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[18+] A Not So Gentle Interrogation Pt. 2

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2024 @ 2:07am by Lieutenant Alisha Reno

1,364 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Gamma Zednor

It was a solid fifteen minutes of being alone on that cold and wet interrogation table before the three interrogators had returned to the room, chatting and laughing as they filed back in and were reminded of what they were here to do. She, of course, hadn't moved, not for a lack of trying. Her wrists were sore where she'd been trying to wriggle her hands through, but even then, she knew that it was a hopeless activity. Now she just lay there and tried to focus her mind now that she was in no danger of drowning at the moment.

"Well, Reno, that was some good coffee and I hope you got a bit of rest, because it's time to get down to brass tacks." Baldy smiled at her from above her, "Now that we've established who you are and what ship you're assigned to, given that the ship in question is in orbit, you're going to help us some more."

"I can't give you anything of use, I told you that." Alisha said what she'd tried to say before, "It's a common situation that once an Intelligence Officer leaves a ship for any significant period of time, all of the command codes they know are changed. I can't get you into the computers even if I wanted to."

"That sounds like something an officer would say to not give it a try." Baldy said with a shrug, "It means that you think they haven't changed the codes and you're worried we might take the ship. It wouldn't be us anyways, it would be the Confederation, they don't just take anyone in, they require something. Blatchky, go ahead and get the IV set up. Unless you want to go ahead and tell us, Reno?"

"It wouldn't do any good, but ask your questions." Alisha bit out. She'd given up her identity, true, but she didn't have to cooperate further. Of course, that only invited more... No. She had to resist. No matter what it cost her, until then it needed to be delay, delay, delay.

"What is the Prefix Code for Myogi?" Baldy asked innocently, "That won't change anyways and it'll prove that you're willing to answer questions in good faith."

"I don't know it." Alisha lied, but gave a mournful look as if she wished she knew, "I wouldn't need it in any case, because if the ship were taken, I'd have either been killed or captured and it wouldn't be of any use at that time. If I were Security or one of the upper command structure, I'd know it, but my position?" She shook her head as much as she could.

"Interesting." He wriggled one finger, "But I don't think you're being forthcoming. What about your personal access code?"

"Reno Alpha Three Six Four Aleph Geronimo Eight One." Alisha readily supplied. That would definitely NOT work, because Alistair was under orders to wipe it from the computer as soon as she went on vacation. "But standard procedure is to clear my codes after I leave the ship for more than a day or two, so it won't be valid anymore. I'll have to reset my codes once I get back to the ship."

"I'd love to take your word on that, but I'm going to need to verify a few things." The two others were back and one clamped down on Alisha's forearm as the other expertly inserted and secured an IV line. Baldy watched impassively, "You are, of course, accustomed to truth telling drugs and Intelligence has worked hard to give you immunity to those, so we're going to have to try something different. But first, let's get you out of those wet clothes, why don't we?"

Alisha couldn't help but blush as both of the two 'assistants' came over with heavy duty scissors and without any emotion whatsoever began to cut the dress she'd been wearing for the last who-knew-how-many-hours off of her body along with every shred of anything that resembled clothing. Baldy even took a pair of scissors and hesitated for just a moment before moving over to Alisha's head, "Do you wish to change your tune?" With what was in his hands, Alisha had a clue of what was coming and she knew that this was part of the the process, "I can only tell the truth. I can't get you into the ship systems, even if you drug me to the Nth degree. I can guide you around the ship and I can analyze data you'd like, but my job there isn't critical aside from that. Intelligence officers aren't miracle workers, we're not magical superpeople."

"Sure, sure, I know that." He leaned down and whispered to her and her alone, "And I couldn't care less. You see, I'm supposed to get information out of you and you have some, whether you know it or not. So we're going to go another path, Alisha Reno, no more questions. Feel free to blurt out whatever you think I want to hear." His hands moved behind her head and she heard the scissors cutting through hair and he held up the red locks of hair that used to be attached to her head, "The sooner you give me something useful..." It was only a few minutes before she'd lost all of her hair into poorly cut chunks.

Meanwhile, the IV had already begun to pump her full of whatever was in it. Alisha couldn't even shake her head as her thoughts began to dissociate from one another as her vision blurred along with it. Her head swam as she turned it to try to look at the three men in conversation. It was apparently one thing that they were looking for and Baldy, she thought, brought over a device and placed it on her forehead, "This is neural enhancer, Miss Reno, you're going to feel everything a bit more vividly than you'd like to remember. Not just that, but..." He reached out and something got handed to him and her vision cut off as he put something over her eyes. "I've found that not being able to see properly means that your sense of touch, sound, smell and taste are improved. The drugs take those last two away, leaving more sound and feel. But don't let me tell you about it, you tell me. Once I hear something I want to hear, we'll stop. It's as simple as that."

Alisha was almost panting in fear at this point, trying to put thoughts together and realizing something that she knew would only make things worse: She wasn't going to be leaving this room. Not alive, in any case, but this was a professional. The first cut came without warning and started off cold before turning to fire. She bit back a scream as she felt the warmth start to trickle down her arm. In truth, it was a very shallow cut, but the drugs and sensory deprivation and enhancements were skewing things. Another slice, this time something got past her lips.

It was a half hour before she started gibbering words, phrases, anything she could think of. She was bleeding from twelve different cuts, but despite how they felt, none of them were very deep and none would even be close to endangering her. As she started talking, telling things that she thought would help, Baldy stepped back to wait and listen. Finally she petered out and he looked over the notes that had been transcribed by voice and leaned down to her again, "That's a good start, we're going to take a break. Lay back, relax.."

One of the other voices spoke up, "We're just going to leave her here?"

"No, you get to stay Blatchky, start lowering the dosages to a low level, we can always pump them back up." Baldy said, looking over the body that was sweating from what had occurred. Once that started to seep into the wounds, it was going to hurt even more. "I'll be back in oh... Half an hour, it's time for dinner and I never miss a meal."

Mission Post by

Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Intelligence Officer
USS Myogi


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