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Missing You

Posted on Mon Nov 20th, 2023 @ 2:40am by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair

420 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Timeline: A couple of days after leaving Spacedock

From: Sinclair, Jane Elisabeth - MYOGI
To: Reno, Alisha Starr - LOA
Subject: Missing You

Dearest Alisha,

It’s only been a few days since you left for your movie shoot, and already I find I’m missing you terribly.

I’m so proud of what you’re doing though. You’re able to exercise your art and still serve the fleet. It’s an incredible opportunity! If I had the chance to race again, even part time, all while serving Starfleet, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Still, that it’s all so amazing doesn’t make me miss you any less.

It’s not all sadness though. I made a new friend! Just as you left, Pratt got reassigned and a new chief engineer came on board, a half-Trill woman named Ami. We’ve become great friends! She helped me with some shuttle maintenance and we hit it off. And then she introduced me to a new sport: competitive tank combat! I really got into it (see attached images; as you can see, I even gave up the driver’s seat!). We have plans to watch an exhibition game in her quarters tomorrow night, and this weekend we’re watching the Andoria Grand Prix. It’s like she’s the little sister I never had.

Obviously it isn’t the same without you, but having a friend has certainly helped me. And it’s not just her. Karen and Mia have been great, for example. And I’m trying to have one on one lunches with the other senior officers over the next week or so. I had been worried that I’d feel lonely, but I’m not feeling lonely at all. I have a great support network here, and I’m very happy for it.

Have you made any friends in the production? I want to hear everything. Every bit of news brings me joy.

Speaking of which, I saw the production photo attached to Yasmine’s article. Costume looks great! The blue and gold trim really bring out your eyes. I can’t wait to see the complete look on screen, visual effects and all (or are they going for a practical only costume this time?).

I’m hoping to get some time on the transceiver tomorrow night, after Alpha Shift is done. If you’re free, I’d love to talk more.

I love you so much, Alisha. Be well, and we’ll talk soon.

Love and kisses,



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