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Negotiating the Terms

Posted on Mon May 29th, 2023 @ 7:58am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero

742 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Location: Captain's Ready Room, USS Myogi
Timeline: A few days after "Swimming in the Smoke"

Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero beamed aboard the Myogi to meet with Captain Maho Takahashi. From the moment she stepped off the transporter, she was unimpressed by the condition of Admiral Miyahara's former flagship. The Andorian stepped off the turbolift and made her way to the entrance of Captain Takahashi's ready room and pressed the chime, waiting to be let in.

Maho was working when the chime rang. She set down the PADD on which she was working and shut off the news.

"Enter." Maho called, interlacing her fingers.

The doors to the ready room swooshed open, and in stepped Shimakaze. A smirk formed on the Andorian captain's face upon seeing her Myogi counterpart, though she waited until the doors closed behind her before speaking.

"Well, if it isn't the Admiral's mistress, finally in the big chair." She said, observing the covered portrait of Miyahara on the wall. "I see you've chosen to only cover up the Admiral's portrait instead of having it removed completely."

"I don't believe in censoring artwork just because the subject of a particular piece has chosen to sully his reputation." Maho responded. "I don't go into your ready room and tell you about how Captain Tsuchiya would feel about what you've done to it."

"Pink skins always fail to appreciate Andorian art." Shimakaze commented.

"What do you want, Zh'gero?" Maho asked.

"What do I want?" Shimakaze responded naggingly. "Simple things that every Andorian should wish for; our species on top of the Federation totem pole where it belongs."

"I was referring to our assignment, Captain:" Maho clarified in a low, threatening tone. "Is there any particular reason behind your hesitation to help your sister ship accomplish its mission?"

"Oh, that:" Shimakaze said. "I shouldn't have to tell you this, but the Haruna's time is a highly valuable commodity. We left experiments sitting out in deep space, and were about to head out to collect them before you called. So tell me, Captain; why should I waste the Haruna's time assisting pink skins back to Beta Antares?"

"What's to say our guests aren't Andorian, Captain?" Maho challenged. "What with Starfleet holding back their identities, you might miss an opportunity to escort two of your own people."

"Oh, I highly doubt that your guests are Andorians, Captain?" Shimakaze said. "You want to know how I know that? I know quite a few Andorian captains, and right now none of them are having their ships undergoing repairs or refits at Beta Antares."

"Just because your friends aren't having their ships repaired doesn't mean there aren't other Andorian captains who don't know you that are." Maho responded. "Besides, with all the rampant security risks, do you really want to Haruna to be known as that one Starship that immediately went back to performing experiments during a high alert situation?"

"The Haruna is well-armed. She can fend for herself." Shimakaze stated.

"But she's more powerful with the Myogi and the Akina by her side." Maho retorted. "Now tell me, Captain; what's prohibiting you from being a team player in Task Force Jomo? Is it your past affiliations to one of the criminal extremist groups that attacked Starfleet Headquarters?"

"We do not discuss that." Shimakaze hissed through barred teeth.

"Then help me with this assignment, Captain." Maho responded. "After we are done, you are free to go back to experimenting."

Shimakaze stroked her chin.

"You really want my assistance that badly?" She muttered. "Well, seeing as you're now inconveniencing my crew, they're going to require a way to blow off steam. Perhaps putting a bunch of pink skins in their place should do the trick. I'll see if Spacedock has any holosuite openings. If you want my assistance, perhaps you'll consider entertaining my crew? I think you'll find a lot in it for you, as my crew enjoys an old Earth game of team building that you might find interesting..."

A few more minutes passed before the ready room doors swooshed open again and Shimakaze stepped out onto the bridge, followed by Maho. Maho approached the command area while Shimakaze made her way towards the turbolifts. Maho waited until Shimakaze entered the turbolift before speaking to her exec:

"Commander, assemble the senior staff in the conference room, now." She said.

Ichika nodded.

"Yes, Captain." She said.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero
Commanding Officer
USS Haruna


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