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A Working Out Morning

Posted on Sun Oct 31st, 2021 @ 12:28am by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Edited on on Wed Dec 22nd, 2021 @ 11:54am

3,374 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Jane Sinclair's Quarters

She didn't wake up instantly this time, which was abnormal for her. Normally Alisha went from asleep to awake and alert without much inbetween the two, but this time she groaned and tried to get closer to the warmth that was next to her, but it was moving away and was already out of her reach. The softness of the sheets against her skin... Against her skin? Her eyes fluttered open and she tried to figure out just why she was naked in bed when she always wore something, just in case she needed to be up and out the door. Then she smiled as memories began to flood in of the night previous and she propped herself up on an elbow to watch Jane as she stood from the bed, "Well, good morning, beautiful." Alisha said quietly to her, enjoying the view.

Jane had woken a few minutes earlier to the sight of Alisha still asleep. She lay still and watched the sleeping woman, her chest gently rising and falling, her eyes moving quickly from side to side under her eyelids. Awake and unwilling to disturb the sleeping beauty, she gently slid away and sat upright. She swung her feet off the bed and onto the floor. When she heard Alisha speak, she turned her neck to see her and smiled. “Hey you. Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

"Mmm..." Alisha responded, "Well, you were going to anyways, you threatened last night that I was going to be going to work out with you this morning, and with all of that cheesecake last night, and the fettucine, despite the workout we had, I'm not about to try to beg out of it." She began to slide to the same side of the bed that Jane was on, legs coming out from under the covers and she shivered at the difference between the covers and the outside of it, though the residual warmth of the sheets was rapidly fading, "Besides, there are stories to tell that I'm sure will be entertaining while we're working off the calories."

“Definitely,” Jane agreed. “Let me get my workout gear out. Why don’t you replicate yourself a sports bra and some shorts and I’ll meet you in my open floor space. And maybe I can ask you to replicate us some water, please?” She stood and her legs, wobbly from the previous night’s fun, threatened to give out. She laughed and grabbed her armoire opposite her.

Alisha fell back on the bed, laughing loudly as Jane barely kept her own feet. She knew that she wasn't likely going to be much better off than her lover, but at least she got a reprieve at Jane's expense. "Are we sure we didn't exercise enough last night?" She got out through bouts of laughter, before finally getting to her own feet." She stood there for a few seconds, making sure that she wasn't about to fall backwards again. She felt her legs tremble, but focused on walking the few steps to the replicator and resting a hand above it to steady herself, "See, not so hard!" She joked, feeling Jane's eyes on her as she punched in the sizes for the clothes and realizing that she now had a dilemma. She was supposed to get some water as well, which would require removing the clothes and holding them as she did that. She hesitated before leaning up against the wall with a shoulder and stuck her tongue out at Jane as she replicated the water and grabbed it to carefully walk, in this case it looked like a saunter, back to the bed and collapsed to a sitting position on the bed. "I'll be out there in just a couple minutes, just need to get dressed."

Jane nodded. While she was very intently watching Alisha move across the room, she had gathered onto the bed a pair of small workout mats, some free weights, and her own black sports bra and shorts. Once her legs were stable beneath her, she got her workout clothes on and carried everything to the living area.

She laid out the mats and set the two weights to one side. She only owned those two, so they’d need to share, but that was fine. One could rest or do a different set while the other used the weights. “Ready out here. No going back to bed. My legs are better now I’ll carry you if I have to!”

Alisha walked out in a grey sports bra and black shorts, still barefoot and looking a bit awkward. Not because of the walk, but because as she'd said... "I'm definitely going to need some instruction here, I'm a runner rather than a weightlifter." She chuckled for a couple seconds, "But I get this feeling I'm going to have to get used to this?" She asked, surprisingly some hope in her voice. If she got used to doing this, it just meant that she and Jane were spending a LOT of time together, which would be a wonderful thing.

“No problem, I’ll guide you,” Jane said with a warm smile. “And I’m not going to make you do this every time you stay here. Sometimes we’ll do mine. Sometimes yours. Sometimes I’ll let you sleep in and do my own thing. Sometimes we’ll both sleep in.” She stood to her full height and took two steps closer to Alisha, until they were centimetres apart. “And sometimes I’m going to see you looking like this and just bring you back into the bedroom,” she said in a breathy voice. She hovered her lips just above Alisha’s and then grinned. “But today…Jane Sinclair’s traditional morning routine.”

Too close to resist, Alisha rose on her toes to plant a quick kiss on Jane's lips, but didn't hold it because well... This was supposed to be a workout, not a makeout session. She grinned as she went back to flat feet, "Traditional morning routine. And sometimes, we'll also sleep at my quarters, until or unless we actually move in with each other." She waved that away, "But not important right now. And I usually don't sleep in that much, Oh Six Hundred is when I'm usually up by... What time is it, by the way?"

"Oh six thirty," Jane replied. "It seems we were tired." She winked and took position on one of the mats. "Let's just start with some stretches." She began to stretch her arms in the ways her old personal trainer taught her years earlier.

Alisha emulated Jane’s motions, her mind comprehending that she should be at the end of her own morning run, then it would be a quick sonic shower before getting to the office for the overnight reports. Since there were just two of them on board, if anything of a medium to high priority came in, one of them would have been woken to check it, and since she hadn’t been… She raised her arms over her head as she thought about it, then dismissed the worry. “So… Wanna hear a secret?” She asked Jane, “It’s one that I’m really not supposed to tell, but it was at the Academy and does involve you.” She shrugged as they rolled their shoulders backwards and then forward, “I’ve probably taken this whole ‘Intelligence secrets’ thing a bit too seriously…”

"I like secrets," Jane said as she finished her stretching. "But it involves me? How?" She picked up, lay down on the mat, and began doing press ups.

Alisha made a face, she hated press ups, just slightly less than pull ups, but dutifully she followed suit, slower than Jane, “Do you remember an engineering cadet named Anise Halaat? Trill girl, was a cheerleader who idolized you and said you were her reason for joining the Fleet?” Alisha remembered that girl herself, “I thought she was cute, cuter than myself.”

Jane stopped what she was doing and looked Alisha in the eye. She squinted, looking at Alisha’s face very closely. It was the eyes that gave it away. The wrong colour, but it was the same eyes. “No….” She said, incredulously.

Batting her eyelids, then opening them wide in astonished surprise, Alisha had dropped from the last press up onto her side, “You, you’re Jane Sinclair?” She said in a nasally, incredulous voice, “The Jane Sinclair? Number 81?” She pressed one hand to her chest, remembering that the ‘Trill’ had had far larger ones there, then sighed, “No one will believe me back home… But I was your biggest fan! If you ever need anything done to whatever you’re flying, you’re going to be flying shuttles or something I’m sure, just let me know. Anything at all.”

Jane couldn’t help but laugh and hang her head. “I can’t believe it.” Part of her felt tricked, but she knew it was part of Alisha’s training. “But for the record, she wasn’t cuter than you.” She moved onto her stomach and got into a planking pose. “Come on. Plank time.”

“Of course I was!” Alisha groaned as she assumed the position that would definitely help strengthen her core, “After all the effort I put into that disguise? I had the spots actually tattooed on, some of them really hurt, too, others tickled. And all the way down, yes, just in case. I’ve got some pictures somewhere of the final product. Getting them removed was… Not fun afterwards.” She sighed before going on, “I wasn’t trying to fool anyone specifically when I did that, it was part of one of our training operations. There were five of us that had been marked out for potential undercover roles, so Captain Martine instructed us that we would go undercover there at the Academy. I was the only one who had ‘the opportunity’ to change species as well, but it was a test to see if we could manage it for any significant period of time before we got found out. One month was the minimum passing mark, I was one of two that made it that whole semester without discovery by any students, Campus Security knew there were some of us out there, but they were informed so they didn’t blow our covers with the rest of the cadets.”

Jane ended the plank and took a moment to catch her breath. “Pilot cadets didn’t have anything quite so involved. Instead they made us fly transit routes all over the Sol System. Usually on shuttles or small transports. I did the twice daily Earth to Titan run in a retrofit Class C, until bloody sh’Ennev decided to ground me. ‘Too fast’, my arse.” She lay on her back and began doing sit-ups. “Over the summer I did Earth to Europa three times daily through the week, but they let me take the weekends to participate in local races. Then in Senior Year I was all over the thrice-weekly run to Eris Station. Two hours each way at warp 1.75. So people tended to be okay with it if I coaxed out a bit more speed, or if I was a bit quick on approach.” She couldn’t help but grin.

As soon as Jane released, Alisha did too, then panted as she rolled over on her back to catch her breath from the combination of holding the plank and talking at the same time. "There's no such thing as too fast. Getting out of dodge too fast? Nope. The only time that speed is bad is when you're flying right down the throat of a black hole." She shook her head, "But the odds of that happening are like, none. You'll have to take me flying some day, maybe in something sleek, fast, sporty... Wish we could go back to the Academy and do it there, would have been fun! Better than the slow and stealthy that I tend to have to do.."

“Well I assume I’ll need to fly you somewhere one day,” Jane replied. “A shame we’re launching so soon. I’d try to take a ship from Spacedock for a little joyride. I’m sure there’s some Number 81 fan that would look the other way.” She stopped her sit-ups and sat properly on her mat. “In the meantime, maybe I can show you my old ship on the holodeck? A quick side trip before James Bond, or rather Jane Sinclair, meets the lovely Ginger Fox.”

"I would love to." Alisha hadn't done any sit-ups, just laying there on her back, "It's something that's so intrinsically a part of you," She looked over and smiled at Jane, "So it's got to be pretty important and actually sounds rather cool. And fast, too. Since you were, after all, a well known racer!" Her smile turned into a grin, "And you know about fast ships and women, of course. We can't resist them, because they make our panties wet." She giggled, "How fast were you able to go? I may know that you were a racer, but I don't really know much about racing."

Jane giggled at the comment about the effects of fast ships and women. When the laughter finally subsided, she stood up with her weights and began doing some basic bicep lifts. “It depended on the track, of course. When you get much faster than one-fourth the speed of light, you start experiencing some unpleasant relativistic effects, which is why starships tend not to go much past that. The inertial dampers act to resist you going faster than 0.25c, until you get to warp. In a racing shuttle, we scale down the inertial dampers and can push it to around 0.4c. That increase in inertia also lets us do things similar to drifting in a street race, which is quite fun.” She finished her set and gave the weights to Alisha. “Some races have little warp components, to bring you to different obstacles. You need to engage and disengage in specific windows or else you’re disqualified, and can’t pass warp two, so the challenge is to engage as quickly as you can and disengage as late as you can in the allowed spaces. And with minimal inertial control, believe me when I say you feel that jump.”

Absently, Alisha began her own set of the bicep lifts as she listened, then grimaced slightly. There had been a couple times when she’d been required to disable the inertial compensator for a slow run up to a moderate speed when picking up data dumps, and those had been unpleasant. Of course, those were prolonged exposures rather than the sharper accelerations and decelerations of a racing track. When she had flown in some two-seat fighters (mostly as a passenger, only taking the stick in a pair of flights for qualifications purposes at non-combat operations), one of her instructors had taken her for what was a wild ride to show her what they could actually do. “Better make sure your restraints work…” She finally said, “Otherwise? Squish.”

"Especially important for a Proximan," Jane noted. "I broke a bunch of my ribs during the 70 Ophiuchi Rally in '88."

“Owww..” Alisha finished her set of reps and handed the weight back to Jane, “I’ve broken my hand once, an accident in hand to hand training, been stabbed in training too, but nothing like that. The worst that happened before the Academy was a couple times I got scraped up from motorcycling mistakes, nothing a dermal regenerator couldn’t handle though. I can only imagine how broken ribs would feel, don’t want to experience it if I can help it.”

"It wasn't fun," Jane observed wryly as she did another set. "I almost passed out but I pushed through the pain until I finished the race. Thankfully it was in the last warp jump, so I was like that for...a little under an hour. People could tell I was off my game but I powered through and finished. I was a contender to win but finished fourth out of forty-seven. Team Captain admonished me for not stopping to seek medical attention until I reminded him that if that happened in a Starfleet mission I'd be expected to finish the job, not come home crying."

“Too true.” Alisha let her tone of voice turn officious, “We, the officers of Starfleet take upon ourselves the moral, physical and personal responsibility to do the Right Thing. This may come at the cost of personal injury or death, or even worse: those of your fellows. It’s a difficult task, but one that everyone here has proven themselves worthy of performing.” She shook her head as she accepted the weights again and began her own second rep, voice back to her normal soprano, “That’s what the Admiral said at my graduation, at least.”

The impression made Jane laugh. “Damn that’s a good Admiral Adair. He did our commencement speech too. We never saw him any other time except tell us we’d graduated and that we were probably going to die on duty in defense of The Right Thing.” She stretched her back as part of a simple cool down exercise. “I’m going to hit the sonic shower. You’re welcome to join me when you’re ready.” She ran her fingers along Alisha’s arm and walked toward the washroom, taking her sports bra and shorts off as she went.

When I’m ready?” Alisha was in motion a fraction of a second after the invitation, likewise beginning to remove her own clothing, “Sugarcube,” She loved how that rolled off her tongue, though it was three syllables versus the single one of ‘Jane’, “I’ve been ready since we began.”

Jane entered the sonic shower and activated it. The sound waves began to dissolve anything that didn't belong on her skin; mostly just sweat from the workout and the previous few hours' sleep, given that they'd showered and changed the sheets before bed.

She intentionally kept her bare back to the entrance of the sonic shower stall. She smiled as she started 'washing' her hair, teasing it apart to make sure the sonic energy did its job. Historically she had not been a fan of cute nicknames, but the way the Texan called her 'sugarcube' made her legs wobble.

Alisha had taken the time to look at the chronology and blanch, hesitating for a moment as she was removing her own sports bra and shorts, the duty-bound part of her wanting to run straight to her office because for the second time that morning, she was late. But Alistair, the other Intel member on board, was used to being by himself and he would probably be getting the morning briefing papers ready already… Eight seconds had ticked by as she’d fought her own panic and settled down, then a few moments later slipped in behind Jane and wrapped her arms around the other woman from behind, pressing herself against the naked body and planting a kiss on the back of her neck, “Sorrrryyyyy, I saw the time and freaked out for a few seconds.” She admitted.

"You're not late, Alisha," Jane assured her. "Formal shift changes won't be for another forty minutes or so." She closed her eyes and adjusted her neck so she could be better kissed. "Plenty of time to...get clean."

“This is the part where my job sucks, Sugarcube.”Alisha murmured, kissing slowly down Jane’s neck, “Intelligence starts earlier than most sections, because we have to provide the daily intelligence briefs for everyone. But Alistair can handle it this morning, I’ll make it up to him, besides,” Her hands moved up to cup Jane’s breasts, “I’m not gonna waste this opportunity.”

“You better not,” Jane said, melting into Alisha’s hands. “You’d better not.”

Posting by (in order of appearance):

Lieutenant Junior Grade Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)


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