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I'll Show You the Difference (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Aug 24th, 2023 @ 1:44am by Commodore Tohru Honda & Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Edited on on Fri Aug 25th, 2023 @ 9:12am

820 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet

The program's weather settings had been set to rainy, and the rain poured down over the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution III of Lieutenant Commander Kyhl Th'udou, the USS Haruna's Chief of Security. He had heard that the officer known as Tristana was racing for the Myogi NightKids, and he was hoping to go up against her El Camino. However, as his opponent was lined up on the starting line, he was quite disappointed. However, he did not let his disappointment show as his opponent dismounted her vehicle for the permitted final equipment check.

"I was hoping to be facing the one known as Tristana." Kyhl muttered. "But, no matter; either way, this won't be much of a challenge for me. I'm Kyhl Th'udou of the Haruna SpeedStars. And you would be?"

"Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa," Kurumi said simply. "The Myogi's chief of security now." She eyed the vehicle beside her. She knew how to drive it, but frankly she had no idea what it was. She had asked for the Captain to pick her out a car as she wasn't very knowledgeable in that regards.

The choice of car wasn't lost on Kyhl. A Nissan Skyline GT-R BNR32? That kind of car screamed Captain Takahashi's pick.

"I'll be sure to remember that, Ebisuzawa." Kyhl said, turning to mount up his EVO. "At least with another 4WD, you'll have a chance at keeping up with me."

"4WD?" Kurumi questioned. "Erm, OK. I guess I'll take your word for it..."

Kyhl raised an eyebrow.

She really is this clueless. She's not faking it... He thought. Oh well, I'll be sure to make this as quick as I can...

"A Nissan Skyline GT-R like the one you're driving is a great learning tool for All Wheel Drive racing." Kyhl explained. "However, it's my opinion that once you move on to more serious equipment like my EVO III, an R32 becomes nothing but child's play. I'll be sure to show you the difference... If you can keep up."

As Kyhl got in and buckled himself into his harness, he performed a last-minute cockpit systems check before looking over at his opponent one last time.

I almost feel bad for humiliating her. He thought. However, my orders are to win this, and I'm not going to let anything get in the way of that, especially not some clueless first timer...

Kyhl looked ahead to Tohru standing in the road as she started the countdown.

Kurumi was already in her car. She strapped into her seatbelt and held the wheel. She had been practising quite a lot, and she had driven old cars before.

"Alright, people; we're starting the countdown!" Tohru announced, raising her hand above her head. "Starting in 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! GO!"

Kyhl got on the gas as soon as Tohru dropped her hand. Unlike an FF or FR, his 4WD EVO was able to find grip on the wet pavement quickly. Unfortunately, that would mean Kurumi's GT-R would also easily find grip. Kyhl's edge that he would have over his opponent would be what lay under the EVO's hood.

Kurumi's foot hit the floor, pressing the pedal down to the floor of the car. The engine roared as it suddenly accelerated down the track. Kurumi gripped the wheel tightly as she came upto the first corner. She knew that with a little bit of brake she could easily guide the car around the corner.

The rain pounded against the windscreen, the cars wipers making easy work of the water. They swished faster and faster, swatting the water away like one would a wasp or stinging insect. 'I do not want to lose this!' Kurumi thought as she tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

The second corner was coming up, it was a sharp one. Kurumi knew that it would be difficult in these conditions. She narrowed her eyes, trying to see the road clearer through the pounding precipitation.

'You abandoned me...' a small voice said from behind her. She caught a glimse of the child that had been haunting her in the windscreen rear mirror.

"Go away... Go Away..." she muttered as she tried not to look. The voice fell silent. She returned her gaze to stare at the back seat. He was gone. "Oh thank god."


The child was now sat in the front passenger seat, screaming at the top of his voice. "No I didn't! NO I DIDN'T!"

The car jerked as Kurumi lost control. The rear end of the vehicle came spinning around in an uncontrollable spin. Suddenly, without warning it smalled into the barrier. The metal bounced the vehicle back into the road, right before it slammed back into the barrier and broke through.

"Oh shi..."

To be continued...


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