed. "Something about her holoprograms exploding in popularity. It is not my place to judge; all I can do is respect her wishes and wish her the best of luck for the future. It might be in your best interest to meet with her before we arrive back in Sol."

“I see,” Queed replied, “I’ll make sure to talk to her before she disembarks. Is there anything else then?”

Maho considered dismissing Queed so that she could call the EMH, but something else came to Maho's mind, something that had been bothering Maho since the Myogi became her ship.

"I've read over your personnel file, is it true that you're an El-Aurian?" She asked.

That seemed an odd question to Queed but he answered anyway, “It is captain… but I’m not sure why you think my personnel file would be wrong?” He tilted his head a degree curious to what prompted that query.

"It's not because I thought your personnel file is wrong, Commander." Maho assured Queed. "I was hoping that, with your having been around the block for a few hundred years, and having seen several generations come and go, you'd be able to answer a question that's been on my mind the whole brief time I've been in command."

The corners of Queed’s mouth turned upwards slightly, “I’m rather young for my people Captain, barely into my second century, but I’ll answer the best I can.”

"Still long enough for you to have seen a generation or two come and go, I believe." Maho said. "Anyway, the entire time I've been a Starfleet officer, I believed in the ability of the young and the old to come together in the name of the common good. However, the past few weeks have been testing this belief:"

Maho handed Queed a PADD with various news reports on it covering the "Stop the Steal" movement from across the political spectrum. However, there was a very clear difference between the left and center's coverage and the right's coverage: The left and center were unilaterally condemning the movement as "the rhetoric of extremists" while the right was praising the movement as "the greatest patriotic movement in Federation history," with some even saying that 2395 would become "the new 1776."

"I was hoping to get your take on current events, and ask if you've ever seen such polarizing division in your lifetime." Maho said.

Queed studied the PADD for a few moments. His expression seemed to go through a number of emotions as he read. He had not realized things had gone this far and chastised himself for not keeping a closer eye on events closer to the Federation core. Things were, indeed, too quiet at his last posting on Bolarus IX. When he finished he looked back to the Myogi's captain and spoke softly in his calming baritone voice, "Polarization of this nature comes and goes in society every now and then. Eventually the level headed and thoughtful people will win, often with difficulty, but they do win out eventually. It's been my observation that the extreme ends of the political spectrum are also the loudest and demand attention and for awhile they get it because they know what to say to get the centrists types upset. 'The squeaky wheel gets the grease' I believe the saying is. When people get upset they are easily swayed. The extremists are a minority though and they can't keep the centrists as riled up as they need to achieve their ends. When the centrists start thinking again they realize just how outrageous the demands of the extremists are, they work to correct the situation. At that point, the balance is restored. The extremists lick their wounds and start plotting again. It's a sad cycle and even happens in the most advanced societies."

"Well, I sure hope that's the case, Commander." Maho said. "You are dismissed, unless of course there's anything more you want from me?"

"Nothing at the moment Captain," Queed replied, "I admit, I'm a little eager to get started."

"Very well, you are dismissed." Maho nodded.

After Queed left the ready room, Maho tapped her combadge.

"Takahashi to EMH: Can you come by the ready room for some hazardous waste disposal?"

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Queed
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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