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Meeting Your Heroes, Part 5: Epilogue (backpost)

Posted on Wed Mar 27th, 2024 @ 4:00am by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair

424 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: USS Myogi
Timeline: After “Alert Statuses”, before “The Call Before the Storm”; before leaving Beta Antares

Previously on USS Myogi:


"And still a bit of a mess." Anise remarked as she noted that the pilot's hair was still caked with some sweat and her skin was a bit rough to the touch. She let her arms fall through the armholes of bra and to the ground once more, "Perhaps we should get you into the shower? I know of a few things that can be done in there."

"My, you're more assertive now," Jane said with a giggle. "Lead the way."

"If there's one thing I do, it's learn pretty quick." Anise gave a giggle of her own and took Jane's hand again. It was a long shower.


And now, the conclusion

Back on the Myogi, Jane was in her pyjamas, awaiting word from Alisha. They had a call scheduled, but Alisha was delayed. These things happened, Jane knew, so she filled the time by scanning through the pictures and videos taken by the holo-camera.

The initial video, the proof that Anise was indeed speaking with THE Jane Sinclair and asking about custom craft, was absolutely fine. She isolated that clip into its own file and saved it.

The photo of the autograph across Anise’s breasts was also fine, Jane thought. It was in character for Jane to do something like that. Even if the press did get it, they’d think little of it except that Jane is back to her old tricks again. Isolated and saved.

Jane’s heart raced watching some of the rest of the footage. It was hot. Her first thought was maybe set up a camera next time Alisha was over, make something for her own viewing pleasure later.

She decided to be super duper ultra extra kind to Anise and isolated a few moments from the video. A single image of their intimacy, but where Jane’s face was not visible. She flattened the image, removed all metadata, and saved it. She then encrypted it, with a feature that would purge the image completely if it were copied or viewed by anyone other than Anise.

She packaged the files and sent them to Ensign Anise Halaat, USS Akina, with a brief message.

Dear Anise, pleasure to have met you today. Will remember today for as long as I live, including my mechanic promise. Enjoy the attached. With love, Jane


A series of mission posts by:

Lieutenant jg Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Myogi

Ensign Anise Halaat
Operations Officer, USS Akina
(Played by Alisha Reno/Ami Rori)


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