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Scouting out the truth

Posted on Tue Mar 12th, 2024 @ 12:17am by Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Ensign Ruby Kurosawa & Lieutenant Ami Rori

1,227 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Main Engineering & Transporter Room

Kurumi walked into Engineering. She soon spotted Chief Rori. "Chief, can I ask you something?" She asked as she approached her.

"So long as you don't ask about how my last date went, I think it's safe to say that yes, you can." Ami looked up from the shuttle schematic she was looking over to smile at the Security officer, "What's on your mind?"

Kurumi couldn't help but smirk at the Chief Engineers response. "I'm putting together an away team to do some info gathering on the planet's surface. We'll be in civilian attire and looking at living conditions of the people who claim they are discriminated against. As you have Japanese descendancy and as an engineer, I was hoping you'd join me?" She asked. "Your evaluation as an engineer could be useful."

Ami gestured at her spots with a somewhat apologetic smile, "I'd be more than willing to go, but wouldn't these kindof ruin the appearance? I mean, I'm sure they'll see my eyes and well... The rest of me before they see the spots, but they may even see me as more an abomination than they would a pure-blood. If you think that won't matter, count me in! I've got a good person that can keep the ship running in the meantime."

Kurumi nodded. "Your hair covers your spots most of the time," she replied with a smile. "Our story will be simple. We'll be 'tourists' when we're down there. Make sure you're equipped with a type one phaser, it can be easily concealed in a pocket, and a slimline tricorder. We need to look like civilians, I heard that the climate can be warm. So dress accordingly." Kurumi explained. "Once we're in orbit we'll beam down to the planet in a 'out of the way' location."

Ami dismissed the schematic, then hummed to herself for a moment before the image of a city appeared where the schematic was, “Take your pick. I presume it’ll be more than just the two of us, though?”

Kurumi moved closer to examine the city. "Yeah, I thought it best to keep the party small. Less exposure." She said. She pointed yo an area close to the outer edge of the city. "Here, this is the location I had in mind. The area is classed as the 'Japanese District'. There seems to be a lot of run down buildings and derelict areas we can get into without being seen."

With a shudder, Ami nodded, “Yeah, we can do that. Tourist casual, hidden weapons going somewhere that labels a single place as the ‘Japanese District.’ Nothing can go wrong, right?” She laughed, “Who else is joining us?”

"I currently have yourself and Ensign Kurosawa. Any more then it would be too obvious we're more than just visitors," Kurumi explained.

"Good idea." Ami agreed, "I can be ready to go in ten minutes if you want?"

"Once we've arrived meet me in Transporter room three." Kurumi said with a smile. "We'll finally get to the bottom of those rumours and find out what's really happening on this colony."

But let's also make sure we're not going to get ourselves into a position we can't get out of?" Ami suggested, "I know we're going to have Type 1s, but just in case it's as bad as it sounds, let's be careful, all right?"

Kurumi nodded. "Yeah. It's best to be cautious," she agreed. "I'll see you in the transporter room once we're in orbit. There will be three of us going. Remember we'll be acting as 'tourists' as our cover. Pick out a nice outfit," she told her.

"Something nice... Touristy, but nice." Ideas flickered through her head as she thought about what she could wear as a Japanese tourist, which wouldn't draw too much attention. "I think I've got just the thing. I'll be there with flowers on, something a bit traditional but not too much so."

Kurumi nodded. "I'll have the equipment we need ready upon our arrival." She said with a reassuring smile.

[Transporter Room]

The Myogi had entered orbit a few minutes ago. The doors of the transporter room opened and Kurumi walked in. She was dressed in civilian clothes comprised of a white v-neck long crop top that showed a few inches of her stomach and her belly button. Stylish denim shorts and a matching denim jacket. Her boots were knee high and laced up.

She carried three type one phasers and three tricorders which could be hidden in pockets.

Ruby entered next, opting for a light cream summer dress with embroidered pink flowers and a large sunhat and leather handbag.

"Here you go," Kurumi said passing her a phaser and tricorder. Ruby took then and slotted them into side pockets on her bag.

Ami stifled a yawn as she flounced into the transporter room in her light blue flower-print dress and black choker collar. The black purse she carried crossways over her chest had pockets which her dress definitely didn't have. The only downside was that her faded spots were visible on her legs, but the rest of the outfit drew attention from those and the few that could be seen on her shoulders. "Damn... Last to arrive... Again." She muttered as she accepted the phaser and tricorder from Kurumi, "Sorry, ma'am."

Kurumi couldn't help but smirk at the chief engineer's tardiness. "Ok, so from now on we drop the ranks. Our mission is simple, gather information on how the population is being treated. We will be looking at living conditions, facilities and local laws. We will be talking to the locals too." She explained to them both.

"Have your tricorders set to passive scans. They'll be easier to conceal that way," Kurumi added. "Phasers on stun only too, we'll only use them in self-defence. Although I am hoping it doesn't come to that."

With that said she stepped up onto the transporter pad. Ruby quickly followed as after setting her tricorder onto passive mode and ensuring her phaser was set onto stun only.

"I'll be able to get some active scans in as well, just have to be sneaky about it, Kurumi." Ami tucked the tricorder into the main compartment of her purse, sliding the phaser into one of the outside pockets where it would be easy to reach, safety on, set to stun, "I'll just need a reason to dig around in this thing. I know we're going to stand out like a sore thumb, but I also have a camera in here. Maybe we could make some small-talk while we get people to take pictures of us?"

"Good idea." Kurumi said. "Right, let's get down there." She added waving for Ami to join them on the pad.

Ami gave a 'one second' gesture and reached over to the transporter control console and tapped a button, opening a comm channel for both the bridge and the Captain. "This is Rori from Transporter Room 3, Kurumi, Ruby and I are heading down for our little scouting run. Godspeed and good luck." Then she nodded to the operator and skipped up onto the pad.

The transporter powered up and soon the three of them were engulfed in bright blue and white dots and lines before disappearing.

Posting by:

Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Lieutenant Ami Rori
Chief Engineer

Ensign Ruby Kurosawa
Operations Officer


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