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Thu Oct 21st, 2021 @ 2:10am

Lieutenant Satt

Name Satt

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bolian
Age 44
Date of Birth 24-05-2351
Place of Birth Bolarus IX
Sexuality pan-sexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 172lbs
Hair Color None
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tall and broad, Satt has the physique typical of a Starfleet security officer, trim and in shape, though he’s begun to sag a middle due to age. Most often his features will be twisted into a frown. His body is a patchwork of scars from his time in the Dominion War, particularly his hands which are covered in a spider-web of white, scarred skin.


Spouse N/A
Status single
Children N/A
Father Mett
Mother Astla
Brother(s) Estt
Sister(s) Ystra
Other Family Various Aunts and Uncles

Personality & Traits

General Overview Satt, unlike many Bolians, has been shaped into a taciturn and quiet man. As a long-serving member of Starfleet he takes great pride in his work and takes great pleasure in the successes of his fellow crewmen. As a Marine-turned-Security Officer, he often believes he has been over-promoted. Not because of his lack of ability, but because the paperwork takes him away from the duties he most loves.

Though he personally would not say he was a loner, Satt recognises that he has few friends, and most of those were made decades ago.

Owing to his service in the Dominion War, Satt is at best unnerved by darkness, and at worst has become unmanned by it. He sees a Counsellor regularly for issues that have arisen from his wartime service. The Bolian does find it difficult to confide in a new Counsellor every tour.
Strengths & Weaknesses + - Experience – As a seasoned veteran of Starfleet, Satt has a wealth of experience to draw on, whatever the situation. This ensures a calm disposition and steadiness under fire.

+ - Proficient – As an ex-Marine and current Starfleet Security and Tactical Officer, Satt is proficient in small arms fire and starship battle tactics.

-/+ - Proud – Satt is a proud Bolian, and it shows in his work. However, that can have a negative effect if Satt feels his work is being unfairly questioned.

-/+ - Veteran’s Issues – after long service, Satt has found himself in numerous situations that have taxed his mind and body in ways he did not imagine when he joined up. As a result, he has frequent sessions with Counsellors to ensure he is his best self.

- - Taciturn – Satt is a quiet man, and with an unintentionally sour expression, he has been misconstrued as rude or unapproachable which has resulted in difficulties in building an instant rapport and connections with others.
Ambitions Satt is aware that that in a few short years he will have racked up thirty years’ service in Starfleet and for the Federation. With the mileage on his body, the Bolian has begun to wonder whether this assignment should be his last – after all, if he’s promoted once more, he may lose all the aspects of the work he enjoys.
Hobbies & Interests Satt has a wide variety of interests – music from across the Federation and beyond, he enjoys a good crime novel, and he enjoys food, whether cooking or eating it.

In his quieter moments, Satt builds scale models in order to keep his anxiety at bay

Personal History

Personal History Born in 2351, Satt is the middle child of three siblings. His parents were mid-level functionaries working for the Bank of Bolarus at the time of his birth, and Satt experienced a comfortable upbringing on the Bolian homeworld, Bolarus IX. The homeworld was far from any front lines, and the intermittent, if intense conflict with the Cardassians and Talarians during the decade scarcely impacted on the young child’s life.

Satt was a precocious and outgoing youngster. He excelled in outdoor sports and pursuits, enjoying traditional Bolian archery, and being encouraged in pursuing the sport by his parents, won several minor regional championships. As an unusually determined child, he stuck to his training regimen religiously, seldom missing practice or missing his homework.

As he grew, he found he was quite good at the sciences as well, and a general all-rounder. He of course had the privilege of being educated at one of the Bank’s prestigious private schools which catered for its employees. This ensured that Satt was surrounded by people from all over the Federation from a young age.

Throughout his childhood and into his teenage years, Satt was aware of the background conflict with the Cardassians, but it seldom impinged on his life. What he did learn was to value the Federation and Starfleet which allowed the Bank to gainfully employ his parents, and bring wealth through trade to Bolarus IX. One of the seminal moments was when, as a 13 year old, news of the Enterprise-D’s voyages were beamed across the Federation News Network. The sight of the Galaxy-class vessel in space moved Satt in ways he hadn’t thought possible.

Entering his high school years, the focused teen’s thoughts began to fixate on his future. Satt became a little more serious year-by-year, though he had a wide circle of friends, and a tight circle of confidants throughout his school years. The Bolian was good at sports, especially his traditional archery which he practiced diligently, and at the sciences, particularly physics. With the two sets of skills, he was a little lost at what he could do with his life – he certainly didn’t want to go work for the Bank – and began to focus on entering Starfleet.
Satt prepared for years, striving to make sure he could pass the Academy tests as soon as he was allowed to take them. When he was 17, the Bolian took the Starfleet Academy entrance exams, and failed.

He was distraught. Satt spent most of the next year unfocused and moping, finding solace only in his sports activities which he knew he was good at. His grades in his academic subjects dropped, and Satt quickly found he was struggling to pass his final year.

The Bolian took drastic action, and impulsively applied to the Starfleet Marine Corps, taking the trials a few weeks after he turned eighteen. Unsurprisingly the Bolian was deemed acceptable for the Corps, and he began his training in 2369.

Satt quickly settled into Marine life, finding the regimented days to his liking. He worked hard to complete the training course that he had been offered, completing his basic and supplementary training within the allotted year, and passing out as a sniper specialist.

It was 2370, and the galaxy was tipping towards crisis. First Contact had been made with the Dominion, and the Demilitarised Zone had been established along the Federation/Cardassian border. Satt intuitively believed that conflict would come sooner rather than later, if only because the galaxy hadn’t known serious conflict in many a year.

As part of the 4th Marine Expeditionary Ranger Brigade, Corporal Satt was assigned to the USS Bryant an Ambassador-class cruiser that patrolled the DMZ between the Federation and Cardassia. The Bryant found itself in a cat-and-mouse game with the Maquis, and often Satt would be deployed alongside his regiment only to learn that the Maquis had long gone.
Rumours were rife across the ship that there was more than one Maquis sympathiser and informant amongst the crew, though nothing ever seemed to come of any investigations into the matter, despite several attempts by Security to corner the suspects. One memorable encounter when chasing down the Maquis led to a standoff for several hours with Cardassian security forces chasing the same leads. Satt found himself up a hill in the rain with nothing but his equipment and weapon for the better part of a day. He was glad of his cocoa at the end of that shift.

For the better part of 2370 and 2371 The Bryant conducted this exhausting chase, notching up some minor successes, but mostly found their duties to be a frustration. Mid-way through 2371 the Admiralty decided that the Bryant deserved a break from the DMZ and assigned it a part of a flotilla to patrol the borders of the Tzenkethi Coalition. Some break.

Still, Satt found the constant probing and matching of wits by the Tzenkethi to be a more rewarding turn in his duties. As the Tzenkethi were fond of conducting small-scale raids into Federation space, he more often than not found himself face-to-scope with his foe, allowing him the satisfaction of actual engagement with his foe, rather than a dour cat-and-mouse game that drove him up the wall.

Beginning in 2372 the Bryant was assigned convoy escort duty to deter increasingly hostile Klingon incursions into Federation space. Satt in fact saw little action during this assignment, save for a few ship-to-ship combat actions that utilised little of his specialities.

At the tale end of 2372, Satt intended to take long-stored shoreleave time and return to Bolarus to meet his family. He was barely there a few standard weeks before war was declared with the Dominion, and he was forced to ship out. His family already marked the changes that had begun. He was no longer the fit, if chubby, Bolian that had started marine training a few years before. He was leaner, more serious, and more outwardly quiet than before, though he still had an infectious laugh.

The Bryant was assigned to the Fifth Fleet early in the war, and was party to the brutal onslaught the Dominion launched in the first three months of the conflict. Having built strong friendships with the Marines and Fleet elements aboard the ship, Satt found the brutal losses – upwards of sixty per cent of the crew in the first year – to be brutal, and retreated within himself for a long while.

For most of the latter half of 2373, the Bryant was out of commission at Starbase 112, and Satt was re-assigned to the Akira-class USS Agamemnon. The Aggy as her crewmembers called her saw action again with the Fifth fleet, participating in Operation Return, and suffering heavy damage during the battle in 2374.

Following that, the Aggy was used as a method of deploying her Marines to far-flung locations at the front, allowing the Ranger Brigade to which Satt was attached to get behind enemy lines and cause havoc or scout out enemy dispositions as was needed. More than once they made contact with the burgeoning Cardassian Resistance, ensuring that weapons and equipment were funnelled to their allies.

It was on one of these missions that Satt was captured, and imprisoned by the Dominion. They reasonably suspected he was in some form of contact with the Cardassian Resistance, and so tortured him in various ways, leaving lasting scars, including one across his neck that affects his vocal cords, that have marked him to this day. More insidious and damaging was the mental toll that isolation in the deep dark of the cells had on him. Darkness unnerves the Bolian and he will not willingly relinquish a source of light if he can help it. Even when sleeping the lights in his quarters must be on a low setting.
Spending the remainder of the war in captivity, Satt was freed and returned after the cessation of hostilities and spent months in a recuperation centre on Risa healing from both his physical and mental wounds.

After leaving the Attan Centre, Satt took a long leave of absence to assess his career. He returned to a Bolarus much-changed by the war. This conflict had reached every part of the Federation and she was exhausted. His parents noted the understandable taciturn turn in their son, and worried for him. Satt spent his time recuperating and pushing himself on long hikes in the Bolian hinterland, searching for a path forward for himself. War had changed him, that was certain, but he still wished to serve. During his time at home, Satt learnt that the Federation was encouraging veterans to apply to Starfleet Academy under more lenient strictures that what he had applied uder almost a decade before.

Being accepted into the Academy was a godsend for Satt. It gave him renewed purpose and vigour. Being older than the majority of the cadets, Satt, taciturn and withdrawn, made few friends, though he enjoyed his time in San Francisco. He quickly specialised in Security and Tactical studies, allowing for a minor in Intelligence, and never looked back.

As per his suspicions, he wasn’t a brilliant, high-flying cadet, but he was solid, and his work ethic saw him place in the upper quarter of his year when graduating. This allowed him to pick his own Cadet Cruise aboard the USS Akaar, a Sovereign-class vessel assigned to the Romulan border. A quiet assignment. Satt soon found his feet and was able to utilise his skills to the full, running investigations into smuggling rings in the border region with the supervision of a (younger) superior officer.

His work ethic was such that the head of department requested that he stay on once his Cadet Cruise was done, and he was soon commissioned a full Lieutenant (JG) in recognition of his past service, and took a spot as one of the Akaar’s Security and Tactical Officers.

Soon after accepting his commission aboard the Akaar, she was assigned to Gamma Command, an expeditionary force that was to take advantage of, and police, the new peace with the Dominion. Operating from a small forward base at the mouth of the wormhole, the Akaar spent four years patrolling and exploring the Gamma Quadrant to the galactic south of the wormhole’s location.

During this time, Satt was able to take part in numerous First and Second Contact scenarios, ably performing his duties as he troubleshooted his way through thorny situations with diplomatic nous. Thought withdrawn, and quiet, he did make a few friends during his time, and found his tour to be enjoyable.
More than once the Akaar found herself under attack, mostly from pirate elements who attempted to profit from the power vacuum left after the near-collapse of the Dominion following the war. Several times he participated in raids on pirate bases, whether on hollowed-out asteroids or planet surfaces, and acquitted himself well in his duties.

After completing a four-year tour of exploration, the Akaar headed back to the Alpha Quadrant, the need of a capital ship being greater there. In recognition of his abilities, Satt was promoted to Assistant Chief in the resulting reshuffling and transfers of positions, something which was unexpected.
Having already earned the respect of his fellow crewmembers, Satt quickly settled into his new role. The Akaar was assigned to patrol the Cardassian border in an effort to bolster the failing state’s ability to counter pirate activities along its frontier. With greater responsibilities, Satt found it exciting to be running his own Security operations to counter smugglers and pirate along the border. For the most part, he led from the front, actively participating in the operations he planned.

At the end of 2386, the Akaar was assigned for an extensive refit having spent almost a decade in active service with no major modifications. Satt was transferred once again, this time to the Vesta-class Caesarea.
The Caesarea spent the next few years patrolling the wide expanse of space between the Cardassian Union and the Breen, showing the flag and combating pirate and smuggler rings in the area. Quite often, Satt was allowed to accompany some of the more senior officers on diplomatic missions, providing security for the Starfleet delegations.

It was a quiet tour for the Bolian, and he enjoyed it, making a few rare new friends in the process. In 2389, the Caesarea was pulled back from her flag-waving duties, and sent to patrol the Romulan border in the vicinity of his homeworld, Bolarus. The Romulans had been unstable since the Shinzon coup decades earlier, and the bleed-over was affecting the Federation side of the Neutral Zone. Several times, Satt and a small team would slip in to the Neutral Zone, assess a planet for malign influences and reporting to their superiors on their return.

In several cases they found troubling indications that the Orion Syndicate were bedding in across the Neutral Zone and in to Romulan Space. The Caesarea was assigned to a taskforce to disrupt and degrade their piratical activities. Satt acquitted himself well, leading a dedicated team from the ship to pursue the ne’er-do-wells with efficiency.

2391 saw him gain a promotion, and a forced transfer, as no Lieutenant berth was available on the Caesarea. Satt ended up unexpectedly heading the Security and Tactical Department of the Charon an ageing Centaur-class ship, perpetually one refit away from mothball. The Bolian again enjoyed his assignment here, though he found as Chief he lost many of the duties, he had been enjoying lower down the rung. Still, his sense of duty prevailed, and he acquitted himself well as the Charon went about its patrols of Federation space.

By 2394 and almost a decade of consistent front-line service, Satt was transferred once more, this time to the Academy on Earth where he was to lecture in Security and Tactical studies. For Satt, the quiet, dour Bolian, it was an excruciating experience. He had had little interest in the work to begin with, and after six months applied for a transfer, but was denied. After a year, he was successful in his application and packed up his belongings for the next adventure.

As he left Earth, he reflected that he would miss the planet, its inhabitants, and the food. He would not miss the teaching.

Starfleet Record

Commission officer
Starfleet Serial Number AT-339-7892-IWM
Command authorization code Satt-Golf-Echo-3-3
Education & Qualifications Marine Training
Starfeet Academy
Awards & Commendations Purple Heart
Dominion Campaign ribbons (various)
Bolarus Star of Distinguishment
3rd Regional Championship Runnerup 2368
Medical History Wounds relating to POW treatment, Dominion War – request for details
Continuing Counsellor sessions relating to War trauma.
Service Record 2370-73 4th Marine Expeditionary Force, Corporal [Sniper specialist] – Assigned USS Bryant
2373-74 4th Marine Expeditionary Force, Corporal [Sniper specialist] – Assigned USS Bryant
2374-75 – Starfleet Medical Centre Attan, Risa
2376-79 – Starfleet Academy
2379-80 – Cadet Cruise, Lieutenant (JG) – Assigned USS Akaar
2380-83 – Security & Tactical Officer Lieutenant (JG) – Assigned USS Akaar
2383-86 – Assistant Chief Security & Tactical Officer, Lieutenant (JG) – Assigned USS Akaar
2387-90 – Assistant Chief Security & Tactical Officer, Lieutenant (JG) – Assigned USS Caesarea
2391-94 – Chief Security Officer, Lieutenant – Assigned USS Charon
2394-95 – Lecturer, Starfleet Academy, Security Studies
2395- Present – Chief Security Officer – Assigned USS Miyogi