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Jane Sinclair’s Busy Day, Part the Second: Physical

Posted on Thu Oct 21st, 2021 @ 2:12am by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant F'Rell Twelfth House

996 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Late Morning


Jane Sinclair’s busy day was well underway. She had checked in with security and updated her phaser proficiency records. Next on the list was to undergo her arrival physical.

She strode into sickbay and looked around for someone. She had been told that the Chief Medical Officer was…unique, but no one told her exactly what to expect.

“Hello?” she called out. “Doctor?”

Hearing the call, F'Rell emerged from her office like some creature from the sea. Her long body coiled through the air as if it were an eel in water, her many tendrils extending and guiding her through the air. "*Yes? Can I help you?" came the raspy voice of her custom translator.

Jane had never before seen such a lifeform. Strange and beautiful. The galaxy was truly a wonderfully diverse place.

“I’m Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair,” she said, trying to find a face or eyes toward which she should direct her attention. “I’m here for my arrival physical.”

"*Please have a seat,*" F'Rell's translator, the small offwhite box she carried in one of her many appendages. It had a raspy voice, almost seductive, but not quite. She gestured with several appendages to a biobed as she moved to grab a tricorder with another part of her long body. "*I have yet to look at your file, so before we begin do you have any medical concerns I should know about?*"

“Just that I tend to get pushed to exhaustion sooner than other humans,” Jane admitted. “It’s a Centauri-born trait. Low-G world, so my muscle tone, bone strength, and stamina are all a bit lower than a mainline human born somewhere with Earth gravity. I work to keep within Starfleet physical requirements.”

"*Understandable. I do have a number of supplements that should help with the transition to what is considered normal Earth gravity,*" the communicator in F'Rell's appendage said gently as she moved closer toward him, grabbing a tricorder as she did and passing it from appendage to appendage, up her long body. "*It may make it easier to adapt.*"

“Thanks,” Jane replied. “I’ve been trying to manage it for years, but there’s no undoing more than twenty years of lower-G living. But anything that helps, I’ll try.”

F'Rell began a standard medical scan with her tricorder. "*Humans have an amazing ability to adapt to even the harshest of circumstances. However, there is nothing wrong with taking supplements to help. By simply taking a measure of human growth hormone, the body can be tricked into building new muscle and strengthening bone. Normally I would not recommend it, however, given your circumstances, I see nothing wrong with starting you on a small dose,*" F'Rell's translator said huskily. "*I would recommend weekly hypo injections, though a suppository would work as well.*" Her voice almost seemed to smile at the last part.

Jane’s eyes widened at the suggestion, but she heard the nuance in the doctor’s artificial voice and smiled. “The injections are fine, thanks.”

"*It often amuses me how protective humanoids are of certain orifices and how uncaring they are of others, *" she observed as she moved over to the medical replicator and accessed the catalog of various supplements. A moment later a vial materialized and she fit it into an hypospray injector. "*You may feel some tenderness at the injection site for the next few hours, but it should pass. If it doesn't come back and see me.*" She pressed the injector to his shoulder and there was a faint hiss.

There was indeed some soreness, but it was tolerable. “Anything else for my physical today, Doctor?”

"*I'd like to see you tomorrow to check on the injection site and run a scan to see how your body accepts the supplements, but that should be all,*" F'Rell's translator said smoothly as she moved the hypospray down her body and into the medical sterilizer.

Jane was fascinated watching how the doctor, a being so unlike any she had seen before. She made a mental note to look into F’Rell’s people later.

For now she had one primary curiosity.

“Pardon me, Doctor, but… the way you move through the air, so naturally and gracefully, you must have excellent 3D spatial perception. I’m wondering if your people have produced many pilots.”

"*No, only a handful of my kind have ever ventured out into space. Most remain on V'Nai for their whole lives. I am the only one to have left for this long,*" came the sad voice of the translator. "*And I lost all I had in the process. I cannot return.*"

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Jane said. “I couldn’t imagine being prevented from going home like that.”

"*It is the life I was given and I cannot dwell too much on what I cannot have when I have so much,*" F'Rell replied in the gentle husky tones of her translator.

“Still,” Jane said, but then did not continue her thought. This being obviously made peace with their situation or at least didn’t want the Pilot reopening old wounds. “I’ll let you get to other patients, Doctor. It was nice meeting you. And thank you for your help today.”

"*One must grow and adapt. It is something I see you humanoids do with such ease. I must admit that for myself...*" She hung her angular head and seemed to deflate slightly. "*It has not been an easy journey.*" She paused and hoisted herself back up, inflating once more. "*But yes, it has been nice to meet you, should you require any medical assistance, please consider me available any time.*"

"Thank you. Good day, Doctor." With that, Jane left sickbay and made her way to the next activity on her list.

Posting by (in order of appearance):

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant F’Rell Twelfth House
Chief Medical Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)


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