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The Plans Of The Dinner Scheme, Part 2: Games

Posted on Tue Oct 26th, 2021 @ 2:49am by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Edited on on Sun Nov 21st, 2021 @ 3:29am

1,984 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Jane Sinclair’s Quarters


“Just keep in mind I’m a pretty crappy shot with any sort of gun or that sort!”

That made Jane grin. "We can solve that." She stood and walked to the replicator. "Computer, oh, what was it called? Computer, replicate that toy that I got for Lucille for her birthday. And three empty aluminium cans."


The replicator provided what Jane asked for: three empty cans made of thin aluminium and a plastic toy gun which fired little darts with suction cups on them.

"My first Captain made it her mission to make sure I was a decent shot. By no means perfect but Security Chief Satt thinks I'm alright." Jane set the three cans on a counter that was roughly chest height. "Come here." She smiled warmly and reached one hand toward her date (for there was no longer any denying what it was).

The touch was electric as Alisha took Jane’s hand, adrenaline rushing her system in that first moment, “I am due to requalify with the phaser, but I barely made it each time I’ve had to, so you’ve got your work cut out for you..” She didn’t resist, didn’t want to, as she stopped over and on a second thought tied her heels off and stood in bare feet, now a couple inches shorter than Jane, “I’m guessing shooting in heels is a no-no?”

“Generally not,” Jane agreed, playfully shaking her head. She handed Alisha the toy pistol.

She stood behind Alisha and turned her to face the cans. “Feet shoulder width apart,” she said. She matched the pose and put herself fully in contact with the Intel beauty. She ran her fingers down the lengths of Alisha’s arms until each hand was on top of Alisha’s own. “Keep your arms straight, elbows locked,” she whispered into her ear. “Look down the sight line. Don’t forget to breathe. Pull the trigger when you’re ready.”

A sliver of ice ran up Alisha’s spine as Jane pressed up against her from behind and she froze again briefly. The reminder to breathe was more than just a calming technique and she inhaled sharply at the gentle whisper in her ear. Her own normal style was one foot forward, one behind, knees bent, arms bent at the elbows to adjust as needed, so this method was newer to her, but she dutifully kept her eyes on the sight, ending up closing one and adjusting slightly, breathing slowly. She jerked on the trigger, far harder than was needed as her nerves struck her, the suction-cupped dart sticking to the wall a few feet above the cans, almost at where it met the ceiling. “Shit..” She whispered as she cycled the pistol to reload, then looked down the sight again, unyielding to the gentle pressure Jane placed her her hands, her warmth, the breathe on the side of her face. She pulled the trigger more gently this time, still missing, but closer this time.

“You’re getting closer!” Jane said softly. “It’s possible this method is a bit flawed,” she admitted. “I shoot holodeck guns with recoil tamped down, and phasers which work differently. But if you like, I can let you stand differently. But I’d have to let go and back up.”

“Mmm mmm.” Alisha grumbled without opening her mouth, a clear negative. She enjoyed the touch of their bodies, muscles relaxing as she got used to it more and more. This time, she was sighting in even more carefully and brought in a breath and held it, gently pulling the trigger, waiting for it to break. ‘Think’ went one of the target cans, and Alisha exhaled with a smile that could be felt, but not seen, “If I get the other two, do I get a prize?”

"Three darts left," Jane whispered. "And two targets. If you get them, you get a prize. If you don't, I get the prize."

A slight twitch to the side in the same plane and the second can went down, now that distance was figured out: the twitch to the other side and she shot quickly twice, one dart going to either side of the can but not touching it. Alisha dropped her aim away from Jane’a hands, “I suppose that means I lose?” She turned to face Jane in between her arms, “Winning isn’t everything, at least I don’t think it is..” She looked up into Jane’s eyes, “I am your prize, right?”

Jane didn’t say anything. Her answer was to put one arm at the small of Alisha’s back to pull her closer, the other behind her neck, and gently place her lips on Alisha’s. Her eyes closed as she experienced what the Ba’Ku called a perfect moment in time. Time seemed to stand still as she held this beautiful, hilarious, charming, and kind woman in their first kiss.

The kiss ended as gently as it began, and mere millimeters from Alisha, Jane smiled and let out a giggle.

The giggle was infectious and Alisha couldn’t help herself as she started to giggle as well, finally noticing that her arms had gone around Jane’s neck without her intention to do so. Not that she was complaining, because in her arms was the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen, one that put Tiana Vellour, several time so-called ‘Sexiest Woman Alive’ to shame. Butterflies tried to drag her away, since her heart was making her float, and her smile was broad, uncontrolled, “I thought I’d lost? But I won first place?” She whispered the question, not seeking an answer, “I’ve.. Wanted to do that since yesterday, but too scared to ask…” She leaned in for another kiss, eyes fluttering closed.

But Jane knew she was the real winner. She leaned in too, eyes closed, and met Alisha’s lips with hers. Their second kiss was almost opposite to the first one. Not gentle and delicate, but more forceful. Hungry. Jane found herself pushing Alisha back toward a wall while her tongue sought out Alisha’s.

The toy gun clattered to the floor behind Jane, dropped from hands that had something far more important, more desperate of a mission. Alisha’s lips opened to accept the challenge to a duel a couple moments before her back thumped flat against the wall and she was pressed into it. She pulled Jane in closer one hand on her back, one in the back of her head, loving every moment already. She could portray strong characters, but deep down in her heart, the Intelligence Officer knew herself. She desired to be the more submissive of a pairing, perhaps not by too much, but not domineering. These thoughts flashed through her at the speed of light as the hand she’d had so firmly pressed to Jane’s back slipped lower until it squeezed her butt.

Jane moaned lightly at the new sensation on her posterior. If there was any doubt about what was about to happen, it evaporated with that squeeze. She ran her hands along Alisha’s waist, searching but failing to find the right spot.

She separated their lips and put her forearms on the wall, to either side of Alisha’s head. With one free hand, she gently freed the delicate flower in Alisha’s hair. “I can’t find the release to this dress,” she said. “I need your help with it.”

"Knew I should have worn something simpler..." Alisha gasped, chest heaving as her own hands began to fumble around her waist, particularly one spot on the 'belt'. She recognized she was nervous, but there was no need to be nervous, index finger finally finding the catch and with one tiny little flick, the pressure that kept the dress firmly against her was released. One and a half times around her and it would fall to the ground, but she made no move of her own to unwrap it, that was something she was certain Jane wanted to do herself. At least it was shoulderless as she leaned back against the wall, eyes on Jane's once more and she unconsciously licked her lips, hands moving back up behind the woman that was about to be her lover, finding the seal of the purple dress and with her eyes alone asked for permission.

Jane’s answer was equally nonvocal. Instead she resumed her kiss. Their tongues were intertwined as she found with one hand the catch that Alisha had released. There was only a scant space between them but Jane pulled the dress like she was unwrapping a present. One half around. One around. Just one more pull and it would fall, but she had something else in store, which would require her to break the kiss again. Instead she waited for Alisha to finish what she was doing with Jane’s purple dress, eager for whatever would happen next.

Alisha expertly unsealed the back of Jane’s dress to the small of her back where the seal ended, then knew it was held on by shoulder straps alone. This sort of dress was relatively easy to undo, but the hands that were on her would have to be removed to get it off and she didn’t like that one bit. Still… Without breaking the intensity of the kiss, she slid first the left strap down the arm until Jane extricated it and re-placed the hand where it had been and repeated with the other side, then let the purple dress drop gently to pool on the floor of her quarters, placing both hands on Jane’s back, rubbing ever so gently.

The rush of cool air on Jane’s back brought goosebumps beyond what she was already experiencing. She tended to wear sexy underwear most days, not for anyone else but for herself. Now, in front of Alisha…she was split between the confidence she normally felt in such lingerie, and vulnerable; exposed.

She took a deep breath and the confident side reasserted itself. She had picked up on a few cues from Alisha, and figured she would probably enjoy what she had planned next. She broke the kiss and grinned hungrily. She pulled them both away from the wall before, one hand on her dress, spinning Alisha to face away from her. The wraparound dress was now completely gone, tossed onto the floor. She tossed aside her own bra, leaving her with the same amount of clothes as her new lover. Jane pressed herself firmly into Alisha’s back and began kissing her neck, running her hands across her exposed skin. Her chest, stomach, and thighs burned in all the areas they made contact.

Alisha had no control over the situation, which she'd been told was a bad thing by so many people from the time she was young. A low moan came from her throat as she bent her neck to the side, exposing more to Jane and the hands exploring her, the feel of Jane's body pressed against her back. She was by no means no virgin in any potential meaning of the word, but just right now, it was exhilarating, her excitement obvious as she reached up with a trembling hand to caress Jane's face and neck, the other rubbing her leg, playing with the lacy undergarmet that she'd never seen. Alisha had no control and she loved it. She trusted Jane completely, utterly, no guard up in any way whatsoever. Raw emotions and instincts guided her now, and her hand captured one of her to-be-lover's hand and started to guide it downwards.

Posting by (in order of appearance):

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant Junior Grade Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)


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