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I'll Show You the Difference (Part 2)

Posted on Fri Aug 25th, 2023 @ 9:12am by Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Captain Maho Takahashi & Commodore Tohru Honda & Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero
Edited on on Tue Sep 5th, 2023 @ 8:24pm

924 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Timeline: After 'I'll Show You the Difference (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:'


The child was now sat in the front passenger seat, screaming at the top of his voice. "No I didn't! NO I DIDN'T!"

The car jerked as Kurumi lost control. The rear end of the vehicle came spinning around in an uncontrollable spin. Suddenly, without warning it smalled into the barrier. The metal bounced the vehicle back into the road, right before it slammed back into the barrier and broke through.

"Oh shi..."

And now, the continuation:

"He's beautiful Kurumi." A soft voice said as Kurumi panted trying to catch her breath. The room was filled with light, seemingly coming from no where as she was handed a bundle of blankets. She held the new born child close to her, allowing him to snuggle close to her chest. "Yes, he is. My little man..."

Everything went dark. Smoke filled Kurumi's lungs as she rushed down the corridor. The red alert Klaxon wailed and she could hear people shouting, screaming, calling for help. She knew she needed to get to him, her quarters were on this deck.

She pushed past people as the Starship took another hit. 'Bridge Destroyed. This is the Second Officer, Commander Rillings. All hands abandon ship! I repeat abandon...' The comm cut off as an explosion ripped through the upper decks. Kurumi felt the fear building up in her stomach as she raced and tried to get to her quarters.

Her heart raced, pounding in her chest like a wild drummer. The doors to her quarters were ajar. She forced them open. "Where are you?!" she called out. She finally spotted him, cowering under the table. "Come on! We need to go!" she said as she reached to grab him.

Out of the window a bright green light was closing in on them. It sped towards the ship. It all happened so fast, the Romulan torpedo struck the ship, blasting right into the window of Kurumi's quarters. The whole room shook as the torpedo ripped through the outer hull, blasting a hole to space.

Kurumi reached out for him. However it was too late, he was on the other side of the emergency forcefield.

"NO!" she shouted, as she pounded against the forcefield. She pounded and pounded as the child began to drift out into the void of space. "NO!" she cried. Tears flooded out of her eyes as she tried to get to him, only to be held back by the forcefield. She tapped her comm badge. "I NEED A SITE TO SITE TRANSPORT!" she shouted. She got only static.

"Kurumi!" a voice shouted from behind her. Her cries and wails had attracted someone attention. It was her assistant chief. The Bolian man stopped as he saw her pounding helplessly against the forcefield. He then spotted the little boy floating away from them, into the debris field.

"Shit... Kurumi, come on. There's nothing you can do now!" he said as he grabbed her and pulled her away.

"NO! I don't want to go!" Kurumi cried. She watched as her son floated into space. She watched in horror as she was pulled away as he muttered one last word before his tiny lungs finally lost their last breath. 'Mummy...'

The car hit the ground, and began rolling backwards down the embankment towards the next level where the road circled back on itself. With a crash, it finally came to a stop in the center of the road. Kurumi still strapped in out cold in the drivers seat.

"Oh, shit!" The lookout shouted. "There's been a bad crash!"

The EVO rolled up on the crash site. Kyhl left the engine running and lights on as he unclipped his harness and jumped out. His security training had now kicked in, and the race was now the last thing on the Andorian's mind as he rushed up to the wrecked R32, discovering his opponent was now unconscious.

Kyhl checked Kurumi's vitals. She was still alive, and thanks to the holodeck's safety protocols, she was healthier than she would have otherwise been in an equivalent situation with the safety protocols off. But still, it was worth getting her to sickbay. Kyhl tapped his combadge, hidden under his jacket.

"Th'udou to Spacedock medical; we need some teams down to Holosuite 5, stat." He radioed.

"Understood, teams are on their way."

Medical teams were on scene within minutes. The weather was set to clear so the rain wouldn't impede the medical teams' work. By the time Kurumi was cut from the car and carted off, Maho, Tohru, and Shimakaze had arrived.

"Well, doctor; what's the status?" Tohru asked.

"She has received minor injuries." The doctor on scene replied. "You're fortunate the holosuite's safety was on. It could have been a lot worse."

"Will the Commander need to be kept overnight?" Maho asked.

"Out of abundance of caution, it would be recommended."

Maho nodded before turning back to the wrecked R32.

"What a waste:" Maho and Shimakaze muttered in unison.

"Well," Tohru sighed. "We still have battles to run: Current score; SpeedStars - 2, NightKids - 0"

Maho looked back and shook her head at the wrecked R32 once again. Things weren't looking good for the NightKids.

Posting by

Commodore Tohru Honda
Task Force Jomo Commanding Officer

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero
Commanding Officer
USS Haruna

Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Chief Security Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Kyhl Th'udou
Chief Security Officer
USS Haruna


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