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Boat Drill in the Dead of Night (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 7:38pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Terrence "Terry" Johnston & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Edited on on Tue Dec 12th, 2023 @ 7:39pm

1,257 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: USS Myogi
Timeline: After 'Boat Drill in the Dead of Night (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

"Takahashi to all hands." Maho said as she tapped her combadge. "Report to your muster stations immediately. Do not raise the general alarm. I repeat, do not raise the general alarm."

A resigned sigh was all that escaped Bree's lips as she was awoken by the Captain's announcement. It was early, of course, and she had been in the middle of a dreamless yet comfortable sleep, but given her dual professions, she wasn't exactly unfamiliar with being called to work at all hours.

Replaying the announcement's words in her head, Bree surmised there wasn't an actual emergency, or if there were, at least not a typical one, as there would be all sorts of alarms going off. Still, that didn't mean something wasn't amiss, so she quickly reached for her robe and moved swiftly to medical, unsure of what patients might be there at this hour, but committed to making sure they got to safety with her.

And now, the continuation:

Once the last stragglers reported to their muster station, the last muster stations reported green to Captain Takahashi:

"Computer, end drill and report total time elapsed:" Maho ordered.

"Total time elapsed was thirty five minutes and eleven seconds." The computer recited.

"That's not good enough:" Maho declared. "This ship should be ready to evacuate in less than 20. I'll want a full report on what took so long. Lieutenant Sinclair, Commander Ebisuzawa, I want to speak with you in my ready room before you can return to your quarters."

From her shuttle pilot seat, Jane tapped her commbadge. “Yes ma’am.” She sighed and looked to the person in her copilot seat. “Duty calls.” She stood and addressed the others in the shuttlebay. “All right everyone, back to bed, or to your stations if you’re on duty. Flight Control, we’ll do a review at 1100.” She yawned and left the shuttlebay before the rest, so she could go to the Ready Room.

Kurumi simply nodded. She began to lead Captain Aisaka and Commander Takasu back to their quarters.

[Maho's ready room]

"I am extremely disappointed in both of your performances during this drill:" Maho told Jane and Kurumi, both seated in front of her desk. "Sinclair, while I will wait for the report on the delay to make my final judgements, I can't help but notice that a good portion of that delay was caused by delays to repairs to one of our shuttles, forcing crewmembers to scramble to find other muster stations. If I'm going to follow your proposed evacuation plan, utilizing our auxiliary craft to evacuate crew, then every single one of them needs to be running like a top! We might not be a stupid Armitage class, but if you can't properly maintain our shuttles with what we do have, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to revert back to Miyahara's muster plan, where everyone is assigned a muster station at an escape pod, and I'm sure that's an outcome neither of us want, is it?"

"Captain," Jane ventured as a response, "the maintenance team have been working around the clock to fix the Reopon, and with all due respect, even with the most robust maintenance program, sometimes things break outside of our control. The muster plan has built-in contingencies for this sort of thing. Everyone knew where to go if their main muster point was broken. The entire shuttlebay could have been on fire and everyone would have been redirected properly. But ma'am, to suggest that one broken shuttle means reverting to an escape pod-only plan...Captain, an evacuation plan that ignores the fact that we have a complement of auxiliary craft is pointedly foolish. Negligent, even."

"Then make sure the auxiliary craft are flightworthy, Lieutenant:" Maho ordered. "I'll tell you the same thing I told Lieutenant Rori: Like I expect my ship to be in top notch condition when I'm told we're ready to depart, I expect all auxiliary craft and escape pods to be flightworthy. No exceptions, no excuses. I'd rather have them functional and not need them rather than broken when I need them."

“Okay, but Captain,” Jane insisted, “no one can give anyone any guarantee that there won’t ever be a problem. It’s why we run drills and why we do regular inspections. The problem with the Reopon didn’t happen because anyone failed at their job. We’ll do a complete forensic analysis but initial findings suggest a set of defective EPS relays. We found the error during routine maintenance because as you said these craft need to be functional and we pride ourselves on actually checking that they’re functional. No one on your ship made a mistake on this, Captain. In fact, I’m proud of the work the flight control department has done on this.”

"I believe we are both in agreement on this, so I won't bother beating a dead horse any further." Maho said. "You're dismissed, Lieutenant."

Thoroughly miffed at the whole experience, Jane curtly nodded her head and left the Ready Room.

"And Ebisuzawa: What the hell were you thinking, Commander?" Maho yelled. "I give specific instructions not to sound the general alarm so our drill wouldn't disturb our guests, and what do you do? You go and wake them up anyway! If I wanted Captain Aisaka and Commander Takasu to know we were holding an evacuation drill, I would have given orders to sound the general alarm!"

Kurumi crossed her arms. "With all due respect captain!" She said back her voice slightly raised. "You told us to treat all drills as real. My responsibility as Chief of Security is to ensure any special guests are evacuated safely!" She protested. "Not only that, but this was an unscheduled drill! You didn't plan it with any of our departments, so for all we know it could have been real!" She paused for a moment. "Unless you actually wanted Captain Aisaka to be left behind?!"

If we did, this galaxy would be a better place without Taiga Aisaka in it... Maho thought, but did not say aloud.

"Well, Commander, since you're going to ignore my orders and wake up Captain Aisaka anyway, I'll order the general alarm sounded next drill." She said. "And when Captain Aisaka inevitably complains, I'll direct her to you to air her grievances, because my idea of not inconveniencing her will be ignored by my Chief of Security regardless..."

Kurumi uncrowded her arms. "Captain! You should know that Captain Aisaka complimented the crew on the drill when I escorted her back to the guest quarters! She understood the need for an evacuation drill!" Kurumi shot back her voice still raised. "Sorry Captain, but you're being a complete asshole right now! To Aisaka and the crew!" With that said she turned to leave the room. Before she did she looked over at the Captain. "I will be reporting this to Starfleet Command! Damn the regulations!" With that she stormed out of the room.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer

Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott
Chief Counselor

Lieutenant Ami Rori
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Terrence "Terry" Johnston
Assistant Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer


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