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Meeting with the Governor

Posted on Fri Apr 12th, 2024 @ 10:42pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Erica Hartmann & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD
Edited on on Fri Apr 12th, 2024 @ 10:42pm

1,625 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Governor's Mansion

A rather frustrated Captain Erica Hartmann made her way to reception at the governor's mansion. Her several hours long conversation with Governor Hartley hadn't been going well. Trying to get through to Hartley was akin to speaking to a brick wall, and she was hoping that someone whom the Confederacy's supreme leader, or whatever Miyahara was referring to himself as these days, highly respected would be someone Hartley would be more inclined to listen to, but Erica had her doubts that anyone would be able to penetrate Hartley's thick skull.

It had been a godsend when reception interrupted, reporting a beam down request from orbit, and Erica had excused herself to go meet the people beaming down. She arrived at reception just in time to spot Maho, Ichika, and Victor appear in a transporter beam.

"Captain Takahashi; Commander Misono; and... Commander Delling: An unexpected, but welcome surprise." Erica greeted as she approached the three, offering her hand. "Welcome to Gamma Zednor."

"Captain Hartmann:" Maho responded as she shook the other captain's hand. "It's been a while."

"It sure has." Erica responded as she moved to shake hands with the other two. "Unfortunately, we'll have to play catch up later. I'm sure Commodore Honda has debriefed you on what's going on?"

"Only that we've got a tough customer on our hands," Ichika remarked.

"Well, that's perhaps the understatement of the century." Erika quipped. "Anyhow, we'd best get heading back. I'm sure the governor doesn't like to be kept waiting..."

Victor wondered if his presence was the surprise, as she'd hesitated so much before his name as if she hadn't initially known it. Either way, this would be interesting.

As the four of them walked, Maho decided to drum up a conversation.

"So, how goes the negotiations?" She asked.

"Not well:" Erica responded. "Sometimes, I question why the people elected such a delusional lunatic to office."

"Do we know if the election was legitimate, or if there are any indications that Hartley may have interfered with the voting process?" Ichika was quick to point out.

"Far as I can tell, the first election was legitimate." Erica said. "However, he's passed amendments to the constitution to allow him to delay or otherwise rig elections in his favor. Hell, there's a reason why a plot by Andoria First to kidnap his political opponent made the headlines."

"What do you mean by the first election?" Maho asked.

"Well, during his first term in office, Governor Hartley abolished term limits, allowing him to run for reelection indefinitely." Erica explained. "But compared to what he's subjected his people to, I'd say the dictatorial 'reforms' are the least of our concerns..."

Ichika cast a nervous glance in Maho's direction. "It sounds to me like we're dealing with a very dangerous man, Captain," she surmised. "I'd advise that we exercise extreme caution, and be ready to beam out of here at a moment's notice."

Maho nodded silently.

"I can inject us all with transport markers so that way even if there are inhibitors we can still beam out." Victor said softly, his hand going to his side.

"That would likely be a wise decision, Doctor," Ichika replied, offering Victor her outstretched arm.

Victor had easily programmed the injection and had sent the individual frequencies to the Myogi to scan for. It was finished the instant after the injection was given and repeated for himself, Maho and Ichika.

"I'll take a pass, Doctor." Erica declined. "I've had bad reactions to injections in the past."

By the time Ichika and Maho had been injected with transporter markers, the four of them had reached the governor's office. Erica opened the door and led the way in.

The man sitting behind the desk did not give off the appearance of a dangerous man. Governor Ambrose Hartley had the appearance of a well-kept man with short dark brown hair and wearing casual business attire. The sound of the door opening caught the governor's attention, and he set down the PADD he was working on and gave Erica a warm smile.

"Welcome back, Captain Hartmann." He greeted warmly. "And I see you've brought some friends? I must say, I'm loving the authenticity of the cosplay: Was that made from a surplus uniform?"

Maho visibily reeled back, shocked by the governor's 'joke', if one could even call it such.

Erica was visibly unamused by the underhanded jab at Maho.

"Governor; that is a real Starfleet uniform, just like mine:" She said sternly. "I'd like you to meet Captain Maho Takahashi of the United Starship Myogi: Effective immediately, she will be overseeing the negotiations alongside me."

"Now, Captain; If I'd known who your friends were, we could have taken this down to my 'working office.'" Hartley said, completely ignoring Maho's presence. "As it is, I'm going to have to get the carpets replaced."

"If it's any consolation, Governor, we could get you in touch with a Ferengi I know that specializes in Oriental rugs," Ichika replied, clearly offended by the Governor's level of disrespect. "I hear he's having a sale on Tatami mats."

"If they do carpet cleaning as well, I'll take their business card." Hartley responded. "It's going to take a lot of Latinum to clean the filth that's just walked on these carpets, but it's a price I am willing to pay."

Erica cast an 'I told you so' glance at Ichika before turning back to Hartley.

"Give us a second..." She said, motioning the other three towards the door.

The attitude shown made Victor shiver with rage. That had been disgusting to watch.

As Erica led the three of them towards the door, Maho's hand flitted to her belly as she felt movement from within. Almost as if even her unborn child had been disgusted by what Maho had heard:

As they exited the office, Erica closed the door behind them and sighed.

"You see what I mean?" She asked.

"I do. It's like he refused to acknowledge my presence." Maho said, though that was putting it lightly. "Has it been like this the whole time?"

"Yep" Erica said with a sigh.

"And you thought that this was going to be our best means of getting through to him?" Ichika remarked bitterly. "No offense, Captain, but we're dealing with a man who lives in a fantasy world; he's so detached from the very concept of reality that he doesn't seem to think that "ethics" or "morality" applies to him!"

"I agree with you one hundred percent, Commander." Erica agreed. "Sometimes I wish he could hear how stupid he sounds. In my honest opinion, we shouldn't be bothering intervening, and should just let him run off to the Confederacy..."

"You can't be serious, Captain!" Maho said. "Might I remind you, he's allegedly committed some serious sentient rights violations against Federation citizens."

"I know, believe me." Erica muttered. "Just the other day, I saw a report on the lynching of another Japanese man by that white supremacist militia he allows to run free. The moral obligations are clear, but there's also some... Political pressure as well."

"Political?" Maho asked.

"The president-elect is due to take office within the month." Erica explained. "I've been in contact with president-elect Pallis, and he's expecting results. But frankly, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to give him results with such a delusional lunatic!"

"If he's expecting results, Captain, perhaps we're the wrong people to be asking?" Ichika suggested. "At present, Gamma Zendor's still a Federation world; as long as it falls within our jurisdiction, perhaps it might be in our interests to get the Diplomatic Corps involved, investigate these ethics violations so we can build a case to have the Governor removed from office?"

"You could pitch that to Pallis himself, if you want." Erica responded. "But I warn you that he's not easy to talk to either. I must say, for a Romulan reportedly raised on Vulcan, he seems to have quite a few misconceptions as to how our government actually works."

"So, you're saying we're stuck between a rock and a hard place, Captain?" Maho asked.

"Precisely." Erica said. "I'm not sure how much farther we're going to be able to get with these negotiations today, so it might be in our best interest to regroup and revisit this with fresh heads in the morning."

"Presuming we won't be right back where we started the moment we set foot in his office," Ichika pointed out.

"Maybe, if it's not the good Captain that does the foot setting as it's clear his bigotry flows easily through his veins. We might have to approach the negotiation's in a different manner." Victor murmerred, his voice tight with disgust.

"I agree with you 100 percent, doctor." Erica muttered. "But how? I'm not sure..."

Ichika shook her head. "At this point, there may not be much that we can do; we've just gotta go through the motions and get the Diplomatic Corps involved."

"Pallis won't be too pleased with this..." Erica grumbled. "I'll finish things up with the governor: I'd advise you get back to your ship. Oh, and tell your crew not to cause any trouble with the populous. It's just about the last thing we need right now."

"Your advice is noted, Captain." Maho nodded before turning to Ichika and Victor: "Come, let's head back to reception where we'll likely have a clearer transporter signal..."

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Erica Hartmann
Commanding Officer
USS Akagi

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer
USS Myogi


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