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A Chilling Challenge

Posted on Tue Aug 22nd, 2023 @ 8:43am by Commodore Tohru Honda & Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero & Commander Elisabeth Churchill

1,095 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet

The first pair of challengers were the two diplomatic officers: Commander Churchill and Lieutenant Commander Zh'irevath. Like Elisabeth, Osytha was also driving an AE86. However, the Andorian was driving a Sprinter Trueno model as opposed to Elisabeth's Corolla Levin.

The programs weather conditions had been set to snowing, meaning in addition to the precipitation falling, there was already snow on the road, and traction would be low. As it was, when Elisabeth was lined up her Levin slid forward slightly, and she had to carefully back up so she wouldn't slide backwards and have to repeat.

When Elisabeth's Levin was finally in position, Elisabeth got out and faced her opponent, waiting against her car wearing a puffer jacket, as the snow meant the program was quite cold.

When the Levin's door opened, Osytha looked up as her opponent got out and made eye contact with her.

"I'm Osytha Zh'irevath of the Haruna SpeedStars." Osytha introduced herself. "And you would be?"

"Elisabeth Churchill of the Myogi NightKids." Elisabeth responded.

"I see we have a similar taste in cars." Osytha remarked. "Of course, you had to go and pick the uglier of the two."

"Hey, the Trueno's only pretty in daylight!" Elisabeth responded. "Otherwise, those ugly as all else pop up headlamps ruin the lines of the car. The Levin on the other hand is beautiful at all times of day."

"You're going to regret calling pop up headlamps ugly in a few minutes." Osytha said as she turned to get in. "Let's get going, before the snow piles up and we have to reset."

Nodding, Elisabeth turned and got back into the Levin.

As Osytha took off her jacket to throw onto the Trueno's passenger seat, Shimakaze came up and approached her.

"I think you've got her with the snowy conditions." Shimakaze commented. "Let her keep up with you until the first hairpin. After that, go full throttle and leave her in the dust."

"Understood, Captain." Osytha nodded, hopping into her Trueno and performing a last minute systems check before turning her attention to Commodore Honda, whom had also changed into warmer clothing.

"Alright, we're starting the countdown now!" She declared, raising her hand above her head. "Starting in 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! GO!"

Elisabeth had been preparing for a start on dry pavement, and hadn't been anticipating the slick start, and when Tohru dropped her hand (or glove, rather) she went too heavy on the throttle, and the Levin spun its wheels, allowing Osytha's Trueno the early lead.

The feeble-minded fool. Osytha thought with a smirk. She doesn't understand basic throttle control?

As the two cars approached the first corner, it was evident that Elisabeth was in trouble, as she was running a lot slower than Osytha was.

"This is the first corner!" The lookout radioed in. "The Trueno's in the lead and the Levin is lagging behind!"

Because she had been caught unprepared for the slippery conditions, Elisabeth's attention was concentrated more on not crashing than going fast. When she was able to observe Osytha's technique, she was amazed by the Andorian's speed.

What amazing technique; Elisabeth thought. It's like she's not even affected by the snow!

Elisabeth wobbled as she overcorrected coming out of a corner.

But I've been able to keep up so far, so she can't be that good!

That other 86 hasn't been too stable coming out of those corners. Osytha observed. I wonder if she's using an 85 by mistake.

Osytha drifted effortlessly through the next corner, Elisabeth following closely behind her.

I think I'm starting to get the hang of cornering in snow. Elisabeth thought. Annoying as it is, it's almost like cornering in slow motion. I'm glad Karen took the time to show me inclement weather driving, but still, this is nuts! At the speed I'm going, I'll never be able to catch that Trueno!

Even Osytha had noticed the speed at which Elisabeth was learning, as the Levin's actions in her mirror were becoming smoother.

She's a fast learner, but that isn't necessarily translating to a more courageous pace. Osytha thought. Hell, if I toyed with her the whole way, it might wind up close...

Osytha reexamined her mental map of the course as she made her way down a long straightaway.

Unfortunately, my orders are to end this after the first hairpin. She thought. And unfortunately for you, Churchill; the first hairpin is coming up. Time to put this battle to bed!

The snow fell on the first hairpin, punctuated by the distant sliding of the approaching vehicles.

"This is the first hairpin, I can hear them coming!" The Lookout called.

As the headlights appeared, it was evident that the Trueno was still out in front.

"The Trueno is still out in front!"

Alright, first hairpin. Elisabeth thought. The corners thus far have been gradual corners. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep my momentum up through the whole turn...

As the Trueno entered the hairpin ahead of her, Elisabeth's mind went into trying to preserve momentum without spinning out. An easy feat on a dry road, but on a snowy one was a lot trickier. When Elisabeth came out of the hairpin, she was shocked to see the Trueno's taillights further in the distance, Osytha already taking the next corner ahead of her.

What the...? Elisabeth thought. Does she have a death wish? It's too slippery to be going that fast!

In the end, the lead Osytha built up over Elisabeth was so massive, the two cars lost sight of each other. And as such, it was no surprise that when Elisabeth finally reached the finish line, she found Osytha and her Trueno waiting for her in the car park at the end of the course, and judging by the amount of snow that had fallen on the car since it was presumably parked, she had been waiting a while.

Up at the top, when Tohru received word that Elisabeth had finally crossed the finish line, she turned to announce the score to the SpeedStars and NightKids.

"Commander Zh'irevath takes the first round. Score: SpeedStars - 1, NightKids - O."

Posting by

Commodore Tohru Honda
Task Force Jomo Commanding Officer

Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero
Commanding Officer
USS Haruna

Commander Elisabeth Churchill
Acting Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Osytha Zh'irevath
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Haruna


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