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Sidequest: Volton: Allura Part 3: The Plot Thickens

Posted on Fri Feb 23rd, 2024 @ 4:46am by Lieutenant Alisha Reno

1,338 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Gamma Zednor
Timeline: A Day Before 'Cleaning Up Taiga's Mess...'

She stood there on the nose of the blue and silver lion, looking over the crowd in her own blue and white jumpsuit, one hand outstretched as she continued her speech, waving it across the group of extras, which included most of the filming crew as well as some locals that had shown up to the casting call. There was a brave smile on her face, her helmet in the other hand the determination in her voice crisp and clean, "And I swear as your princess and paladin, to all of the people of Altea and the galaxy, that I will fight the good fight; right the wrongs; defend the weak and never, not ever, give up!" She clenched her fist as the crowd (on cue) began to cheer and fireworks lit off.

"Cut!" The Director called after twenty seconds while the other cameras panned over the audience, then stood from his own camera as it landed, his own fist raised in triumph, "And that's it! Primary filming is done!" Haruto Yamashita shouted to another resounding cheer from the extras and crew, then a low-grade babble as most of the crowd began to clump up and disperse as he moved forward to where Alexis Silverstar was dismounting the real-size model of the Blue Voltron lion. "Miss Silverstar, that was amazing! Just as you'd rehearsed for me yesterday, but with even more feeling." He gave her a bow of respect.

Alexis in turn returned it with a bright smile, "Ah still can't tell you just how much Ah've loved having this opportunity and Ah really look forward to the future of the franchise, because Ah think it can go all the way!" She reached out and in a tradition that she'd started after Day One of filming, drew the Director/Producer into a hug, "There'll be a few reshoots, Ah think, Ah wasn't quite happy with a couple of those cockpit scenes and Ah think we should revisit them."

"As you desire, plus there are those additional scenes you were hoping for? We're still a few days away from those, but we're making arrangements for those extra days here on Gamma Zednor. I'll be honest, I look forward to leaving this place. Perfect for the filming, yes, but the attitude of the people." He shook his head slowly, "They do not like us, Alexis."

"Ah know... That's why Ah've been tryin' to be as much of a go-between as possible." Alexis gave a shyish smile, because by being the public face of the production to the people of Gamma Zednor, she was able to allow them to almost 'deny' that it was a primarily Japanese-staffed film. "Since we're leavin' in about a week, Ah think we should keep most of the cast and crew on-set to avoid any provocations. They know our schedulin' almost as well as we do and Ah don't want them to have any reason to make trouble."

"I agree entirely. I have, however, been invited to the local Mayor's office to celebrate the scheduled end of our filming." It was a perfectly reasonable reason to go inside the largish city, then came the other bit of news, "At eight in the evening." The laws of the cities were that no one of Japanese descent were allowed out in public after six in the evening, 'for their safety' was the official reason.

"Ah don't think you should go. A couple nights ago there was a group of the crew that had gone into town with a pass for some supplies they had contracted for." Alexis shook her head again, stripping off the gloves of the costume and wiggling her manicured and blue-painted fingers, "Ah had to step in to keep some deputies from runnin' them in, despite the official government pass that said they were allowed to make that run. If you go in, Ah think they'll arrest you, even bein' the Mayor's guest."

"My thoughts exactly, but we can't just not go." Haruto pointed out, "It would be a slap in his face if we rejected it." He made a helpless gesture.

Of course, Alexis knew what this meant and she nodded, "But if Ah go in your stead, it gives them one thing they'll approve of, a non-Japanese, and the star actress of the show, which they'll love to take pictures with for braggin' rights, especially if they're seen with Allura. Ah may wear one of the civilian costumes, if you approve?"

"Hai." Haruto gave another bow, this time of thanks, "I do not know who you are outside of Alexis Silverstar, nor what your job in Starfleet is, but you are doing your service a great... Service. You embody the protectiveness of the Fleet, Alexis, and we are grateful."

"As am Ah, Haruto." Alexis sighed as she glanced at the sky, "But with your permission, Ah'm gonna go take a shower and grab a nap before gettin' ready for the Mayor." She leaned in and gave the Director a kiss on the cheek, "Tomorrow we can watch a preliminary runthrough of the film? Ah know there's a lot of work to be done, but we can take notes."

"I'll see you at nine?" Haruto asked with a smile, then got the nod, "Good evening, Alexis."

7:56PM Mayor Liscari's Residence.

Alexis stepped out of the limousine delicately, the light blue dress that went to just above the knees and three inch heels as perfect as she could make them, a blue flower in the knot of hair at the back of the crown of her head and she smiled broadly to the butler that held the front door open and accepted the invitation that she'd brought with her. "Ah believe Ah'm expected?" She asked him as he examined it, then stepped in as he gestured to her.

The doors shut behind her, but no one was in sight to guide her to where the Mayor was, and most curiously, the Mayor wasn't there to greet her. A lump dropped into the pit of her stomach as a booming and commanding voice sounded, "Freeze! Alexis Silverstar, you are under arrest for violating Statute 1-5-3 point 2 Article 4: Any person who willfully impedes law enforcement in the course of their duties, especially during a time of special consideration will they themselves be held in contempt of law and order."

Four enforcement officers appeared out of the shadows, the source of the voice finally showing itself and she recognized one of the Governor's cabinet members, the one in charge of enforcement, coming down the stairs. She couldn't fight them, that was perfectly clear, so she had to do what she really felt wasn't going to work, "Ah want my lawyer." She enunciated clearly, "If Ah can just use my comm to call them so Ah can tell them where you're takin' me?"

"No, you can't." He announced as one of the enforcement officers took each of her hands and wrenched them behind her, causing a gasp of pain from her. Another relieved her of her possessions while the fourth patted her down very thoroughly. TOO thoroughly for a first date, she thought, "Once you've been processed into the capital's prison, THEN you can make your phone call to your lawyer, presuming we're convinced you're not going to warn your co-conspirators and illegal Nipponese that you brought with you for this 'movie' you're claiming you were making. We can arrange for you to contact them to ask them to join us, with which cooperation you can show that you've seen the error of your ways." She shook her head as he approached the last few feet and sniffed her hair, "Nice perfume. I think we can add illegal seduction of an elected official to your rap sheet. We'll speak again, soon, whoever you really are. Get her out of here."

Alexis started to open her mouth to protest, but a black hood came down over her head and was tightened, muffling her protests as she was dragged off.


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