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To Catch A Governor (Part 5)

Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 4:16am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Petty Officer 3rd Class Shingen Miyazawa & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kiyohira Kabuto
Edited on on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 4:17am

1,638 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Timeline: After 'To Catch A Governor (Part 4)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

The first drone was on the way back as Ami set it to autopilot when the motorcade entered the city. She was listening to the comms as she monitored the overwatch drone. There was the shot, the dematerialization and then a few seconds later she heard a click, "Don't do anything stupid, now." The resistance member next to her said as he stuck the muzzle of the pistol into her side. Then the realization over the comm that something had happened.

The rush of adrenaline seemed to enhance her connection and suddenly Crysta was in her head. She lifted her hands from the PADD, keeping them in plain sight, "Son'na ko to shitakunaidesho." (You don't want to do this)

"Right, that's what all you Starfleeters would say." He jabbed her with the pistol, it was a small one, maybe a .22? That's what Crysta was analyzing it as, Ami glanced over at her... Captor, even as Ichika and Tristana were getting their own ultimatum. If she got shot with this, it would hurt, but if...

And now, the continuation:

"All right, all right, I'm just an engineer, I'm going to just sit here, not my baliwick." She lowered her hands to her knees and he relaxed ever so slightly, releasing the pressure on her ribs and in a movement truly dictated by the former life, Ami twisted and used her elbow to push the gun out of line with her. It went off, the bullet digging into the cushion of the seat back with a muffled 'Pop' sound that the engineer in her knew wouldn't be heard from the outside. She didn't struggle for the weapon, her free hand grasping the PADD and swinging it into the temple of the resistance member as hard as she could swing once, then twice. He went limp as she added one more for good measure. Then she took the gun and looked out. Tristana and Ichika were being held at gunpoint themselves and she began to formulate a plan.

“Shingen,” whispered Kiyohira, “keep your eyes peeled. Our allies have captured Misono and Tristana.”

“Get down,” Shingen said to his friend, pulling him deeper into the bush. They had heard the conversation between Misono and the transporter room. Someone else had taken the shot at the same time he did. And the other sniper, wherever they were, had a more lethal shot. “Do you see the Commanders?”

“Yes,” said Kiyohira. “They’re fine but are out of the fight. The sniper is the threat.”

The biggest danger to the two men was a glint of light reflecting off something they had on them, especially scopes. The same, of course, was true of their opponent. And now there were flashing emergency lights surrounding them. It was now a game of who spotted whom first.


It wasn’t the shot that they heard. It was the tree behind them getting obliterated by a high powered shot. Their enemy knew where they were, at least in general terms. They were invisible but their position was compromised.

“Did you see a flash?” asked Shingen.

“Negative. Wait—”


That one sliced through the bushes they were in, practically coming between them.

“Your eleven o’clock, ten degrees up. The maple.”

“I need more than that, man.”

“I know. And I have an idea.”

“No, no wait don’t—”

Kiyohira ducked his head low and kicked his feet up, exposing his location. Thanks to his convoluted position, the bullet struck his thigh instead of his heart. He cried out in agony.

But Shingen saw the flash. He took his own shot. He opened his comm channel. “Transporter room! Incoming! He’s armed, and would’ve been prone!”

=A=Copy that, Away Team,=A= Commander Anzai radioed back. =A=Standing by to receive.=

[USS Myogi]

the first medical officers had only just arrived and were preparing to transport Governor Hartley to sickbay when another figure began to materialize on the transporter pad. All heads turned as the transporter buffer dissipated, revealing a rather confused young man, the transporter safety system repositioning him (to his confusion) to standing, sporting a high-powered sniper rifle- the weapon raised and his finger wrapped around the trigger.

Upon seeing a hostile incoming, Kurumi instantly jumped up onto the pad. As soon as the man appeared, she delivered a strong well aimed kick to the man's crotch. As he howled in pain crouching over she delivered a scissor kick to the back of his head sending him to the floor swiftly and quickly.

She wrestled the rifle out of his hands. "You do NOT have permission to come aboard!" She said simply as she aimed the rifle at him in case he decided to object.

"My beautiful penis..." the would-be assailant groaned as he clutched his stricken gonads.

"Take him to the brig," Commander Anzai ordered as the Security team descended. "We'll bring him up for questioning one the Away Team is safely accounted for."

“Shit, shit,” Shingen said as he came to his friend’s side, still down in case there were more shooters. “Transporter room, one more incoming, friendly, wounded.” He brought the rifle around and tagged Kiyohira, who vanished.

=A=Anzai to Away team,=A= Commander Anzai radioed back. =A=Petty Officer Kabuto has been recieved and will be treated for his injuries.=A=

Assured his friend would be okay, he shifted in his bush so he could see the armed resistance fighters who had taken his superior officers. Thankfully his comm signal to the transporter room had been closed. There was no audible dialogue over Misono or Tristana’s comm badges. All they heard for certain was the sniper shots and Kiyohira’s anguished cry. “Commander Anzai. I can see Commanders Misono and Tristana. I have clean shots on their attackers but there’s too many.”

Ten meters in front of the HiAce van was where Ichika and Tristana were being held. The driver had left the engine on in case of the need for a getaway and Ami slid into the driver's seat silently as she overheard Ichika state that the driver would die stupid. She took a half second to slide the seat forward a few inches, then very carefully eased the emergency brake off and let the van start to ease forward in neutral, following gravity.

Clutch pushed in, shifted into first in those first few moments, "We're the ones who are going to finish it-" Not a familiar car, but as she released the clutch, dropping the van into gear, Ami jammed the accelerator and the van lurched forward towards the (former) driver, slamming into him. She couldn't do anything about the second shooter, but this would at least distract him. Hopefully.

The second shooter suddenly vanished, hit with an isolinear tag fired from a long distance rifle. “Commander Anzai, another incoming, armed. We’re secure.” This time Shingen said it over an open comm line so Commander Misono would hear too.

"Excellent work, Lieutenant," Ichika congratulated Ami as she picked herself up alongside Tristana."Any word from Lieutenant Fujiwara?"

"Not that I know of, ma'am." Ami shrugged, "But we can go check on him if need be. If you don't mind getting in and dumping the trash out the back, I want to put some distance between us and these assholes. He tried to shoot me, so give him a good kick out the door, please, ma'am."

Ichika glanced over at the other resistance member who was now lying face-down on the floor of the van.

"Yeah, we should probably take care of that," she agreed, before turning to Tristana. "Lieutenant, give me a hand over here..."

"With pleasure..." Tristana responded, moving to help dispose of the resistance member.

The two officers proceeded to drag the man over to some hedges lining the East end of the parking lot, wherein they proceeded to hoist him over the bushes and drop him on the other side.

"He's going to have one hell of a headache," Ichika muttered as she dusted off her hands. "But if he knows what's good for him, then he'll know to hightail it out of here when he eventually comes to."

Shingen’s voice carried over the XO’s commbadge. “Miyazawa to Misono. Requesting orders.”

=A=Stand by, Miyazawa,=A= Ichika radioed back. =A=Fujiwara, do you copy?=A=

"This is Fujiwara." Came Takumi's response. "I'm alright, but if we're going to go, we'd better do it soon."

After Takumi and Kabuto had dropped their assailants, the latter had gone after his friend, telling Takumi to keep the van running, anticipating the need for a speedy getaway.

=A=Copy that, Fujiwara,=A= Ichika replied, before switching her communications frequency. =A=Away Team to Myogi; five to beam out.=A=

Within seconds, the members of the away team were each whisked away in a shimmer of light as the transporter beam brought them back to their ship.

A mission post by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott
Chief Counselor
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Tristana
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Ami Rori
Chief Engineer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Myogi

Petty Officer 3rd Class Shingen Miyazawa
Security Officer
USS Myogi

Petty Officer 3rd Class Kiyohara Kabuto
Security Officer
USS Myogi

Resistance member NPC'd by

Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer
USS Myogi


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