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The One Where Queed Arrives

Posted on Fri Nov 4th, 2022 @ 1:44pm by Commander Queed

435 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: USS Starblazer
Timeline: A Few Days Ago

==USS Starblazer, en route to Earth==

Captain’s log, Stardate xxxx.xx, Starblazer’s initial trials are almost finished. As we were out and about testing the new quantum slipstream drive, Admiral Jagir asked us to pick some officers transferring to the USS Myogi and rendezvous with that ship in the Sol system. Apparently, one of the passengers is an El-Aurian that knew my grandparents…


Queed was seated to the left of the Starblazer’s captain on the bridge of the latest Vesta Class starship. He was enjoying the quiet time watching the crew attend to their duties. Every once in a while he’d catch Captain Jaxom looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

“Is everything all right Captain?” Queed asked in his quiet baritone voice, at last wondering about the side glances he was getting.

Captain Jaxom turned to face his passenger, “I’m just still wrapping my head around the fact that my grandparents were your foster parents.” The Trill shrugged and grinned, “That’s just… amazing to me.”

“Your grandparents took me in when I was going through a bad time. They were very kind to me. I remember them fondly,” Queed replied. “And they taught me a many things.”

Jaxom nodded, “Yeah, I miss’em too. Of course, you knew them when they were much younger than I did.”

Queed could only smile.

“Captain,” the operations officer on duty turned around, “We’ll be rendezvousing with the Myogi in ten minutes.”

“Thank you ensign,” Captain Jaxom replied. He looked to his passenger, “Looks like we better get you to the transporter room.”

“Aye captain,” Queed answered. Both men stood up and the captain gave the conn to his tactical officer.

As they made their way through the corridors of the Starblazer they conversed, “So, the Myogi?” Captain Jaxom asked, “You might enjoy moving around a bit after so many years of planetside duty.”

Queed merely nodded, “Yes,” he answered. He was a man of few words.

They entered the transporter room. Queed’s luggage was already there and the El Adrian noticed one extra box. “What’s this?” He asked,

Jaxom smiled, “Just a little gift from the vineyard back home for those occasions you may want to celebrate.”

Queed nodded once, “Thank you sir. That’s kind.” He stepped up to the transporter pad.

“Queed, you can call me Jaal.”

Queed held up one fore finger, “But we’re on duty. Next time perhaps? We will talk again.”

“Fair ‘nuff,” the Trill gave the nod to the transporter operator manning the control console, “Energize.”


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