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In The Shadow Of Greatness (backpost)

Posted on Tue Mar 12th, 2024 @ 12:29am by Commander Ichika Misono & Captain Maho Takahashi & Ensign Miyoko Misaka

847 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: USS Myogi (NCC-65918), Deck 1
Timeline: The day after 'The Quality of Leadership'

Ensign Misaka walked out onto the bridge of the Myogi. It was much smaller than the Ermiana's but shared some of the design aesthetics. She straightened her uniform as she made her way down to the ready room. She took in a deep long breath before reaching out and tapping the chime.

"Oh! That must be Ensign Misaka!" she could hear Ichika calling out from the other side of the door. "Come in, Ensign; we've been expecting you."

The doors swished open and Miyoko walked in. She stood at attention, it was clear from her demeanour that she was very familiar with how officers behaved on a starship. "Ensign Miyoko Misaka reporting as ordered," she said.

"Ensign Misaka:" Maho greeted, standing up and extending a hand. "Welcome aboard the Myogi. I know she's not the Ermiana, but I hope you will find her comfortable."

"Thankyou Captain, I'm sure the ship will be more than comfortable..." Miyoko said with a smile. "Erm... Captain, Commander. I know I've just reported aboard, however, can I make a request please?"

"Oh, but of course, Ensign," Ichika smiled. "So long as it's within reason, we'll be happy to provide you with any necessary accommodations."

Miyoko sighed. "That's what I was afraid of," she said. "I know that my mother is a well known and respected Captain and my father is a fantastic Science Officer. But I don't want any 'special treatment' because of them. I want to walk my own path, do my own thing without them indirectly pulling the strings," she told them both. "I requested this transfer because I was seen as some sort of celebrity on my last ship, even at the Academy I had this. I just want to be a Starfleet officer, and not have to walk in my parents shadows."

"Ensign, many years ago, when Captain Tanaka Miyahara first took command of this ship, he started a tradition:" Maho explained. "He didn't care if you were some farm boy from a far flung agricultural colony or an admiral's daughter: Everyone on his ship progressed based on merit; not background. It's a tradition that I intend to continue so long as I may hold the center chair. As long as you're willing to pull your weight, then it shouldn't matter where you come from. Now, I can try and mitigate the amount of stares and fingers pointed in your direction, but in all honesty, given your lineage, I cannot guarantee that Pandora's box will remain closed forever."

Miyoko nodded. "Thankyou Captain. I fully intend to pull my weight, I just wanted to make sure I had a fair chance to do so. It's far from easy being born and raised on a Starship that your mother commands." She then reverted her eyes away for a brief moment. "Sorry if that offended you... I know you're having your own child soon..."

Maho looked down at her stomach.

"No doubt she will grow up facing similar challenges as you..." Maho admitted. "But, if my daughter decides to follow in her mommy's footsteps and she wound up back here, I would treat her the same way as any other member of my crew. Sure, we'd still maintain a parent/child off-duty relationship, but on duty, she'd be the same as everyone else."

Miyoko smirked. "Sorry... but that depends if she decides to join Starfleet..." she said.

"I'm sure we'll cross that bridge once her daughter eventually comes of age, Ensign," Ichika assured her. "But that being said, will there be any further accommodations you would like to request?"

"Yes... sorry...I mean no. I don't have any other requests, apart from my assigned orders," Miyoko replied coming back to a more professional self.

Ichika glanced over to Maho and nodded. "I think I'll let you take it from here, Captain?"

Maho nodded and pulled a PADD out from a drawer in her desk; handing it to Miyoko.

"Unfortunately, it seems we're between Chief Science Officers at the moment:" She explained. "Lieutenant Talmage has requested paternity leave, but has recommended a friend of his to take his place: Her name is Shirro Kamada, and she won't be reporting in for a few more weeks. In the interim, if you have any science related concerns, you are more than welcome to take it up with a member of the command staff directly."

Miyoko nodded. "Yes Sir," she replied simply. She had the same professional stance and demeanour of her mother as she stood there.

"Will you need any assistance finding your quarters, Ensign?" Maho asked.

Miyoko shook her head. "No Captain. I think I can find them. The computer can guide me if I get lost," she replied with a smile.

"Very well." Maho nodded. "Dismissed, Ensign"

Miyoko gave the captain and commander a slight bow, a traditional Japanese sign of respect before turning and leaving the ready room.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer
USS Myogi

Ensign Miyoko Misaka
Science Officer
USS Myogi


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