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To Catch A Governor (Part 1)

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 6:43pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak' & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Petty Officer 3rd Class Shingen Miyazawa & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kiyohira Kabuto
Edited on on Tue Jul 23rd, 2024 @ 9:05pm

1,460 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama

Captain's log:

Following an extensive analysis of the area in which the rally will be held, Commander Misono and our Japanese allies have concocted a plan to take Governor Hartley into custody:

Whether our plan succeeds or fails lies squarely in Commander Misono's hands now... I just hope we'll be able to pull it off...

[USS Myogi - Transporter Room One]

Petty Officer Stevens had been among the personnel tasked with prepping the Myogi's transporter rooms to beam the mission-critical personnel down to the surface. Stevens had been assigned to Transporter Room One, and when the order had come down, he was the one to make sure that the transporter pad was hot and ready to beam Commander Misono's team down to the surface:

Now, all that was left to do was to wait for Commander Misono's team to arrive.

Perhaps not all that surprisingly, Commander Misono herself was first to arrive, accompanied by a small security detachment consisting of Commander Tristana and Petty Officers Kabuto and Miyazawa. All four of them were sporting high-powered phaser rifles, which were fitted out with sniper scopes for long-distance shooting. Attached to Ichika's waist was a small leather pouch, of which Stevens knew contained a special type of ammunition, which would be critical in the Governor's apprehension.

"All set, Petty Officer?" Ichika inquired as the four of them took their places on the transporter pad.

Stevens nodded.

"We have the coordinates pre-programmed and ready to go, Commander." He said.

“All ready to go, Commander,” reported Kiyohira, standing straight and tall and ready to mount the transporter pad.

His friend Shingen was doing a final check on his rifle before following. “Let’s get that kusoyarô (asshole). Um, ma’am.”

The last one into the transporter room was Takumi: The Assistant Chief Helmsman had been specifically requested to join the away team by Commander Misono, as Takumi was more well-versed in Mr. Sakuragi's resistance cell, and he would know what to look for when their allies arrived:

"Lieutenant Fujiwara, reporting as ordered, ma'am." Takumi said as he arrived in the transporter room.

"Sakuragi's team is on the move." Tristana said, turning to Ichika. "We'd best be beaming down before they have all the fun without us..."

"Agreed," Ichika nodded, before turning to address the group.

"We'll be beaming into a municipal park, approximately half a mile from the venue where Governor Hartley is scheduled to be hosting his rally," she explained. "Once we arrive, we'll need to seek cover immediately and await General Sakuragi's signal."

She turned towards Takumi "I take it you'll know what we're looking for, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, Ma'am:" Takumi nodded. "Wherever we hide, we'll need to have a clear line of sight to the roadways that lead past the park: I know they'll be approaching the venue in vehicles. That much is certain: How many or what they're planning on their side, I don't know."

"Once we've rendezvoused with General Sakuragi's unit, we'll scout the surrounding area and devise a strategy that will give us the best chances of extracting Governor Hartley safely," Ichika continued. "We've got one shot to make this work, so time and stealth will be of the essence; one wrong move, and this entire operation could come crashing down on our heads. Does everyone here understand the game plan?"

The away team nodded.

"Excellent," Ichika nodded before shifting her attention over to Stevens.


Stevens powered up the transporter, and the away team disappeared in the blue light of a transporter beam.

From her place in sickbay, Bree anxiously awaited news from the away team. She had plenty of her own work to keep her busy, but the success or failure of this mission was naturally in the back of her mind. Not long ago there was contemplation of assassinating the Governor, not arresting him, and that still was hard for Scott to wrap her mind around. It wasn't that she felt sympathy for the man, but it would certainly be an action contrary to many of the values she always believed the Federation stood for. Beyond that, the counselor worried it would be nearly impossible for the team to live with. It also didn't escape her that arrest was the goal, but anything could happen.

As a nurse approached her with records to review, Scott couldn't remember feeling more grateful for the distraction.

[Planet's surface]

The peaceful evening in the municipal park only a half a mile from the riverfront venue where Governor Ambrose Hartley was planning on holding his pro-secession rally was shattered by the sound of a transporter beam as the away team from the Starship Myogi materialized on the surface.

The five Starfleet officers comprising the away team materialized beside a walking trail. A civilian on a bicycle rode past as they beamed in. The cyclist briefly fixated on the transporter beam, but continuing along with his day as if nothing were amiss. Immediately available for use as cover was a park trash can and a nearby tree. However, both objects combined would only be able to conceal two officers. Across from the away team's landing site, on the other side of the walking trail lay a small pond, and in the distance a family with small children were playing catch.

Despite the efforts of the sound dampening berm across the street, noise from the nearby venue could still be heard wafting into the park: Particularly the fiery rhetoric of another speaker at the rally. His words unintelligible to the casual observer, but once one fixated their attention on the words, it became clear that the man was denouncing the United Federation of Planets as a corrupt government; supportive of 'baby killers' over 'real patriots.'

"We'd best find a hiding spot that will give us a decent vantage point of the roadway," Ichika began, turning to Takumi. "Suggestions, Lieutenant?"

Takumi looked around. There wasn't much options for hiding spots: In addition to the tree and the park trash can, they were fairly close to the park wall, which they could easily hop and they'd be out of sight of parkgoers, but doing so would put them within plain view of the roadway.

"We could hop the wall:" Takumi suggested. "I think there's a sidewalk on the other side of it. We'd be out of sight of the parkgoers, but fully exposed to traffic."

"Do we know if it's a particularly busy thoroughfare?" Ichika asked. "Especially at this time of day?"

"If I were to guess- due to the rally happening nearby, I wouldn't be surprised if the roads were blocked off." Takumi responded. "Which makes me wonder how..."

At that moment, Takumi could just make out in the distance the sounds of multiple approaching engines. Takumi had been around modified cars enough that he could make out the notes of aftermarket exhaust systems. Takumi turned to the south, and then southeast as he mentally traced the sounds of the engines back their sources.

"They're en route:" Takumi said, pointing in the direction the noise was coming from. "They're approaching from the southeast. Must be the only way that's not blocked off."

"Then let's get a move on," Ichika instructed, motioning for her group to follow.

Shingen and Kiyohira were close behind the First Officer, rifles at the ready, checking for targets. Staying low. If they were seen now, this would be for nothing.

Tristana followed behind quickly after the others. However, Takumi was a bit slower in his movement, due to his medical condition. As such, it took Takum longer to climb over the two foot park wall than it did for his shipmates.

Takumi finished scaling the wall in time to notice the first of a line of cars turn the corner and begin making their way towards the away team. Leading the small convoy was a black R33 Nissan Skyline GT-R, followed closely thereafter by the recognizable profile of Shinji's Toyota Sprinter Trueno.

"I take it that's them?" Ichika remarked, stealing a glance at Takumi.

"It's them." Takumi nodded as the R33 pulled to a stop in front of the away team, with the others in the convoy stopping behind it.

Soon the air was filled with the sound of vehicle doors opening and closing as their occupants exited. Out of the R33's passenger seat stepped the man these people called their leader: Ichiro Sakuragi. He stepped around the front of the GT-R to meet with the away team:

"So, this is what Starfleet sends me?" He asked, sizing up the mere five officers standing before him. "A little light for an assassination, don't you think?"

To be continued...


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