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The Plans Of The Dinner Scheme, Part 3: Dessert

Posted on Tue Oct 26th, 2021 @ 2:49am by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno

3,225 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Jane Sinclair’s Quarters

Locks of black hair were matted to Jane’s forehead as she lay in her bed, breathing heavily as she came down off the high she’s experiencing for the past…god how long had it been? She had completely lost her sense of time. And her sense of place. Her environment was starting to come back into focus. It was indeed her bed, though the bedsheets were tangled and mostly on the floor. Her skin, completely exposed to the air, grew chilly as the heat from their act began to dissipate. Blurred vision came back into focus and her green eyes met the beautiful blue ones of Alisha Reno. She grinned, giggled between bedraggled breaths, and reached for her lover.

The giggle was infectious again, and Alisha swatted playfully at the incoming hand before capturing it and pressing it to her heaving chest, it sliding over her own perspiration. The giggle turned into a full on laugh as her slipperiness registered. This was completely new to her, not the sex, but the sheer... Inanity of things, no barriers, no expectations, nothing but the two of them there in bed with each other, nothing between them at all. "Already?" She laughed, rolling over on her side as she dragged the hand up and kissed it, then edged over and kissed Jane on the collarbone. "A few minutes? Something to drink? A snack?" Her blue eyes lit up, "I can get them for us."

“That sounds fantastic,” Jane said, her breathing slowly coming back to normal. “You should have replicator access. Or did you bring more?” Her eyes lit up at the notion that there might be more delicious treats from Spacedock. She tried to sit up to look around, and failed when her arms and core refused to cooperate. She stayed lying down, but she did manage to spot one bag that hadn’t been opened. “Did you well and truly spoil me?” she asked.

"Maaaaaybe." Alisha giggled again, very reluctantly releasing Jane and sliding over to the edge of the bed and getting to her feet. She put a significant amount of wiggle to her nude walk to where the bag sat, peeking over her shoulder to make sure Jane was watching, giggling again as she noted she was, then pulled two items out of the bag and sauntered back towards the bed, "More assorted French goodies, but also a nice large slice of strawberry cheesecake. It's my favorite dessert ever." She made mention, looking into Jane's eyes, "EVER." She all but fell back onto the bed, holding the desserts carefully so as not to squish them.

“Cheesecaaaaaaaake!” Jane cheered. “When you say a nice large slice, you mean large enough to share, right?” She rolled onto her side to face Alisha, the curves denoted by her chest, waist, hips, and thighs on full display. “Right?” She stuck her lower lip out in a playful pout.

Alisha gave a mocking considering face, as if wondering if she really should, but couldn't keep that face for long, "Of course I've got enough to share.. If I didn't, I'd give it all to you." She said seriously, wanting to just reach back out, instead she picked the strawberry from the top and sidled closer, keeping the dessert between her and Jane, small fork tucked inside it, and traced Jane's nipple with the strawberry before sliding it up towards Jane's mouth, presenting it for consumption.

Jane gasped at the sudden, cold, intimate contact on her otherwise searing hot skin. She closed her eyes and smiled as she felt the flesh of the fruit move up her chest and neck to her lips. She let her tongue rest on it a moment before biting into the sweet berry, a light spray of juice on her chin. “Mmmm. Wasn’t expecting that!” she said after swallowing. “You’ll give me ideas of how to eat that cake.” She opened her eyes and reached across the dessert sized gap between them. She allowed her fingers to gently glide along Alisha’s glistening thigh and hip.

Alisha licked her lips as the still electric touch from Jane traced up her body, stifling the moan that wanted to escape, “What, spread it across each other and clean it up?” She asked playfully, biting the inside of her upper lip as Jane reached a particularly sensitive spot, her own hand reaching up to cup the other woman’s cheek, wiping away the juice with a thumb and sliding it into her own mouth s moment later, “That’d be really messy.”

“Well I already need to change the bedding,” Jane observed dryly. “And take a sonic shower.” She found the fork and used it to cut the point off the cheesecake. “So if we make a bit more a mess,” she said, gently pressing the dessert into Alisha’s abdomen, “I don’t think I’ll mind too much.” She set the fork down and went about devouring the creamy, fruity, cheesy deliciousness. She made a point to be thorough.

Alisha’s back arched involuntarily at the constant, intense contact, her breathing, having had settled down once again coming in shorter gasps. Her hands clenched sheets in their fists as her heightened senses pushed her over the edge again, not something she’d experienced from this sort of lovemaking, she purred deep in her throat, “Didn’t realize I had a food fetish..” She got out in a husky voice, as Jane finished with the cleanup, drawing her up into a deep kiss, tasting the cheesecake from that, then carefully rolling Jane onto her own back, “My turn.” She said eagerly, cutting off another small bit and trying to decide where she wanted to go with it, finally choosing across Jane’s upper right thigh, outside to inside, working to ensure that she cleaned it as intensely as Jane had done.

“Oh, fu—” Jane’s breath was caught in her throat. Her face contorted at the onslaught of pleasure, her hips bucked though couldn’t move very far, and she failed to make any further sounds besides a whimper near the end. When she could finally breathe again, she propped herself up on her elbows to look down at the beautiful woman near her lap. “Perhaps somewhere a bit more benign this time,” she suggested. She scooped up some more cake. She found one of Alisha’s hands and pulled it up. She gently smeared some of the cheesecake onto her palm and fingers. “So is cheesecake still the best dessert?” she asked, and then she began gently nibbling the cake off Alisha’s hand.

“You can’t go wrong with cheesecake!” But I think you’re a better one.” Alisha giggled, planting small kisses as she worked her way up the dark haired woman, “So versatile, too, useful for more than I’d thought at least..” She reached Jane’s face and planted a light kiss on her forehead, before laying right up next to her, curiosity on her face, “I’m probably shooting myself in the foot.. But you don’t see Her, do you?” The capital ‘H’ on the pronoun could only mean one person, Silverstar.

Jane smiled. She understood the question all too well. “You’re not the only one on this ship with celebrity status, Alisha,” she said sympathetically. “The XO recognized me from my racing days. Her Academy roommate had a poster of me. I didn’t mind at all. Made me feel good actually, but that’s neither here nor there. I remember at the peak of my career. Like all athletes, there were groupies aplenty. If I wanted company, I could get it. But I know the feeling you’re worried about: are they there for me, or to brag about bedding Number 81?”

She placed a gentle kiss on Alisha’s lips. “You look like Her. But to talk to you, to get to know you, I see only Alisha Reno.” She scooped up another bite of cheesecake and held it still in front of Alisha’s lips. “And I like the real Alisha Reno.”

“And I like being me.” Alisha agreed, taking the bite delicately from Jane’s fingers, “Oh, I’ll admit, I cheated when you walked into my office yesterday.. I’d known who you were from back at the Academy, and we had two classes together in our first year, Eighty-Six. Small Craft Maintenance 101 and Astro-Navigation.” Alisha had done some more research and dug through her own memory, “I was doing my best not to be noticed, since I’d just left my old career and was trying to be something new. So I was the quiet one, near the back of the class, in among the group. I’d seen you, recognized you and was honestly happy that so many of the other Flight Control cadets had latched onto you and every word or motion you made, because it meant they never saw me. A couple did, had to do a couple things to… Keep them quiet.” She didn’t mention that one had required one of those notches on a belt, but it HAD worked. The other had just been a fanboy who wanted a couple pictures and a date, which she’d obliged him, well away from the campus.

“Then the next year was asked to consider Intelligence and all but vanished from the campus. Part of our training, to see who could handle undercover operations, my Intelligence pod group found out, but we were sworn to secrecy about what we learned about each other, so none of them spread anything.” Alisha stole the fork from Jane in order to feed her the second to last bite of cheesecake, “But yeah, when I found out you were one of the senior officers on Myogi, it wasn’t hard to look up your record before you found me. And the way you looked coming through the door?” She let out a low whistle, “I swear the butterflies came out of their cocoons. Not because you were Jane Sinclair, racing ace or Jane Sinclair, star pilot, but because you were… You. I really can’t describe it, and when I was getting ready for tonight with dinner and how I looked, I went perhaps a bit overboard. I was almost late because I almost had to change, but I’m never late. Never ever, ever. Take it to the bank. If I’m late by even a second, somethings wrong.”

“Oh I understand completely,” Jane replied. “I pride myself on timeliness. On knowing how long things will take, and doing it faster.” She giggled as an old memory popped into her head. “During senior year, my instructors got annoyed with me because when I was done by usual transit run I’d go fly off somewhere. Sometimes I’d test the impulse engines and full burn between Earth and Venus. Sometimes I’d dodge asteroids in the belt. Often I’d just find a spot in deep space, turn off the AG, and just float. I always knew I had time though because the Shuttlebay Commander scheduled six hours of maintenance between runs and if I ever took more than three it was because something was bad. So I’d fly or float around, land three hours late, but the shuttle would be ready for the next go.”

She took a deep breath. “So you can imagine my panic when you chimed my door and I hadn’t even gotten dressed. I’m never late. And I’m never indecisive. And there I was, both at the same time. And in you came, all gorgeous and generous, offering to cook my favourite foods. You describe butterflies…an entire silk farm tried to escape my tummy. I wasn’t going to make any decisions. Hell, if you hadn’t picked, I’d be in coveralls, or that Chu Chu shirt I got from a Zebulon Sisters concert in ‘86.” She picked up some more cake and held it out for Alisha, a simple familiar gesture that after being done once now seemed utterly normal.

“Heh, I opened for them during my promo tour as Elena Girardi when the Sisters came to Earth for a tour of some of the major cities.” Alisha chuckled, “But I’m fortunate that I took about two hours to decide what to wear, tried on six different outfits before settling on the one I finally wore here. Some of them were really complicated to put on, a couple were too casual for anything more than just drinks, because I sure wasn’t going to cook in sweatpants and a shirt, not on the first date! I wanted to look good for you, and yes, I might have gone a bit formal, but something tells me you approved of it.” She ran a fingertip up Jane’s leg.

“What makes you say that?” Jane asked playfully, goosebumps returning to her leg wherever that finger made contact. “Was it the look on my face when I saw you, that I kept checking you out, or how much fun I had taking it off you?” She kissed Alisha again.

“Ohh, all three, not that I wasn’t trying to get a glimpse of what was under that kimono you were wearing.”Alisha scrunched her nose in amusement, “I was trying not to be obvious about it, didn’t want to freak you out or anything! I may act all confident and that I n ow exactly what I’m doing, but for the most part, I’m just little old Alisha, demure and quiet and not wanting to step on any toes if I don’t have to.”

“Oh but the toes are the best parts to step on,” Jane joked as she gently started playing footsies with Alisha. “In all seriousness though, it felt nice, the way you looked at me.” She smiled again. “And I wouldn’t have walked in front of you in the kimono if I didn’t accept the risk that you might just rip it off me right away.”

“I was most seriously tempted.” Alisha admitted, a blush on her face, “And if the opportunity arises again, I think I very well may do it, now that I know just how delightful and delectable you are underneath it.” She wrapped an arm around Jane and squeezed her tightly, “But it would have been very, very inappropriate earlier… Trust betrayed like that is trust never regained and I would have felt like a monster if I’d gone and done it.” She was silent for a good few seconds, “I have a sorta awkward question to ask you…” She said in all seriousness, a little worry on her face.

Jane responded by pulling Alisha closer and kissing her. Not just a peck, but something passionate. Meaningful. Loving. When the kiss finally broke, she stayed close. “I believe in it, yes,” she said softly. “Assuming I guessed your question right.”

For a moment, Alisha lay there with her mouth open to offer a witty retort along the lines of, ‘Santa Claus really IS real then!’ Just to laugh and joke around, but that just didn’t want to come out. Instead she stared into Jane’s eyes, wonder in her own, “Me too. I didn’t before today, or maybe yesterday, but yesterday I was still skeptical about it. Now? Now I believe in it wholeheartedly. Because, Jane Sinclair, I’m in love with you.” It was a definitive statement, one that had a scant minimum of actual evidence, yet had the certainty of a mountains bones behind it. No doubt from the professional paranoiac.

“I’ve never really felt in love,” Jane admitted. “At least I don’t think so. But I think I am too. In love with you, that is.” She smiled and giggled. “I’ve had flings. I’ve had stable girlfriends for short to medium durations. Every time has been a bit different. But absolutely nothing has been like this. And I want to explore it with you.”

“Same. My longest relationship was four months with a guy while I was undercover trying to see how far a smuggling operation had stretched itself out.” Alisha shook her head, “And despite what the tabloids said, I never was secretly married to Vega Dornier, never been tied down so far. And none of mine have had whatever spark I’m feeling with you. I know the Fleet will send us wherever they need us to go, but dear God I hope they send us both to the same place at the same time.”

“I hope so too.” Jane looked away a moment, into the distance, as she contemplated the possibilities. She imagined her life with someone she truly loved. But she also considered what might happen if they were split apart and sent to different corners of the galaxy. She imagined all the pain that she might face should this develop into a full relationship, if they were reassigned or if Alisha were hurt. Or even if no one was separated or hurt and they just grew bitter over time. She imagined the pain she might cause too, whether being injured or killed, or just through inconsiderate or unkind words.

But then she smiled. Because this one was special. This one was worth the risk. The potential for the worst kind of pain was subsumed by the even greater rewards of love and affection of a beautiful, kind soul like Alisha Reno. “You need to know three things for tonight.” She held up three fingers, and then began pointing to them one at a time as she counted. “One, I plan to be up early to work out and you’re joining me. Two, we need to replicate new sheets and have a quick sonic shower before sleep.”

Alisha stuck her lower lip out in an exaggerated pout, “I’m guessing that means I’m going to have to get up out of this nice comfy bed and my personal body warmer?” She asked playfully, mischief in her eyes, but assented with a nod in any case, “All right, all right, I’ll bow to your evil scheme… Tonight.” She laughed as she squeezed Jane in one more hug and a gently kiss on her shoulder, “But if I’m staying over, I didn’t think to bring pajamas, so I hope you don’t mind..”

“Hmm…let me think…” Jane said, tapping her chin. “I guess I’ll allow it this time. But there’s one little problem. I said there were three things and then only told you two.” She then smiled like the cat that caught the canary and used one arm to turn Alisha onto her back. She straddled her lover and picked up the rest of the cheesecake. “Number three. I’m not done with you yet.” She smeared the last of the sweet and sticky goodness across Alisha’s chest and in a line from her neck all the way down, and set about enjoying her dessert.

Posting by (in order of appearance):

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant Junior Grade Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)


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