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Ode To A Princess

Posted on Sun Oct 22nd, 2023 @ 4:33pm by Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair

1,295 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: Jane Sinclair's Quarters

It was not the normal thing, seeing Jane taking a nap in the late afternoon, but Alisha knew that she'd been working extremely hard over the last few days and hesitated. She really didn't want to wake her up, but time was rather of the essence and she should have had this conversation with her girlfriend far earlier. She clenched her right hand around something as she sat down on the bed and gently shook Jane's shoulder, "Sugarcube, I need you to wake up." She crooned softly.

The gentle squeeze, soft shake, and sweet words were enough to carefully lift Jane from her nap. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled as she saw Alisha sitting with her. “Hi luv. What time is it?”

"It's eleven o-clock in the morning." Alisha smiled brightly down at her, "I knew you were off today, so I wanted to let you sleep in, but I've been a busy little bee and have some news to tell you."

Jane stretched and rolled onto her side. “Tell me. I’d love to hear all about it.” She held Alisha’s hand and stayed horizontal.

Alisha giggled as she sat down on the very edge of the bed, “You know how I asked if you’d be willing to have an interview with Yasmine, followed by a photo shoot?” It was more a rhetorical question that had been a follow up from her unofficial ‘discussion’ with the journalist, “Apparently she works really fast, because this morning I got a message through [insert her friends name here at her ranch] offering Alexis Silverstar a role in what looks to be a major film, possibly the start of a series if it turns out well.” She hummed a couple of the opening bars of the Voltron theme to see if Jane recognized it.

That familiar tune brought a flood of childhood memories into Jane’s brain and her eyes went wide. “Seriously?! That’s amazing!” She sat up and pulled Alisha into a tight hug. “What have they told you so far? Story? What’s the role? Where? When?” She loved that franchise as a kid. The toys in her closet that weren’t shuttles were robot mechs. She always thought it a shame that Starfleet never built a Voltron. She’d have been an amazing Voltron pilot.

“This one is an origin story, so I’m technically only in about half to two thirds of it, they say, but it’s enough to get a feel for how the public would accept me back as an actress.” She knew she was being vague, but she also knew that it would keep Jane’s excitement up, “After all, you really do need to tell the story of Princess Allura of Altea from the very beginning, don’t you? The blue lion pilot herself.”

Jane let out a high pitched squeal and started bouncing. “When does it all start?!?”

"Filming starts in just under a week, most of which will be travel to wherever they decided to pick for it, the filming itself should take about three weeks aaaaaand..." Alisha's face remained brightish, but a bit sullen, "I have to leave in a few hours. I kinda figured you wouldn't want me to pass it up, so I already went and talked to Maho and she reluctantly gave me permission to take some of my leave in order to do this. I could cancel the whole thing if you really don't want me gone that long." She was quick to reassure Jane.

The other shoe dropped and the bottom fell out of Jane’s world. Despair threatened to take hold…until a more rational part of her brain took the reins. Well, it tried. It offered reassurance. Alisha was talking a month, not forever. She might in theory have had infiltration missions that long or longer.

But that was soooooo long! But not for that long. She’d be sooooooo far! Well, sure, not on the same deck of the same ship, but certainly within real-time comm range. But it’s dangerous out in space! Will she be okay? Probably safer than if she stayed on a Starfleet ship, realistically.

And maybe she’d get leave and be able to tour the set. She did have an in with the lead, after all.

“You can’t cancel,” Jane said, after taking way too long to process it. Her eyes were wet, but she smiled through it. “This is big. And if it’s something you want to do, even a little bit, then you need to do it.” She wiped her eyes. “I’ll be alright. If you call. You’ll call, right?”

"Every. Single. Day." Alisha promised, worry in her eyes as she watched the love of her life go from excitement to despair and back towards if not excitement, at least acceptance, "In fact, I may call more often than you might like! After all, I'll have to show my costume to you once they get me fitted, won't I? And I do want to do this, even if just this one more time."

Jane gave Alisha her best brave smile. She was sad that she’d be missing the love of her life, the woman who called her Sugarcube, but she was also immensely happy that Alisha was getting the opportunity. “Then do it,” she re-affirmed, nodding. “And yes, I’ll need to see this costume, and make-up. All of it.” She leaned close and whispered into Alisha’s ear. “And maybe bring a costume home.”

"I've got your measurements and I have just the thing in mind." Alisha agreed, "And if this takes off... Who knows? I may just get a say in casting other parts for future movies?" She whispered back.

Now that was an interesting idea. Jane in some role, however small? She was a public figure. She never tried to cultivate a real acting talent, but was good in holonovels and played up that drama with Tyli realistically.

“I hope it does take off, Alisha,” she said. “I really do. You deserve it, you’ve got the talent, and I know you’ll do very well. And behind you, you’ll have the most supportive girlfriend ever.”

"And I want my girlfriend to have something to wear that'll remind her of me." Alisha reached out her hand and opened it, a delicate ring with a sapphire flanked by diamonds, "I know you'll have access to my quarters and everything, but if you wore this, at least it'll keep some opportunistic people out of your hair."

Jane’s eyes went wide as saucers as she saw the absolutely gorgeous ring. She gently picked it up and slid it over the ring finger of her right hand. It fit perfectly. “You do have my measurements,” she quipped. “I love it. It matches your eyes, and that’s what the stone will remind me of.” She put one hand behind Alisha’s head and pulled her in for a kiss, full of love and passion and longing for a person not yet gone but soon.

Alisha returned it in kind, melting into the kiss as if she were chocolate melting over hot water, "I do still have a few hours before I have to be on the Starbase, you know... And I'm packing very light."

“Then stay with me,” Jane said, lying down and pulling Alisha with her before rolling over and putting Alisha under her, “and let me show you how much I’ll miss you.” She started gently kissing along Alisha’s neck.

Post by

Lieutenant (jg) Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer


Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Temporary Civilian (on Leave, or is she?)


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