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Counseling Techniques Part 2

Posted on Sun May 28th, 2023 @ 11:09am by Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D.
Edited on on Sun May 28th, 2023 @ 11:10am

2,099 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Location: Dr. Scott's Office
Timeline: Day after 'Kill Al La Aftermath'

Alisha sighed, “I don’t know.” She admitted, “And I think that’s what scares me the most. All this time, ever since Intelligence recruited me, I’ve been this white knight protecting everyone from the boogeymen, but now I’m turning into what I’ve fought so hard to defend against. I’ve always been a passive player in the game of information, this was my first actual combat scenario. Just like I’d rehearsed in part.. Cozied up to two security officers, took them down, stuns shots only, then made my way through to my destination to save the day, to save lives by shutting the ship down and instead, turned into a killer. And not of a random stranger, but someone I cared about. I think that’s what made it worse, because I knew Hiro, he was my friend, my classmate, no matter what else was going on.”

"No matter what was going on," Bree echoed. "Do you truly believe context doesn't matter in this situation or anything like it? If that's the case, doesn't that make intelligence work - cozying up to people to get information, cultivating sources - no better than the average con?"

It took a few moments for Alisha to consider that, then she shrugged, "No more than anyone else. But that's putting all Intelligence work into a very small barrel. Most of us, myself included, are primarily analysts. We sit in a chair at a console and pore over data for ten or more hours a day trying to find that one nugget of information that makes sense, or compiling data that will never be used except for one random time when it's critical to life or not at all. Everyone seems to think Intelligence is all cloak and dagger, shooty-shooty."

The Intelligence officer stood up and began pacing behind the chairs, "Perhaps ten percent of all Intelligence officers will ever be involved in an undercover mission or active information gathering operation of any sort." Her voice had changed from a Texan accent to an Irish one. She turned on her heel and her steps changed from a pace to something different but just as casual, her voice changing to a German accent, "And most of those are one-off situations that don't show up ever again for that particular officer." Another turn on the heel, another style of walking, a Russian accent, "Of my entire class, Hiro was the only one who qualified for what most consider 'Intelligence' duties, and he was disqualified due to being too aggressive." The last half of the accent was performed in a tight Andorian accent, before Alisha stopped and slipped back into the chair.

From the chair, Alisha flickered her eyelashes at Bree, hoping she'd gotten one of her points across, "Me? I'm the total con, but I have the skillset for it. Given enough information and a few hours, I can be anyone, anywhere. The only things I can't fake are height and DNA. One of my course projects was to live a year at the Academy as a Trill without being found out, full classload and socialization, the works." Another shrug, "The ability to cozy up to an intelligence source and gather that information without being found out? It's not easy. Yes, it's a long con, yes, I can do it, no, it's not a common ability. Does that make me a bad person?" It was an honest question.

Watching Alisha express her skills was impressive. Bree had no doubt that if she wanted to, she could present herself any way she wanted Bree to see. Scott also had no doubt ,however, the person she was seeing now was sincere and emotionally vulnerable. "At the risk of earning your ire, I would ask what you think?"

Although Alisha hadn't yet heard Bree say it, she had already proven Scott's point that context mattered when it came to the accuracy of core beliefs like self blame and shame. Despite expressing black and white thinking about her own behavior, she was clearly capable of considering context in other scenarios. The question now would be whether she could consider and truly accept context mattered greatly in this situation too.

"No, it doesn't." Alisha stated simply, long since having come to that conclusion. She was an actress, becoming someone else for a period of time was what she did. That, and data analysis. "Do I feel bad for shooting those two security officers on Nikko? No again, I do not. I only stunned them so that our own personnel could take them prisoner and so they'd be held accountable for their actions. It was a calculated risk and tactic, using Nikko's own flashes and insignia, but it was always meant to be non-lethal. I never wanted to kill anyone. Never wanted to get my hands dirty."

"Of course you didn't," Bree echoed. "Circumstances and context matter, don't they?"

"I never said they didn't." Alisha retorted, "I've just not fully come to terms with what happened. But I guess I should ask you the only question thar really matters: What comes of me? Are you going to recommend that I be relieved of duty?"

It was a fair question and one Bree wasn't surprised was on the other woman's mind. She was only surprised that it took her this long to ask. Scott appreciated her candor up to this point and continued to get the impression she was not trying to minimize or hide anything.

"I agree with you that you haven't fully come to terms with what happened. I don't think it will come a surprise to you I don't believe that can happen after a single session. I'm willing to agree to keep you on modified duty, staying on the ship essentially for the time being, if you agree to continued counseling. My intention is not to punish you for being honest. That said, given what you said about your intentions at the time, I have an obligation to take that seriously and make sure you get the support you need. I'm curious, however, were you in my shoes, what would you recommend?"

Alisha schooled her face into something completely impassive, "Removed from duty for two weeks, four counselling sessions interspersed. If I fail to show up for any of them, suspension from duty until I can prove that I'm fit to serve or be released from my duties permanently." Her tone of voice was as impassive as her face. "That would be my recommendation if I were in your shoes."

The Intelligence officer bit her lower lip as she made the pronouncement, then lost the impassiveness as she continued on, "But it's not what I'd want and I don't believe it would be in my best interests or the best interests of Myogi and the Federation. You know about what to do if you fall off a horse, right? You dust yourself off and get back on it. I believe that if I just sat around contemplating my own navel that I'd be far more likely to do something stupid again than if I get back into my routine. Absolutely have me come back a few times for more sessions, I'd even suggest bringing Jane in on one or more of them as well for my own mental wellbeing and support. Hell, bring her in on all of them, she's my crutch and I'm not afraid to admit it."

"That is one of my concerns," Bree replied honestly. "Having friends and loved ones for support is one thing, but relying on them, or missions, to distract you from ' navel gazing, ' as you call it, or to prop you up like a crutch, is another thing. The truth is, time for contemplation is a necessary and common aspect of Starfleet service. I fully support you getting back into a routine, but at least for now, I think you've earned the opportunity to do that without the pressure of having to take care of everyone and everything else. I realize this isn't the answer you want, but I know what you would do if you were in my shoes, and I know that recommendation wasn't based on what would make me happy, but what would be in my best interest in the long run."

"And I'm not sure you understand me well enough." Alisha said pointedly, not recognizing the point that Bree was saying, "My routine doesn't consist of going out, shooting Romulan spies and being home to seduce the hot chick in time for the end-credits. My routine is sitting in an office, reading reports, reading analyses of those same reports, writing analyses of other reports, searching through data to find that one bit of information that means something in the morass that gets sent in for perusal." She shook her head, "I'm one of two qualified Intelligence personnel on board this ship, we can't afford for me to be out of commission."

"That was true before you intentionally tried to kill yourself, but that didn't stop you then, and I can't and won't let it stop me now," Bree replied. Her tone was matter of fact, not snide or unkind. She had hoped to get the intelligence officer to agree with the way forward, but the truth was, Bree couldn't let that prevent her from doing what was best. "My recommendation stands."

"Well, I don't like it." Alisha grumped, crossing her arms over her chest, then had to think of how she could convince this person that she'd be fine, "Look, I'm not saying I don't need help, because I do. I admit it, how many people actually say that outright?" She sighed, but tightened her grip on her upper body, "I'm not hiding from the crew of Myogi that I'm Alexis Silverstar, the actress, because I trust all of you not to just leak it to the galaxy. I'm a method actress, I immerse myself in my roles, well, immersed. Past tense, mostly. But I'm.. I don't know wat I need to say to convince you that being completely off-duty would do more harm than good. I spiraled because I was navel-gazing, crashed hard, obviously. I'm not over that, yet, and I know I'm not. I'm trying to find a way to not self-destruct over what happened and that's why I'm here."

Bree nodded. "I respect that, I truly do, but let's be honest, would you be here if you hadn't tried to take your own life? I don't know the answer to that, but I do know that suicidal gestures or not, everyone needs a break from work from time to time and to learn how to cope with life's challenges without escaping into work. I'm not saying you have to be idle, just actively doing something beyond work."

"Would I be here if I hadn't?" Alisha shrugged, "I'd like to think I would. Actually, I'm certain I would. I should have come in right after I got released from sickbay, but I thought it could wait. I was wrong." It sucked to admit that, but it was true, "How about this: Half-days until I'm confident I won't have a repeat, we'll have another session in a couple-three days, where I'll tell you in detail what I've been doing aside from work? I don't know what it is yet, but I'll do something other than just work."

Bree considered the proposal. On the one hand, she hesitated to negotiate with anyone under these circumstances since the consequences of any decision were so serious and people in trouble couldn't be expected to see themselves entirely objectively, but the counselor also knew that working with someone, particularly under such serious circumstances also required their emotional buy in if there was any hope for healing. "That sounds fair," Scott agreed. "I just want to make it clear if I start to see circumstances change for the worse, regardless of whether you agree, this plan can be modified for your safety. I promise not to make any decision arbitrarily and without thought to how it will affect you. Deal?"

Alisha nodded, willing to compromise with something that kept her on duty, "You have a deal, ma'am, and you have my promise that if something comes up that I think will affect my safety? I'll come and see you immediately." It was a solemn promise, one she intended to keep. Her word; her bond.


Lieutenant(jg) Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Brennyn Scott
Chief Counselor
USS Myogi


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