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Backpost: A Night In Gotham (Part 3)

Posted on Mon May 29th, 2023 @ 7:42am by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt

1,334 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Location: USS Myogi
Timeline: After 'A Night In Gotham (Part 2)'

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

"Very well Harley where did you last see the Joker? Any information will help" Connor asked.

Flag crossed his forearms, standing with piercing eyes at Harley.

Alisha plucked the last crumbs off of her outfit, considered them, then popped them in her mouth before rolling off the couch and to her feet, "I last saw him about a week ago, he was walking away from me on Main Street after I told him I wanted him to go straight." She nodded emphatically, obviously following the request exactly.

And now, the continuation:

"Hey, you asked where I saw him last, not where he might be!" Harley whined like a teenager, "Now if you wanted to know where he is right now, that's an entirely different question! That one is almost as easy, he set up a small safe-house in the outskirts, 842 Barron Road, all the comforts of home, large lawn so the neighbors can't really see in very well, lots of privacy with a gate to the driveway as well." She reached into a pocket with difficulty and pulled out a housekey, "Even told me to drop by when I came to my senses."

Rick's boots laying echoing thuds in the large room, turning to Conner as he leaves. "Batman. 842. Keep Harley zipped. She'll jump for the wheel!"

"But I'm a gooooooood girl now!" Harley complained as she overheard Rick's suggestion, "Well, mostly good."

"She wouldn't get past the Security. Besides that she wants to find the joker as much as we do."

"Anyway if we're ready to go. Let's head to Central City S.T.A.R labs. I've arranged for Barry to meet us there and to scope other information. As for John and Oliver they were unavailable. So will have to make do. "

Connor summoned a batjet from a nearby shuttle bay. And allowed everyone climb inside. "Wayne techs latest." A voice came from the radio. It was lucious fox Bruce's tech guy. "I trust it's to your standards Bruce?" "It is thanks Lucious" "glad to be of service." Lucious ended.

"Allright everyone comfortable? Harley you enjoying yourself? Connor replied to Harley who was now duct taped to the seat.

Harley's face screwed up as Alisha mused on how to handle this one. Well, there was indignation, or there was, "Well, Batty-boy, a girl could get used to being tied up if there was something fun goin' on." She tried to get out of the duct tape in a half-hearted way, "But this isn't all needed, ya' know, I said I'd behave."

"I'm not the one who did that now am I?" Connor replied.

"The Invisible Jet is parked outside," Jane/Wonder Woman said. "I'll see you in the air." From there, she exited stage left, the same way she'd come from. Near the edge of the holodeck, a landing platform with a nearly-invisible vertical-takeoff/landing airplane sat on it, ready for her to take it into the sky.

The league could quickly see the familiar setting of Central City on Connors dash. Jane could see the same thing. Connor decided it was best to land near S.T.A.R labs.

"Wow the league has a party and I'm not invited.Thanks Bruce" Connor heard a familiar voice come from the interior.

"Nice to see you to Barry" Connor replied. "Say I like the new suit odd color choice but I like it" Barry replied.

"Enough stalling Barry we have work to do."

"Of course. Your looking for the Atom converter aren't you? Yeah I hate to say this it's not here."

"Where is it"

"Well Quins boyfriend over there took it"


Connor Quickly tapped on the console on his arm in a effort to find the joker. He was smart sure but he couldn't have gotten far. Then he heard a voice come from the console.

"Hello batsy how kind of you to want to play my game. You know reasons like these are the highlight of my day.” Joker said followed by a ear piercing laugh. "Also thank you for bringing back my dear Harley in exchange for your rather kind gesture I'll tell you my plan."

"I don't for this bullshit joker.”

"Oh but batsy you need me to tell you or else I'll destroy your beloved city you swore to protect."

"WHAT DID YOU DO???? WHAT DID DO????” Connor screamed.

"I don't know ask Harley" the joker replied as he hung up.

"Harley do you know anything about this?"

Pratt blinked his eyes. This was too much fun. Playing the part of Rick Flag, the Military Type that clashes along with the anti-establishment antics. "Hold up." Brandon raised his brow, a crease formed across his forehead. Gesturing with a bit anxious in his hands before him. "Batman, Harley. I'll have to report this to Military Command." Flag grunted not liking what he was hearing, considering his options. "Unless Harley offers up?"

Bereft of information, Alisha just hoped that this program was one of those adaptable ones that changed parameters based off of the interactions of the players involved in it. She waved her hands in a dismissive gesture, "Oh, you know, it's nothing serious, not with my Puddin'! He's just playing a joke, using the Atom Convertor to play a biiiiiiiig game of hide and seek, it's even got clues!" She declared brightly, "He's such a Joker, ya' know!"

“Well, someone’s going to do some talking. Or else Military Command will directly infiltrate all of your dealings with the Joker, especially you, Harley. An enemy of the state. Is that what you want? To be on death row? To be on the head of that electric chair, the buzzing zaps! Zap! Zap! AAP! ZAaaaaaaaaaaap!”

Brandon was enjoying seeing Harley squirm.

“Bring us to the Joker. Unless I’ll call it in now?” Flag toggled his loose earpiece. “Yeah, Command. This is Rick…” Pratt turned to Batman. “When we get to the Joker, he’s all yours, Batman.0”

Harley rolled her eyes at the 'play zapping', but pouted to stay in character, "You don't have to have me TAKE you to him, silly person, he's already here... Somewhere! But I've always thought that I've got an electrifying personality as it is, I really don't need any more illuminating!"

“If he’s here, we’ll find him,” Jane/Diana said. “We can brute force, tear this place apart until we find him and the Converter, or we can split up and search more thoroughly.”

"I think we should split up to search." Alisha/Harley said and nodded, having been working with her hands to twist and rub and had freed her hands from the duct tape and tossed the wad to the side, getting up and brushing her pants with her hands, "Tell ya'll what, I'll go look over there!" She pointed at one corner, then started off towards another.

She was stopped by the golden lasso that suddenly found itself around her waist, and Jane was glad the computer assisted with such things. In real life she'd never even touched a lasso before, but here she was suddenly proficient with it. "You're not going anywhere alone," she said, her Wonder Woman voice now feeling more natural.

Brandon's jaw dropped at the scene. His eyes focused on the rope that seemingly was helped by holography. Wrapping around Harley. "That. Wow. Is this game on record?" Pratt spoke out of character.

“Now, now,” Jane told Brandon. “This isn’t that kind of program.” Even if Alisha and I are absolutely keeping this outfits, she thought to herself.

... Rick decided to clomp n stomp around start experiencing the program, as he then left in an alternate direction to the right.

To be continued...

Ensign connor talmadge
Cheif science officer
USS myogi.
Lieutenant jg Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant (jg) Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Myogi


Lieutenant Brandon Pratt
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Myogi


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