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The Nightkids Are Back, Baby!

Posted on Mon Dec 6th, 2021 @ 5:36am by Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Lieutenant JG Mia ‘Banshee’ Amaro
Edited on on Mon Dec 6th, 2021 @ 5:41am

1,720 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Timeline: Between "Coming In Hoooooot!" And "Jane Sinclair’s Busy Day, Part The Last: Partners In Crime"

Her quarters were rather nice, a small room, but one of her very own. It was going to take her a while to replicate some decorations, because what she had in her duffel bag wasn't going to even come close to covering the walls even the slightest bit, unlike the barracks room she'd shared with two other pilots on the Essex. But, that was something that could really wait, because she did need to go for a walk, maybe head down to the mess to grab a bite to eat, then hunt down that cargo bay where HER fighter was. She'd go through her new one with a fine toothed comb, but everything was going to be about getting her own one back.

She sighed as she glanced in the mirror on her way to the door, and smiled that she looked nothing like a Starfleet officer. Black tights that ended two inches below the short black shorts, flat shoes that she'd considered heels for, then a bare midriff before a bright yellow cutoff shirt, topped off with her signature brown leather jacket. "Aye, you look sexy all right!" She told her reflection before settled the commbadge on her jacket's chest and brushed her purple hair back roughly and left. She turned right down the hallway and started off at a good clip towards where she thought the mess hall was, getting a couple looks from passing uniformed officers.

"Hey... is she supposed to be here?" one of the officers whispered to his cohort.

"Last I recall, civilians weren't allowed on the Myogi..." someone else muttered.

"Well... should we call Security?"

"Security wouldn't be letting anyone aboard who didn't display Starfleet credentials, so... maybe it's an officer?"

"Dressed like that? She makes Lieutenant Tristana look like a Catholic Schoolgirl!"

"Can't imagine who she's going to be bonding with..."

"Jesus, we're a patrol ship, not a Vegas nightclub!"

Mia heard whispering as she passed, but didn't hear the substance. But one thing was for sure: She was getting noticed! And that was really what she was going for. She glanced at the labels on some of the doors, but none of them were what she was looking for and her face grew slightly concerned as she went down another deck and still couldn't find it. She began to look at more and more of the personnel that she'd passed and then stopped dead. That one, she couldn't be... She followed the figure through a door and only barely noticed that it was a larger room with tables and such...

Mia's eyes lit up and a bright grin crossed her face as she hopped and skipped over towards the woman in a flight suit, yes, it was! Jacket as well, which had hindered the ID, and... Her eyes slid to the collar... Two pips! This HAD to be her new boss, with just the two pilots on board! She threw her arms around the Lieutenant and gave her a big hug, "Hiya, mamacita! I'm Mia, your new wingmate!"

"Well, I must say, this is probably the first time I've ever been glomped by one of my subordinates," the bleach-blonde chuckled, patting Mia awkwardly on the back. "Though, I must say-- Mia, was it?-- if your enthusiasm's anything to go off, then it looks as if the two of us are going to get along famously!"

"Si."(Yes), Mia nodded, releasing Karen after a final squeeze and teetering back half a step, "Lieutenant Junior Grade Mia 'Banshee' Amaro, semi-sorta reporting." She shrugged, "I'm not really on duty right now I don't think, not that our 'on duty' is much more than a suggestion anyways, no?"

"Eh," the lieutenant shrugged with equal indifference. "As the old saying goes, 'toh-may-toh, to-mah-toh'; to each his own. Anyways, of you're doing anything at the moment, what's say you have a seat? I figure it's just the two of us, so we might as well endeavor to get ourselves acquainted."

She gestured towards the empty seat on the far side of the table.

"Not doin' nothing but trying to find the mess hall, kinda got the munchies and didn't want to eat in my quarters." Mia glanced around opened her eyes in some shock as she slipped into the chair, "And it looks like this is exactly what I was looking for!" She exclaimed, "And found you, no less, which is wonderful, because I need a huge favor from you..."

Her new boss cackled at the fact that it had taken her that long to realize they were in the mess hall. "But of course; how may I be of assistance?"

"I was transferred here with my fighter, MY fighter." Mia half settled onto the table, leaning partway across it, "I've had that one for nearly four years, occasional upgrades, but she's gotten me in and out of some tight spots in one piece... So when I left Essex they sent her with me. Then when I landed, there was this blondie
imbécil(jerk) that almost dumped her out into space, but instead put her into a cargo bay... Is there any way you can help me get her out of hock and back where she needs to be?"

The blonde placed a finger to her lips and pondered if she had the sort of clearance Mia would require of her.

"It kind of depends on what you did to get her in hock," she explained. "I had this one time where my Squadron Leader- dude had a stick up his butt, I swear- he grounded me for two weeks for a near pass I made with a Nebula-Class; and trust me when I say, it's no cakewalk when you're a JG trying to get yourself out of a suspension."

Mia grimaced as she realized she was going to have to explain it, "Ai..." She sat back again, "I um... Made a hot approach to the bay and apparently violated the maximum capacity of the bay, despite landing safely within the boundaries. I know why they tried to abort my approach, since I was coming in really hot, but I knew what I was doing." She shrugged, "I'm a good pilot, really good, I'm not going to make that sort of mistake as to not land safely."

"Get out, the Lieutenant gasped in starry-eyed amazement. "That would've been awesome to see!"

Mia's eyes brightened, THIS was the type of person she could work with, that was for sure. Not barking at her for something questionable like Commander Higgins would have done if she'd tried that on Essex, if there hadn't been a full landing area. "Pushed the thrusters to the max, but my girl can handle it. I wouldn't have tried it if I thought I couldn't do it."

"Unfortunately, it would seem that the Command Staff here is a bunch of stiff-necks who don't appreciate true talent around here..." the Lieutenant lamented. "But yeah, I can certainly vouch for you when my next shift begins; may not be able to get far with my rank, but I'll give it the old college try."

"Blondie with the spikes was the one that impounded my fighter, said I could dial in one of the other two to her level, but that's gonna take a while and I'm gonna have to go over it bit by bit. I'm not gonna trust anyone else to make sure I'm not gonna suddenly end up floatin' in space." Her Hispanic accent came out even harsher, but Mia didn't notice, "I'm not a mechanic, but that ain't gonna stop me."

"Well, that's just dumb!" the Lieutenant huffed. "If he was so butt-hurt about it, he'd get more mileage out of simply grounding you, rather than have you work with a fighter you're not accustomed to!"

"Willing to bet he isn't a pilot." Mia said while making a face to show her opinion of those that didn't fly, "If he were, he would understand that they become more than just a machine, they become a part of you deep down in your soul." She tapped her chest, "More important than a child, literally a piece of you. Not that I have a kid or ever plan on them, I'm not gonna abandon any kid the way my parents did me. And I'm not abandonin' my girl, no matter what."

"Amen to that!" the Lieutenant sympathized wholeheartedly. "Me? I got myself an old Nissan Skyline replica that I've got parked at a storage facility down on earth; doesn't have all the latest bits-and-bobs that today's shuttles do, and it certainly can't go up-and-down-- but here on the ground, it goes like a bat outta hell, and I'd just as readily leave her out in the rain as I would a newborn baby..."

She looked up at Mia and smiled. "Sorry; went a little off topic there. How about we save the chit-chat regarding me and start talking about you? Banshee, you said your callsign was? How'd you get a nickname like that?"

Mia leaned back in her chair and stretched her arms up over her head, giving a rather decent look at her whole self to Karen, "Well, if you take me to bed, I can show you." She raised her eyebrows suggestively, a clear invitation to do just that. "It really is a fun experience."

Her new boss gaped in bewilderment.

"Um... so, first of all," she began once she had gotten over the initial shock. "I think if you pulled that sort of mouth with the Command Staff, they'd strip you of your rank and have you transferred off faster than you could bat an eyelash; and second..." she paused for a second or two, briefly flashing Mia a devilish smirk. "... I might be down for that, so long as you are."

Posting by (In Order Of Appearance):

Lieutenant Junior Grade Mia Armano
Nightkids Squadron Fighter Pilot, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant Karen Kujo
Nightkids Squadron Leader, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)


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